
Database Restricted Access

Upper body thermal images and associated clinical data from a pilot cohort study of COVID-19

Jose Tamez-Peña, Adam Yala, Servando Cardona, Rocio Ortiz-Lopez, Victor Trevino

Thermal videos of people with positive and negative COVID-19 tests.

covid-19 thermal videos sars-cov-2 clinical symptoms

Published: Aug. 16, 2021. Version: 1.1

Database Credentialed Access

RadGraph: Extracting Clinical Entities and Relations from Radiology Reports

Saahil Jain, Ashwin Agrawal, Adriel Saporta, Steven QH Truong, Du Nguyen Duong, Tan Bui, Pierre Chambon, Matthew Lungren, Andrew Ng, Curtis Langlotz, Pranav Rajpurkar

RadGraph is a dataset of entities and relations in full-text chest X-ray radiology reports, which are obtained using a novel information extraction (IE) schema to capture clinically relevant information in a radiology report.

entity and relation extraction graph multi-modal natural language processing radiology

Published: June 3, 2021. Version: 1.0.0

Database Open Access

Clinical data from the MIMIC-II database for a case study on indwelling arterial catheters

Jesse Raffa

Dataset extracted from MIMIC-II for a tutorial on effectiveness of indwelling arterial catheters in hemodynamically stable patients with respiratory failure for mortality outcomes.

Published: Oct. 28, 2016. Version: 1.0

Database Credentialed Access

MIMIC-III Clinical Database

Alistair Johnson, Tom Pollard, Roger Mark

MIMIC-III is a large, freely-available database comprising deidentified health-related data associated with over forty thousand patients who stayed in critical care units of the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center between 2001 and 2012. The databas…

intensive care clinical critical care natural language processing machine learning

Published: Sept. 4, 2016. Version: 1.4

Database Credentialed Access

ENCoDE, mEasuring skiN Color to correct pulse Oximetry DisparitiEs: skin tone and clinical data from a prospective trial on acute care patients.

Sicheng Hao, Katelyn Dempsey, João Matos, Mahmoud Alwakeel, Jared Houghtaling, An Kwok Wong

A prospective collected EHR-linked skin tone measurements database in OMOP format with emphasis on pulse oximetry disparities.

Published: Aug. 22, 2024. Version: 1.0.0

Database Credentialed Access

Medication Extraction Labels for MIMIC-IV-Note Clinical Database

Akshay Goel, Almog Gueta, Omry Gilon, Sofia Erell, Amir Feder

Medication extraction NLP labels for 600 discharge summaries in MIMIC-IV-Note dataset.

Published: Dec. 12, 2023. Version: 1.0.0

Database Restricted Access

A multimodal dental dataset facilitating machine learning research and clinic services

wenjing liu, Yunyou Huang, Suqin Tang

A new dental dataset that contains 389 patients, three commonly used dental image models, and images of various health conditions of the oral cavity.

Published: Sept. 6, 2023. Version: 1.0.0

Database Credentialed Access

MIMIC-III Clinical Database CareVue subset

Alistair Johnson, Tom Pollard, Roger Mark

A subset of the MIMIC-III Clinical Database containing only patients admitted from 2001 - 2008.

Published: Sept. 21, 2022. Version: 1.4

Software Credentialed Access

Code for generating the HAIM multimodal dataset of MIMIC-IV clinical data and x-rays

Luis R Soenksen, Yu Ma, Cynthia Zeng, Leonard David Jean Boussioux, Kimberly Villalobos Carballo, Liangyuan Na, Holly Wiberg, Michael Li, Ignacio Fuentes, Dimitris Bertsimas

Code for generating the HAIM multimodal dataset of MIMIC-IV clinical data and x-rays

database code multimodality

Published: Aug. 23, 2022. Version: 1.0.1

Database Credentialed Access

RuMedNLI: A Russian Natural Language Inference Dataset For The Clinical Domain

Pavel Blinov, Aleksandr Nesterov, Galina Zubkova, Arina Reshetnikova, Vladimir Kokh, Chaitanya Shivade

RuMedNLI is the full counterpart dataset of MedNLI in Russian language.

natural language inference recognizing textual entailment russian language

Published: April 1, 2022. Version: 1.0.0