
Database Open Access

Wide-field calcium imaging sleep state database

Eric Landsness, Xiaohui Zhang, Wei Chen, Hanyang Miao, Michelle Tang, Lindsey Brier, Mark Anastasio, Jin-Moo Lee, Joseph Culver

Wide-field calcium imaging database that consists of annotated sleep recording collected from transgenic mice at Washington University of St Louis School of Medicine.

sleep wide-field calcium imaging sleep state classification sleep staging machine learning

Published: March 17, 2022. Version: 1.0.1

Database Credentialed Access

EHRXQA: A Multi-Modal Question Answering Dataset for Electronic Health Records with Chest X-ray Images

Seongsu Bae, Daeun Kyung, Jaehee Ryu, Eunbyeol Cho, Gyubok Lee, Sunjun Kweon, Jungwoo Oh, Lei JI, Eric Chang, Tackeun Kim, Edward Choi

We present EHRXQA, the first multi-modal EHR QA dataset combining structured patient records with aligned chest X-ray images. EHRXQA contains a comprehensive set of QA pairs covering image-related, table-related, and image+table-related questions.

question answering machine learning evaluation visual question answering electronic health records benchmark multi-modal question answering deep learning chest x-ray ehr question answering semantic parsing

Published: July 23, 2024. Version: 1.0.0

Database Credentialed Access


Alistair Johnson, Lucas Bulgarelli, Tom Pollard, Brian Gow, Benjamin Moody, Steven Horng, Leo Anthony Celi, Roger Mark

Large database of de-identified health information from patients admitted to Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

critical care intensive care unit mimic machine learning

Published: July 23, 2024. Version: 3.0

Database Credentialed Access

MIMIC-CXR Database

Alistair Johnson, Tom Pollard, Roger Mark, Seth Berkowitz, Steven Horng

Chest radiographs in DICOM format with associated free-text reports.

computer vision chest x-rays natural language processing radiology mimic machine learning

Published: July 23, 2024. Version: 2.1.0

Database Credentialed Access

MIMIC-Ext-MIMIC-CXR-VQA: A Complex, Diverse, And Large-Scale Visual Question Answering Dataset for Chest X-ray Images

Seongsu Bae, Daeun Kyung, Jaehee Ryu, Eunbyeol Cho, Gyubok Lee, Sunjun Kweon, Jungwoo Oh, Lei JI, Eric Chang, Tackeun Kim, Edward Choi

We introduce MIMIC-Ext-MIMIC-CXR-VQA, a complex, diverse, and large-scale dataset designed for Visual Question Answering (VQA) tasks within the medical domain, focusing primarily on chest radiographs.

question answering multimodal radiology machine learning evaluation visual question answering electronic health records benchmark deep learning chest x-ray

Published: July 19, 2024. Version: 1.0.0

Challenge Credentialed Access

MIT Critical Datathon 2023: a MIMIC-IV Derived Dataset for Pulse Oximetry Correction Models

João Matos, Tristan Struja, David S Restrepo, Luis Filipe Nakayama, Jack Gallifant, Luca Weishaupt, Nikita Mullangi, Maria Loureiro, Skyler Shapiro, Adrien Carrel, Leo Anthony Celi

A SaO2-SpO2 Pairs Dataset derived from MIMIC-IV

health equity pulse oximetry machine learning

Published: May 8, 2023. Version: 1.0.0

Database Credentialed Access

Learning to Ask Like a Physician: a Discharge Summary Clinical Questions (DiSCQ) Dataset

Eric Lehman

Dataset of questions asked by medical experts about patients. Medical experts will read a discharge summary line-by-line and (1) ask any question that they may have and (2) record what in the text "triggered" them to ask their question.

question generation question answering machine learning

Published: July 28, 2022. Version: 1.0

Database Restricted Access

REFLACX: Reports and eye-tracking data for localization of abnormalities in chest x-rays

Ricardo Bigolin Lanfredi, Mingyuan Zhang, William Auffermann, Jessica Chan, Phuong-Anh Duong, Vivek Srikumar, Trafton Drew, Joyce Schroeder, Tolga Tasdizen

This dataset contains 3032 cases of eye-tracking data collected while five radiologists dictated reports for frontal chest x-rays, synchronized timestamped dictation transcription, and manual labels for validation of localization of abnormalities.

eye tracking radiology report reflacx fixations computer vision chest x-rays gaze radiology machine learning deep learning

Published: Sept. 27, 2021. Version: 1.0.0

Database Credentialed Access

Chest ImaGenome Dataset

Joy Wu, Nkechinyere Agu, Ismini Lourentzou, Arjun Sharma, Joseph Paguio, Jasper Seth Yao, Edward Christopher Dee, William Mitchell, Satyananda Kashyap, Andrea Giovannini, Leo Anthony Celi, Tanveer Syeda-Mahmood, Mehdi Moradi

The Chest ImaGenome dataset is a scene graph dataset with additional chronological comparison relations for chest X-rays. It is automatically derived from the MIMIC-CXR dataset. A manually annotated gold standard is also available for 500 patients.

scene graph visual dialogue object detection semantic reasoning bounding box relation extraction knowledge graph explainability reasoning chest cxr disease progression multimodal radiology machine learning visual question answering deep learning chest x-ray

Published: July 13, 2021. Version: 1.0.0

Database Contributor Review

HiRID, a high time-resolution ICU dataset

Martin Faltys, Marc Zimmermann, Xinrui Lyu, Matthias Hüser, Stephanie Hyland, Gunnar Rätsch, Tobias Merz

The HiRID database contains a large selection of all routinely collected data relating to patient admissions to the Department of Intensive Care Medicine of the Bern University Hospital, Switzerland (ICU).

intensive care clinical icu high resolution critical care machine learning

Published: Feb. 18, 2021. Version: 1.1.1