
Database Credentialed Access

Learning to Ask Like a Physician: a Discharge Summary Clinical Questions (DiSCQ) Dataset

Eric Lehman

Dataset of questions asked by medical experts about patients. Medical experts will read a discharge summary line-by-line and (1) ask any question that they may have and (2) record what in the text "triggered" them to ask their question.

question generation question answering machine learning

Published: July 28, 2022. Version: 1.0

Database Credentialed Access

Maternal fat ultrasound measurement and nutritional assessment during pregnancy: A dataset centered in gestational outcomes

Alexandre da Silva Rocha, Juliana Rombaldi Bernardi, Alice Schoffel, Daniela Kretzer, Salete Matos, José Antônio Magalhães, Marcelo Goldani

Dataset collected as part of a prospective study in which abdominal maternal fat tissue measurements were compared with outcomes during hospitalization for labor and delivery.

pregnancy ultrasound abdominal

Published: Dec. 4, 2020. Version: 1.0.0

Software Open Access

Heart Vector Origin Point Detection and Time-Coherent Median Beat Construction

Erick Andres Perez Alday, Larisa Tereshchenko

The algorithm finds the heart vector origin point and constructs the time-coherent median beat. VCG origin point is defined as the electrically quiet or isoelectric state of the heart when the heart vector does not move in 3D space.

baseline vectorcardiogram origin point heart vector signal processing electrocardiogram

Published: May 25, 2021. Version: 1.0.0

Database Open Access

Tai Chi, Physiological Complexity, and Healthy Aging - Gait

Peter Wayne, Brian Gow, Jeffrey Hausdorff, Chung-Kang Peng, Lewis Lipsitz, Andrew Ahn, Vera Novak, Brad Manor

This project includes gait data collected with footswitches and electromyography data from subjects who walked for 10 minutes under normal conditions and for 90 seconds under dual-task conditions (walking while performing serial subtractions).

dual-task electromyography stability gait

Published: Dec. 14, 2021. Version: 1.0.2

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Software Open Access

Heart Vector Origin Point Detection and Time-Coherent Median Beat Construction

Erick Andres Perez Alday, Larisa Tereshchenko

The algorithm finds the heart vector origin point and constructs the time-coherent median beat. VCG origin point is defined as the electrically quiet or isoelectric state of the heart when the heart vector does not move in 3D space.

baseline vectorcardiogram origin point heart vector signal processing electrocardiogram

Published: May 25, 2021. Version: 1.0.0

Database Restricted Access

Community-Acquired Pneumonia, Endotypes and Phenotypes (NACef): Prospective, observational cohort study of Translational Medicine

Luis Felipe Reyes, Natalia Sanabria, Esteban Garcia Gallo

Community-Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) poses a significant health risk, linked to high in-hospital morbidity and mortality rates. The dataset includes clinical details of 768 CAP patients at Clinica Universidad de La Sabana, Colombia.

Published: Jan. 21, 2025. Version: 1.0.0

Database Open Access

I-CARE: International Cardiac Arrest REsearch consortium Database

Edilberto Amorim, Wei-Long Zheng, Jong Woo Lee, Susan Herman, Mohammad Ghassemi, Adithya Sivaraju, Nicolas Gaspard, Jeannette Hofmeijer, Michel J A M van Putten, Matthew Reyna, Gari Clifford, Brandon Westover

The clinical and EEG data for this dataset originates from seven academic hospitals in the U.S. and Europe led by investigators part of the International Cardiac Arrest REsearch consortium (I-CARE).

Published: Dec. 14, 2023. Version: 2.1

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Database Open Access

CogWear: Can we detect cognitive effort with consumer-grade wearables?

Michal K Grzeszczyk, Rosmary Blanco, Paulina Adamczyk, Maciej Kus, Sylwia Marek, Ryszard Pręcikowski, Aneta Lisowska

Physiological data captured in experimental condition by three wearable devices.

Published: March 31, 2023. Version: 1.0.0

Database Open Access

Simultaneous physiological measurements with five devices at different cognitive and physical loads

Marcus Vollmer, Dominic Bläsing, Julian Elias Reiser, Maria Nisser, Anja Buder

Dataset to support comparison of usability and accuracy from simultaneous measurements collected from 13 subjects including five devices: NeXus-10 MKII, eMotion Faros 360°, Hexoskin Hx1, SOMNOTouch NIBP, Polar RS800 Multi.

holter multiparameter photoplethysmogram noise accelerometer heart rate movement temperature hrv respiration ecg

Published: Jan. 18, 2023. Version: 1.0.2

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Database Open Access

Cerebromicrovascular Disease in Elderly with Diabetes

Vera Novak, Rodrigo Quispe

Type 2 diabetes increases risk for cerebrovascular disease, cognitive and mobility decline in older people. This project evaluated relationship between diabetes, inflammation cerebrovascular reactivity and functional outcomes.

gait and balance brain perfusion inflammation type 2 diabetes cerebromiscovascular disease cerebral vasoreactivity brain atrophy perfusion mri

Published: Aug. 5, 2022. Version: 1.0.1

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