Pressure, flow, and dynamic thoraco-abdominal circumferences data for adults breathing under CPAP therapy 1.0.0
(3,428 bytes)
Folder contains fully processed data with combined inspiratory and expiratory breathset, with processed chest and abdominal circumferences and figures
Files are saved under folders by PEEP setting (0, 4, or 8) and breathrate type (norm, pant, or deep) e.g. '0cmH2O_deep'
Files are saved in these folders by Subject Number (PEEP and breath type is also referenced) e.g. 'CPAP2022_ProcessedData_Subject1_0cmH2O_deep.csv'
These files contain data in columns (A:G) of 'Time' [s] (sampling rate was 100Hz), 'Pressure' [cmH2O] (gauge measured at venturi throat), ...
'Flow' [L/s] (where inspiration is postive and expiration is negative), 'V_tidal' [L] (tidal volume), 'InspInd' (indicies for the startpoints of inspiration), ...
'Chest' [mm] (chest circumference), and 'Abd' [mm] (abdominal circumference).
Corresponding figures files are also saved by PEEP setting (0, 4, or 8) and breathrate type (norm, pant, or deep)e.g 'Subject1_0cmH2O_deep_CPAP2022_ProcessedData.png'
These files contain pressure, flow, and tidal volume as three subplots over time, with start of inspiration indicies labelled by dashed lines.
Folder contains raw data and raw data with units processed
Files are saved under folders by subject number ('01' through to '30')
Files are saved in these folders by PEEP setting and breathrate type (Subject Number is also referenced), ...
both processed into relevant units (e.g. 'CPAP2022_Subject1_0cmH2O_deep.csv') and as raw ADC outputs (e.g. 'CPAP2022_Subject1_0cmH2O_deep_raw.csv')
Files with relevant units (e.g. 'CPAP2022_Subject1_0cmH2O_deep.csv') contain (columns A:F): 'time' [s] (sampling rate was 100Hz), ...
'GaugeP' [cmH2O] (gauge pressure measured at venturi throat), 'InhaleDeltaP' [cmH2O] (inspiratory diffrential pressure), ...
'ExhaleDeltaP' [cmH2O] (exspiratory diffrential pressure), 'Chest' [mm] (chest circumference), and 'Abd' [mm] (abdominal circumference).
Files with raw ADC counts (e.g. 'CPAP2022_Subject1_0cmH2O_deep_raw.csv') contain (columns A:F): 'time' [s] (sampling rate was 100Hz), ...
'GaugeP_ADC' (gauge pressure measured at venturi throat), 'InhaleDeltaP_ADC' (inspiratory diffrential pressure), ...
'ExhaleDeltaP_ADC' (exspiratory diffrential pressure), 'Chest_counts' (chest circumference rotary encoder counts), and ...
'Abd_counts' (abdominal circumference rotary encoder counts).
File contains the relevant self-reported medical information for the 30 subjects. Row 1 contains titles and units for the column values. ...
Columns A to M respectively contain: Subject Number, Sex (M/F), Height(cm), Weight (kg), Age (years), Smoker and/or Vaper (Yes/No), ...
Smoking Frequency (units included in column values), Duration of smoking (units included in column value), Asthmatic (Yes/No), Medication name, ...
Frequency of use of asthma medication (units included in column value), any trials the subject percieved to make it harder to breathe (PEEP setting [cmH2O]), ...
and any trials the subject percieved to make it easier to breathe (PEEP setting [cmH2O]).
'Figure1.png', 'Figure2.png', and 'Figure3.png' are example plots of subject data (Subject 3 normal, panting and deep breathing, respectievly, at ZEEP.
Folder contains an example MATLAB script ('FigureGenerationCode.m') for generation of data plots (e.g. 'Figure1.png', 'Figure2.png', and 'Figure3.png')