
Database Open Access

PADS - Parkinsons Disease Smartwatch dataset

Julian Varghese, Alexander Brenner, Lucas Plagwitz, Catharina van Alen, Michael Fujarski, Tobias Warnecke

The PADS dataset contains smartwatch-based records from interactive neurological assessments of Parkinsons disease patients, differential diagnoses and healthy controls. The data is complemented with non-motor symptoms and medical history information

wearables movement disorders parkinsons disease

Published: March 25, 2024. Version: 1.0.0

Database Open Access

CheXmask Database: a large-scale dataset of anatomical segmentation masks for chest x-ray images

Nicolas Gaggion, Candelaria Mosquera, Martina Aineseder, Lucas Mansilla, Diego Milone, Enzo Ferrante

CheXmask Database is a 657,566 uniformly annotated chest radiographs with segmentation masks. Images were segmented using HybridGNet, with automatic quality control indicated by RCA scores.

chest x-ray segmentation medical image segmentation automatic quality assesment

Published: March 1, 2024. Version: 0.4

Database Credentialed Access

ODD: A Benchmark Dataset for the NLP-based Opioid Related Aberrant Behavior Detection

Sunjae Kwon, Xun Wang, Weisong Liu, Emily Druhl, Minhee Sung, Joel Reisman, Wenjun Li, Robert Kerns, William Becker, Hong Yu

Opioid-related aberrant behaviors (ORABs) detection Dataset (ODD) which is a large-size, expert-annotated, and multi-label classification benchmark dataset corresponding to the task

substance use natural language processing opioid related aberrant behavior

Published: Jan. 11, 2024. Version: 1.0.0

Database Open Access

Kiel Cardio Database

Erik Engelhardt, Norbert Frey, Gerhard Schmidt

The Kiel Cardio Database (KCD) contains one-minute 8-lead magnetocardiographic (MCG) measurements from seven subjects. Each subject underwent 25 consecutive measurements using a sensor array comprising four QuSpin QZFMs.

opically pumped magnetometer opm mcg magnetocardiography

Published: Dec. 15, 2023. Version: 1.0.0

Visualize waveforms

Database Credentialed Access

Medication Extraction Labels for MIMIC-IV-Note Clinical Database

Akshay Goel, Almog Gueta, Omry Gilon, Sofia Erell, Amir Feder

Medication extraction NLP labels for 600 discharge summaries in MIMIC-IV-Note dataset.

Published: Dec. 12, 2023. Version: 1.0.0

Model Credentialed Access

Characterization of Stigmatizing Language in Medical Records

Keith Harrigian, Ayah Zirikly, Brant Chee, Alya Ahmad, Anne Links, Somnath Saha, Mary Catherine Beach, Mark Dredze

A suite of classifiers for detecting three types of stigmatizing language in electronic medical records. Trained on MIMIC-IV discharge notes.

clinical natural language processing domain transfer bias stigmatizing language large language models mimic

Published: Nov. 6, 2023. Version: 1.0.0

Database Open Access

Heart and lung segmentations for MIMIC-CXR/MIMIC-CXR-JPG and Montgomery County TB databases

Benjamin Duvieusart, Felix Krones, Guy Parsons, Lionel Tarassenko, Bartlomiej W Papiez, Adam Mahdi

Heart and lung segmentations for 200 MIMIC-CXR/MIMIC-CXR-JPG chest x-rays and heart segmentations for 138 Montgomery County tuberculosis chest X-rays.

segmentation heart and lungs montgomery country tb mimic-cxr

Published: Aug. 14, 2023. Version: 1.0.0

Database Restricted Access

MIMIC-Eye: Integrating MIMIC Datasets with REFLACX and Eye Gaze for Multimodal Deep Learning Applications

Chihcheng Hsieh, Chun Ouyang, Jacinto C Nascimento, Joao Pereira, Joaquim Jorge, Catarina Moreira

MIMIC-Eye: Integrating MIMIC Datasets with REFLACX and Eye Gaze for Multimodal Deep Learning Applications

Published: March 23, 2023. Version: 1.0.0

Database Credentialed Access

MS-CXR-T: Learning to Exploit Temporal Structure for Biomedical Vision-Language Processing

Shruthi Bannur, Stephanie Hyland, Qianchu Liu, Fernando Pérez-García, Max Ilse, Daniel Coelho de Castro, Benedikt Boecking, Harshita Sharma, Kenza Bouzid, Anton Schwaighofer, Maria Teodora Wetscherek, Hannah Richardson, Tristan Naumann, Javier Alvarez Valle, Ozan Oktay

The MS-CXR-T is a multimodal benchmark that enhances the MIMIC-CXR v2 dataset by including expert-verified annotations. Its goal is to evaluate biomedical visual-language processing models in terms of temporal semantics extracted from image and text.

cxr disease progression vision-language processing multimodal radiology chest x-ray

Published: March 17, 2023. Version: 1.0.0

Software Open Access

Waveform Database Software Package (WFDB) for Python

Chen Xie, Lucas McCullum, Alistair Johnson, Tom Pollard, Brian Gow, Benjamin Moody

Tools for working with waveforms in Python.

waveform wfdb python

Published: Jan. 24, 2023. Version: 4.1.0