
Database Credentialed Access

MS-CXR-T: Learning to Exploit Temporal Structure for Biomedical Vision-Language Processing

Shruthi Bannur, Stephanie Hyland, Qianchu Liu, Fernando Pérez-García, Max Ilse, Daniel Coelho de Castro, Benedikt Boecking, Harshita Sharma, Kenza Bouzid, Anton Schwaighofer, Maria Teodora Wetscherek, Hannah Richardson, Tristan Naumann, Javier Alvarez Valle, Ozan Oktay

The MS-CXR-T is a multimodal benchmark that enhances the MIMIC-CXR v2 dataset by including expert-verified annotations. Its goal is to evaluate biomedical visual-language processing models in terms of temporal semantics extracted from image and text.

multimodal chest x-ray radiology cxr disease progression vision-language processing

Published: March 17, 2023. Version: 1.0.0