QT Interval Measurement: The PhysioNet/Computing in Cardiology Challenge 2006 1.0.0

File: <base>/sources/raphael-schneider/README (1,938 bytes)
To run the program (it is a Perl script), libRASCH version 0.8.0pre2 or 
greater and the Perl API bindings have to be installed (see the INSTALL file 
coming with the distribution. You will get libRASCH from  
http://www.librasch.org/librasch/download_lib.html using the latest 
pre-realease version. If you want to use the Windows binary distribution, 
ActiveState Perl 5.8 is supported with a pre-compiled binary Perl module 
(which will be installed when installing libRASCH).

Usage of the program:

perl get_qt_cinc_2006.pl --template=templ-file --file=out-file
                          [--detect] [--ch=X] [--check-morphology]
                          [--skip-powerline] <ecg-dir(s)>

selecting the template of the entry-form

selecting the name of the final entry-form

if given, a beat detection is performed, if not, the beat information 
(position and annotation) which is available is used

do the QT measurement using channel 'X' (channel-numbers start with 0 -> lead 
I is 0, lead II is 1, ...)

if given, the morphologies of the QRS complexes and T-waves are forced to be 
the same for all beats (e.g. when the Q-wave on some beats is too small to be 
detected but seen on the majority of the beats, the threshold used to detect
Q-waves is reduced so if small Q-waves will be detected)

if given, the powerline-noise filter is NOT applied to the raw ecg data

the directory(s) with the ECGs to process


perl get_qt_cinc_2006.pl

Do the QT measurements on the ECGs found in the directories 'patient*', using 
the file 'template_div3.txt' as entry-form template and write the final 
entry-fom to the file 'results_div3.txt'. The QT measurement is performed on 
channel 1 which is lead II.