WFDB Software Package 10.7.0

File: <base>/wave/wavemenu.def (11,597 bytes)
# file: wavemenu.def	G. Moody	17 August 1990
#			Last revised:  27 November 2001
# WAVE analysis menu
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# WAVE: Waveform analyzer, viewer, and editor
# Copyright (C) 2001 George B. Moody
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program; if not, see <>.
# You may contact the author by e-mail ( or postal mail
# (MIT Room E25-505A, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA).  For updates to this software,
# please visit PhysioNet (
# _____________________________________________________________________________

# This is the default analysis menu for WAVE.  If you wish to use a
# customized version, copy this file to another directory, edit it,
# and set the value of the environment variable WAVEMENU to the name of
# the edited version before starting WAVE.  The contents of this file,
# or of your customized version of it, determine the appearance of the
# window that WAVE displays when you select its `Analyze' button, and the
# actions that are taken when you select a button in the `Analyze' window.

# Comment lines begin with `#', and may appear anywhere in this file.
# Lines that specify menu items contain a button label, followed by
# one or more tab characters, followed by the action to be taken when the
# button is selected.  The action may be any command acceptable to your
# shell.  Note that several strings found in commands are interpreted by
# WAVE before they are passed to the shell;  these are:
#	$RECORD		the current record name
#	$ANNOTATOR	the current input annotator name
#	$START		the current `Start' time as shown in the Analyze window
#			 (the time of the `<' marker, if any)
#	$END		the current `End' time as shown in the Analyze window
#			 (the time of the `>' marker, if any)
#	$DURATION	the time interval between $END and $START
#	$LEFT		the time of the left edge of the signal display window
#	$RIGHT		the time of the right edge of the signal display window
#	$WIDTH		the time interval between $RIGHT and $LEFT
#	$SIGNAL		the number of the selected signal
#	$SIGNALS	the signal list
#	$LOG		the name of the current log file
#	$WFDB		the WFDB path (from the Load window)
#	$WFDBCAL	the name of the WFDB calibration file (from the Load
#			 window)
#	$TSCALE		the time scale, in mm/sec
#	$VSCALE		the amplitude scale, in mm/mV
#	$DISPMODE	0: annotations displayed in center, no marker bars
#		        1: annotations displayed in center, long marker bars
#			2: annotations attached to signals, no bars
#			3: annotations attached to signals, short bars
#			4: annotations displayed as a signal, no bars
#			5: annotations displayed as a signal, long bars
#	$PSPRINT	the command for printing PostScript data from the
#			 standard input, as shown in the Print Setup window
#	$TEXTPRINT	the command for printing text from the standard input,
#			 as shown in the Print Setup window
#	$URL		the URL specified by the most recently selected link
# Other strings that begin with `$' are passed to the shell unchanged.
# The character `\', if immediately followed by a newline, causes the
# next line to be treated as a continuation of the current line.  Any
# initial whitespace on a continuation line is ignored.

# Default menu entries.  Delete or change any of these as you wish.
# If `lpr' is not the proper command for printing a PostScript file on your
# system, be sure to set PSPRINT (in the Print Setup window).

# Button labels		Commands
# -------------		--------
Mark QRS complexes	sqrs -r $RECORD -f $START -t $END -s $SIGNAL
Calibrate		calsig -r $RECORD -f $START -t $END -s $SIGNALS
Extract segment		snip -i $RECORD -f $START -t $END -n n_$RECORD \
List annotations	rdann -r $RECORD -a $ANNOTATOR -f $START -t $END
List samples		rdsamp -r $RECORD -f $START -t $END -s $SIGNALS
Print chart		echo $RECORD $START-$END | \
			 pschart -a $ANNOTATOR -g -l -R -s $SIGNALS - | \
Print full disclosure	echo $RECORD $START-$END | \
			 psfd -a $ANNOTATOR -g -l -R -s $SIGNALS - | $PSPRINT

# Here are alternate versions of the two previous entries, for some BSD systems
# that have small /tmp partitions.  These assume that `lpr' prints PostScript.
#Print chart		echo $RECORD $START-$END | pschart -a $ANNOTATOR -g \
#			 -l -R -s $SIGNALS - >~/.pschart.$$; \
#			 lpr -r -s ~/.pschart.$$
#Print full disclosure	echo $RECORD $START-$END | psfd -a $ANNOTATOR -g \
#			 -l -R -s $SIGNALS - >~/.psfd.$$; \
#			 lpr -r -s ~/.psfd.$$

# Use the following entry to export WAVE's variables to your shell environment.
# This version is usable if your shell is 'ash', `bash', `ksh', 'sh', or 'zsh':

# Here is an alternate version of the previous entry, for use with `csh' or
# `tcsh':
#Set variables		setenv RECORD $RECORD; setenv ANNOTATOR $ANNOTATOR; \
#			 setenv START $START; setenv END $END; \
#			 setenv DURATION $DURATION; setenv LEFT $LEFT; \
#			 setenv RIGHT $RIGHT; setenv WIDTH $WIDTH; \
#			 setenv SIGNAL $SIGNAL; setenv SIGNALS "$SIGNALS"; \
#			 setenv LOG $LOG; setenv WFDB $WFDB; \
#                        setenv WFDBCAL $WFDBCAL; \
#			 setenv TSCALE $TSCALE; setenv VSCALE $VSCALE; \
#			 setenv TEXTPRINT "$TEXTPRINT"; setenv URL $URL

