To run the program (it is a Perl script), libRASCH version 0.8.0pre2 or greater and the Perl API bindings have to be installed (see the INSTALL file coming with the distribution. You will get libRASCH from using the latest pre-realease version. If you want to use the Windows binary distribution, ActiveState Perl 5.8 is supported with a pre-compiled binary Perl module (which will be installed when installing libRASCH). Usage of the program: ============== perl --template=templ-file --file=out-file [--detect] [--ch=X] [--check-morphology] [--skip-powerline] with --template=templ-file selecting the template of the entry-form --file=out-file selecting the name of the final entry-form --detect if given, a beat detection is performed, if not, the beat information (position and annotation) which is available is used --ch=X do the QT measurement using channel 'X' (channel-numbers start with 0 -> lead I is 0, lead II is 1, ...) --check-morphology if given, the morphologies of the QRS complexes and T-waves are forced to be the same for all beats (e.g. when the Q-wave on some beats is too small to be detected but seen on the majority of the beats, the threshold used to detect Q-waves is reduced so if small Q-waves will be detected) --skip-powerline if given, the powerline-noise filter is NOT applied to the raw ecg data the directory(s) with the ECGs to process Example ===== perl --detect --ch=1 --template=template_div3.txt --file=results_div3.txt ./patient* Do the QT measurements on the ECGs found in the directories 'patient*', using the file 'template_div3.txt' as entry-form template and write the final entry-fom to the file 'results_div3.txt'. The QT measurement is performed on channel 1 which is lead II.