
Database Open Access

Patient-level dataset to study the effect of COVID-19 in people with Multiple Sclerosis

Hamza Khan, Lotte Geys, peer baneke, Giancarlo Comi, Liesbet Peeters

This dataset is part of the Global Data Sharing Initiative. The data was acquired by people with MS and clinicians using a fast data entry tool. The dataset includes demographics, comorbidities and hospital stay and COVID-19 symptoms of PwMS.

Published: Jan. 2, 2024. Version: 1.0.1

Database Open Access

I-CARE: International Cardiac Arrest REsearch consortium Database

Edilberto Amorim, Wei-Long Zheng, Jong Woo Lee, Susan Herman, Mohammad Ghassemi, Adithya Sivaraju, Nicolas Gaspard, Jeannette Hofmeijer, Michel J A M van Putten, Matthew Reyna, Gari Clifford, Brandon Westover

The clinical and EEG data for this dataset originates from seven academic hospitals in the U.S. and Europe led by investigators part of the International Cardiac Arrest REsearch consortium (I-CARE).

Published: Dec. 14, 2023. Version: 2.1

Visualize waveforms

Database Restricted Access

MIMIC-Eye: Integrating MIMIC Datasets with REFLACX and Eye Gaze for Multimodal Deep Learning Applications

Chihcheng Hsieh, Chun Ouyang, Jacinto C Nascimento, Joao Pereira, Joaquim Jorge, Catarina Moreira

MIMIC-Eye: Integrating MIMIC Datasets with REFLACX and Eye Gaze for Multimodal Deep Learning Applications

Published: March 23, 2023. Version: 1.0.0

Database Credentialed Access

Annotation dataset of problematic opioid use and related contexts from MIMIC-III Critical Care Database discharge summaries

Melissa Poulsen, Vanessa Troiani, Philip Freda, Danielle Mowery, Anahita Davoudi

The database contains a corpus of annotated data from the MIMIC-III Critical Care Database from a study that aimed to develop and apply an annotation schema to characterize opioid use disorder and related contextual factors.

opioid use disorder substance use natural language processing clinical notes

Published: Feb. 8, 2023. Version: 1.0.0

Database Credentialed Access

MIMIC-IV-Note: Deidentified free-text clinical notes

Alistair Johnson, Tom Pollard, Steven Horng, Leo Anthony Celi, Roger Mark

Deidentified free-text clinical notes for patients in the MIMIC-IV Clinical Database.

deidentification critical care natural language processing electronic health record clinical notes mimic

Published: Jan. 6, 2023. Version: 2.2

Database Open Access

Indian Institute of Science Fetal Heart Sound Database (IIScFHSDB)

Amrutha Bhaskaran, Manish Arora

The IIScFHSDB has 60 fetal phonocardiography recordings obtained in a hospital setting with the objective to provide fPCG recordings with clinical noise settings for development of signal processing algorithms for FHR determination and denoising fPCG

1 fetal heart sound 2 fhr

Published: Sept. 15, 2022. Version: 1.0

Software Credentialed Access

Code for generating the HAIM multimodal dataset of MIMIC-IV clinical data and x-rays

Luis R Soenksen, Yu Ma, Cynthia Zeng, Leonard David Jean Boussioux, Kimberly Villalobos Carballo, Liangyuan Na, Holly Wiberg, Michael Li, Ignacio Fuentes, Dimitris Bertsimas

Code for generating the HAIM multimodal dataset of MIMIC-IV clinical data and x-rays

database code multimodality

Published: Aug. 23, 2022. Version: 1.0.1

Database Credentialed Access

BRAX, a Brazilian labeled chest X-ray dataset

Eduardo Pontes Reis, Joselisa Paiva, Maria Carolina Bueno da Silva, Guilherme Alberto Sousa Ribeiro, Victor Fornasiero Paiva, Lucas Bulgarelli, Henrique Lee, Paulo Victor dos Santos, vanessa brito, Lucas Amaral, Gabriel Beraldo, Jorge Nebhan Haidar Filho, Gustavo Teles, Gilberto Szarf, Tom Pollard, Alistair Johnson, Leo Anthony Celi, Edson Amaro

BRAX contains 24,959 chest radiography exams and 40,967 images acquired in a large general Brazilian hospital. All images have been read by trained radiologists and 14 labels were derived from Brazilian Portuguese reports using NLP.

chest x-ray dataset artificial intelligence

Published: June 17, 2022. Version: 1.1.0

Database Restricted Access

VinDr-PCXR: An open, large-scale pediatric chest X-ray dataset for interpretation of common thoracic diseases

Hieu Huy Pham, Tien Thanh Tran, Ha Quy Nguyen

An open, large-scale pediatric chest X-ray dataset that contains both lesion-level labels and image-level labels for multiple findings and diseases for interpretation of common thoracic diseases.

Published: March 21, 2022. Version: 1.0.0

Database Credentialed Access

NCH Sleep DataBank: A Large Collection of Real-world Pediatric Sleep Studies with Longitudinal Clinical Data

Harlin Lee, Boyue Li, Yungui Huang, Yuejie Chi, Simon Lin

The NCH Sleep DataBank includes 3,984 pediatric sleep studies on 3,673 unique patients conducted at Nationwide Children's Hospital between 2017 and 2019. It contains polysomnography (PSG), clinical annotations, and longitudinal clinical data.

eeg ehr pediatrics clinical decision support polysomnography sleep study ecg electronic health records sleep disorders

Published: Oct. 27, 2021. Version: 3.1.0