
Database Credentialed Access

Chest ImaGenome Dataset

Joy Wu, Nkechinyere Agu, Ismini Lourentzou, Arjun Sharma, Joseph Paguio, Jasper Seth Yao, Edward Christopher Dee, William Mitchell, Satyananda Kashyap, Andrea Giovannini, Leo Anthony Celi, Tanveer Syeda-Mahmood, Mehdi Moradi

The Chest ImaGenome dataset is a scene graph dataset with additional chronological comparison relations for chest X-rays. It is automatically derived from the MIMIC-CXR dataset. A manually annotated gold standard is also available for 500 patients.

scene graph visual dialogue object detection semantic reasoning bounding box knowledge graph explainability reasoning relation extraction chest cxr disease progression multimodal radiology visual question answering deep learning chest x-ray machine learning

Published: July 13, 2021. Version: 1.0.0

Database Credentialed Access

MIMIC-Ext-MIMIC-CXR-VQA: A Complex, Diverse, And Large-Scale Visual Question Answering Dataset for Chest X-ray Images

Seongsu Bae, Daeun Kyung, Jaehee Ryu, Eunbyeol Cho, Gyubok Lee, Sunjun Kweon, Jungwoo Oh, Lei JI, Eric Chang, Tackeun Kim, Edward Choi

We introduce MIMIC-Ext-MIMIC-CXR-VQA, a complex, diverse, and large-scale dataset designed for Visual Question Answering (VQA) tasks within the medical domain, focusing primarily on chest radiographs.

question answering multimodal benchmark radiology evaluation visual question answering electronic health records deep learning chest x-ray machine learning

Published: July 19, 2024. Version: 1.0.0

Database Credentialed Access

MIMIC-CXR-JPG - chest radiographs with structured labels

Alistair Johnson, Matthew Lungren, Yifan Peng, Zhiyong Lu, Roger Mark, Seth Berkowitz, Steven Horng

Chest x-rays in JPG format with structured labels derived from the associated radiology report.

computer vision radiology deep learning chest x-ray mimic

Published: March 12, 2024. Version: 2.1.0

Database Open Access

CheXmask Database: a large-scale dataset of anatomical segmentation masks for chest x-ray images

Nicolas Gaggion, Candelaria Mosquera, Martina Aineseder, Lucas Mansilla, Diego Milone, Enzo Ferrante

CheXmask Database is a 657,566 uniformly annotated chest radiographs with segmentation masks. Images were segmented using HybridGNet, with automatic quality control indicated by RCA scores.

chest x-ray segmentation medical image segmentation automatic quality assesment

Published: March 1, 2024. Version: 0.4

Database Credentialed Access

CAD-Chest: Comprehensive Annotation of Diseases based on MIMIC-CXR Radiology Report

Mengliang Zhang, Xinyue Hu, Lin Gu, Tatsuya Harada, Kazuma Kobayashi, Ronald Summers, Yingying Zhu

The CAD-Chest dataset provides comprehensive annotations of disease, including disease severity, uncertainty, and location based on the MIMIC-CXR radiologist reports.

chesr x-ray disease label

Published: Dec. 8, 2023. Version: 1.0

Challenge Credentialed Access

CXR-LT: Multi-Label Long-Tailed Classification on Chest X-Rays

Gregory Holste, Song Wang, Ajay Jaiswal, Yuzhe Yang, Mingquan Lin, Yifan Peng, Atlas Wang

CXR-LT 2023 was a challenge for long-tailed, multi-label thorax disease classification on chest X-rays, held in conjunction with the ICCV 2023 workshop, CVAMD. This page contains extended long-tailed versions of the MIMIC-CXR-JPG v2.0.0 dataset.

Published: Sept. 28, 2023. Version: 1.1.0

Database Credentialed Access

Generalized Image Embeddings for the MIMIC Chest X-Ray dataset

Andrew Sellergren, Atilla Kiraly, Tom Pollard, Wei-Hung Weng, Yun Liu, Akib Uddin, Christina Chen

This database contains compact information-rich embeddings of the MIMIC-CXR Database v2.0.0 using the CXR Foundation API v1.0.

Published: Feb. 22, 2023. Version: 1.0

Database Credentialed Access

BRAX, a Brazilian labeled chest X-ray dataset

Eduardo Pontes Reis, Joselisa Paiva, Maria Carolina Bueno da Silva, Guilherme Alberto Sousa Ribeiro, Victor Fornasiero Paiva, Lucas Bulgarelli, Henrique Lee, Paulo Victor dos Santos, vanessa brito, Lucas Amaral, Gabriel Beraldo, Jorge Nebhan Haidar Filho, Gustavo Teles, Gilberto Szarf, Tom Pollard, Alistair Johnson, Leo Anthony Celi, Edson Amaro

BRAX contains 24,959 chest radiography exams and 40,967 images acquired in a large general Brazilian hospital. All images have been read by trained radiologists and 14 labels were derived from Brazilian Portuguese reports using NLP.

chest x-ray dataset artificial intelligence

Published: June 17, 2022. Version: 1.1.0

Database Credentialed Access

Chest ImaGenome Dataset

Joy Wu, Nkechinyere Agu, Ismini Lourentzou, Arjun Sharma, Joseph Paguio, Jasper Seth Yao, Edward Christopher Dee, William Mitchell, Satyananda Kashyap, Andrea Giovannini, Leo Anthony Celi, Tanveer Syeda-Mahmood, Mehdi Moradi

The Chest ImaGenome dataset is a scene graph dataset with additional chronological comparison relations for chest X-rays. It is automatically derived from the MIMIC-CXR dataset. A manually annotated gold standard is also available for 500 patients.

scene graph visual dialogue object detection semantic reasoning bounding box knowledge graph explainability reasoning relation extraction chest cxr disease progression multimodal radiology visual question answering deep learning chest x-ray machine learning

Published: July 13, 2021. Version: 1.0.0

Database Credentialed Access

EHRXQA: A Multi-Modal Question Answering Dataset for Electronic Health Records with Chest X-ray Images

Seongsu Bae, Daeun Kyung, Jaehee Ryu, Eunbyeol Cho, Gyubok Lee, Sunjun Kweon, Jungwoo Oh, Lei JI, Eric Chang, Tackeun Kim, Edward Choi

We present EHRXQA, the first multi-modal EHR QA dataset combining structured patient records with aligned chest X-ray images. EHRXQA contains a comprehensive set of QA pairs covering image-related, table-related, and image+table-related questions.

question answering benchmark evaluation visual question answering electronic health records multi-modal question answering deep learning chest x-ray ehr question answering semantic parsing machine learning

Published: July 23, 2024. Version: 1.0.0