
Database Credentialed Access

CORAL: expert-Curated medical Oncology Reports to Advance Language model inference

Madhumita Sushil, Vanessa Kennedy, Divneet Mandair, Brenda Miao, Travis Zack, Atul Butte

Medical oncology progress notes annotated with advanced, comprehensive oncology-relevant concepts and relationships.

artificial intelligence information extraction oncology natural language processing large language models electronic health records

Published: Feb. 7, 2024. Version: 1.0

Database Restricted Access

Pulmonary Edema Severity Grades Based on MIMIC-CXR

Ruizhi Liao, Geeticka Chauhan, Polina Golland, Seth Berkowitz, Steven Horng

Pulmonary edema metadata and labels for MIMIC-CXR

Published: Feb. 9, 2021. Version: 1.0.1

Database Credentialed Access

Chest ImaGenome Dataset

Joy Wu, Nkechinyere Agu, Ismini Lourentzou, Arjun Sharma, Joseph Paguio, Jasper Seth Yao, Edward Christopher Dee, William Mitchell, Satyananda Kashyap, Andrea Giovannini, Leo Anthony Celi, Tanveer Syeda-Mahmood, Mehdi Moradi

The Chest ImaGenome dataset is a scene graph dataset with additional chronological comparison relations for chest X-rays. It is automatically derived from the MIMIC-CXR dataset. A manually annotated gold standard is also available for 500 patients.

scene graph visual dialogue object detection semantic reasoning bounding box relation extraction knowledge graph explainability reasoning chest cxr disease progression multimodal radiology machine learning visual question answering deep learning chest x-ray

Published: July 13, 2021. Version: 1.0.0

Database Open Access

Cerebromicrovascular Disease in Elderly with Diabetes

Vera Novak, Rodrigo Quispe

Type 2 diabetes increases risk for cerebrovascular disease, cognitive and mobility decline in older people. This project evaluated relationship between diabetes, inflammation cerebrovascular reactivity and functional outcomes.

gait and balance brain perfusion inflammation type 2 diabetes cerebromiscovascular disease cerebral vasoreactivity brain atrophy perfusion mri

Published: Aug. 5, 2022. Version: 1.0.1

Visualize waveforms

Database Credentialed Access

Chest ImaGenome Dataset

Joy Wu, Nkechinyere Agu, Ismini Lourentzou, Arjun Sharma, Joseph Paguio, Jasper Seth Yao, Edward Christopher Dee, William Mitchell, Satyananda Kashyap, Andrea Giovannini, Leo Anthony Celi, Tanveer Syeda-Mahmood, Mehdi Moradi

The Chest ImaGenome dataset is a scene graph dataset with additional chronological comparison relations for chest X-rays. It is automatically derived from the MIMIC-CXR dataset. A manually annotated gold standard is also available for 500 patients.

scene graph visual dialogue object detection semantic reasoning bounding box relation extraction knowledge graph explainability reasoning chest cxr disease progression multimodal radiology machine learning visual question answering deep learning chest x-ray

Published: July 13, 2021. Version: 1.0.0