
Database Open Access

Effect of 24-hour sleep deprivation on cerebral hemodynamics and cognitive performance

Peter Mukli, Andriy Yabluchanskiy, Tamas Csipo

We assessed the impact of 24-hour sleep deprivation on the global properties of frontal lobe functional networks and on cognitive performance. fNIRS measurements were carried out in the resting state and in response to a finger-tapping paradigm.

Published: April 26, 2021. Version: 1.0.0

Database Open Access

Mental workload during n-back task captured by TransCranial Doppler (TCD) sonography and functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) monitoring

Peter Mukli, Andriy Yabluchanskiy, Tamas Csipo

Functional near-infrared spectroscopy and transcranial doppler sonography were used to measure changes in cerebral hemodynamics during cognitive stimulation.

Published: April 21, 2021. Version: 1.0

Database Open Access

Body Sway When Standing and Listening to Music Modified to Reinforce Virtual Reality Environment Motion

Jefferson Streepey, Shaquitta Dent

This data were intended to show that music manipulated to match VR motion provided by an Oculus Rift head mounted display increased body sway when standing still.

Published: Jan. 26, 2021. Version: 1.0.0

Database Open Access

Shiraz University Fetal Heart Sounds Database

Reza Sameni, Maryam Samieinasab

The Shiraz University (SU) fetal heart sounds database (SUFHSDB) contains fetal and maternal phonocardiogram (PCG) recordings from 109 pregnant women in single and twin pregnancies.

pregnancy phonocardiography fetal cardiography cardiotocography

Published: Jan. 8, 2021. Version: 1.0.1

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Database Restricted Access

In-hospital physical activity measured with a new Bosch accelerometer sensor system

Severin Schricker, Nico Schmid, Moritz Schanz, Martin Kimmel, Mark Dominik Alscher

Measurements of physical activity with wrist-worn Bosch sensor platform to test predictive performance for the duration of hospitalization and readmission in 58 patients with acute illnesses in internal medicine

prediction acute illness hospitalization readmission accelerometry accelerometer

Published: Dec. 3, 2020. Version: 1.0

Database Credentialed Access

Eye Gaze Data for Chest X-rays

Alexandros Karargyris, Satyananda Kashyap, Ismini Lourentzou, Joy Wu, Matthew Tong, Arjun Sharma, Shafiq Abedin, David Beymer, Vandana Mukherjee, Elizabeth Krupinski, Mehdi Moradi

This dataset was a collected using an eye tracking system while a radiologist interpreted and read 1,083 public CXR images. The dataset contains the following aligned modalities: image, transcribed report text, dictation audio and eye gaze data.

convolutional network heatmap eye tracking explainability audio chest cxr radiology deep learning chest x-ray machine learning multimodal

Published: Sept. 12, 2020. Version: 1.0.0

Database Open Access

Brno University of Technology ECG Quality Database (BUT QDB)

Andrea Nemcova, Radovan Smisek, Kamila Opravilová, Martin Vitek, Lukas Smital, Lucie Maršánová

The database is intended for the development and objective comparison of algorithms designed to assess the quality of ECG records. It also enables objective comparison of results between authors.

Published: July 22, 2020. Version: 1.0.0

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Database Open Access

Cerebral Vasoregulation in Diabetes

Vera Novak, Laura Mendez

Diabetes is a risk factor for cerebral hypoperfustion and microvascular disease. This study assessed the effects of diabetic autonomic neuropathy with OH on cerebral vasoregulation.

perfusion-arterial spin labeling mri cerebral vasoregulation white matter hyperintensities orthostatic hypotension cerebral blood flow- transcranial doppler type 2 diabetes

Published: Jan. 30, 2020. Version: 1.0.0

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Database Open Access

Response to Valsalva Maneuver in Humans

Functional metrics of autonomic control of heart rate, including baroreflex sensitivity, have been shown to be strongly associated with cardiovascular risk. A decrease in baroreflex sensitivity with aging is hypothesized to represent a contributing …

valsalva multiparameter heart rate

Published: Nov. 14, 2018. Version: 1.0.0

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Database Open Access

ECG Effects of Dofetilide, Moxifloxacin, Dofetilide+Mexiletine, Dofetilide+Lidocaine and Moxifloxacin+Diltiazem

ECG from 22 subjects for a study on response of hERG potassium channel blocking drugs with and without the addition of late sodium or calcium channel blocking drugs.

medication ecg

Published: Sept. 15, 2016. Version: 1.0.0

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