# The label `<Print>' defines the command that is executed when the `Print'
# button in the File menu is selected.  If you wish to have a button with the
# same function appear in the Analysis menu, copy the command and use a
# different button label (for example, `Print window').
<Print>			echo $RECORD $LEFT-$RIGHT | pschart -a $ANNOTATOR -g \
			 -l -L -n 0 -R -s $SIGNALS -t 20 -v 2 - | $PSPRINT

# The alternate <Print> definition below makes charts at scales that match
# whatever is currently selected for WAVE (rather than the fixed scales used
# in the standard definition above).  If you wish to use the alternate
# definition, uncomment the next entry and comment out the previous one.
# <Print>		echo $RECORD $LEFT-$RIGHT | pschart -a $ANNOTATOR -g \
#			 -l -L -M$DISPMODE -n 0 -R -s $SIGNALS -t $TSCALE \
#			 -v $VSCALE - | $PSPRINT

# The label `<Open URL>' defines the command that is executed when a follow-
# link command is given in the signal window.  (To give a follow-link command,
# select a link annotation and press ENTER.)  `url_view' is itself a script
# that you may customize for your web browser.  The version of `url_view'
# supplied with WAVE uses Netscape (1.1 or any later version) to direct an
# already-running Netscape process to open the specified URL; if Netscape is
# not already running, `url_view' starts it.  If you prefer to use a different
# web browser, either change the action associated with `<Open URL>' below, or
# (preferably) replace the last command in `url_view' with one that invokes
# your browser (unfortunately, the syntax for doing so is not standard;
# consult your browser's documentation).
<Open URL>		url_view $URL

# The remainder of this file contains more examples of how to create analysis
# buttons.  These examples are commented out to avoid cluttering up the
# default Analyze window.  To try any of them out, simply remove the '#'
# characters at the beginning of the lines that define them, then reread the
# menu within WAVE.

# The next two buttons use a file created using WAVE's Log window.  Typically,
# the file contains the times of interesting events selected by the user,
# with optional comments about each event.  The log is maintained in pschart
# script format.
# Print log (text)	$TEXTPRINT $LOG
# Print log with charts	pschart -a $ANNOTATOR -g -l -R -s $SIGNALS $LOG | \

# The next entry can be used if you wish to relabel a segment in the currently
# open annotation file using an automated detector (sqrs in this example).  Any
# existing annotations before $START or after $END are unaffected;  any
# existing annotations between $START and $END are replaced by those produced
# by the automated detector.  To retain existing annotations between $START and
# $END (merging them with the new annotations), change `-m1' to `-m3' below.
# The current version of the annotation file (before merging) is saved as the
# backup version (with a prefixed `_' in the annotator name);  any existing
# backup with the same name is overwritten by this process.
#			 sqrs -r $RECORD -f $START -t $END -s $SIGNAL; \
#			 mv qrs.$RECORD a$$.$RECORD; \
#			 mrgann -r $RECORD -i a$$ _$ANNOTATOR -o $ANNOTATOR \
#			  -m2 0 -m1 $START -m2 $END; \
#			 rm -f a$$.$RECORD

# The next several entries illustrate how `wave' can be used to select data
# to be plotted by `gnuplot' (in these examples, via the `plot2d' and `plot3d'
# scripts provided in the WFDB Software Package).

# This entry derives a uniformly sampled instantaneous heart rate signal from
# the open annotation file (using `tach'), and displays it on-screen.
# Plot HR (tach)	tach -r $RECORD -a $ANNOTATOR -f $START -t $END -Vm | \
#			 plot2d 0 1 -x "Time (minutes)" -y "HR (bpm)" \
#			  -t "Record $RECORD ($START - $END)"

# The next entry prints the same plot that the previous entry displays.  Note
# that PRINTER is an ordinary environment variable (not interpreted by `wave');
# set it so that `lpr -P$PRINTER' prints on the desired printer.
# Print HR (tach)	tach -r $RECORD -a $ANNOTATOR -f $START -t $END -Vm | \
#			 plot2d 0 1 -x "Time (minutes)" -y "HR (bpm)" \
#			  -t "Record $RECORD ($START - $END)" -T $PRINTER

# The next two entries make plots resembling VCGs (vectorcardiograms), by
# plotting the first signal in the signal list vs. the second one.  To obtain
# the proper plot titles, and for efficiency, be sure that the signal list
# contains only two signals.
# VCG			rdsamp -r $RECORD -f $LEFT -t $RIGHT -s $SIGNALS -p | \
#			 plot2d 1 2 -x "Amplitude (mV)" -y "Amplitude (mV)" -t \
#			 "Record $RECORD, Signals: $SIGNALS ($LEFT - $RIGHT)"

# VCG (with time axis)	rdsamp -r $RECORD -f $LEFT -t $RIGHT -s $SIGNALS -p | \
#			 plot3d 0 1 2 -x "Time (seconds)" -y "Amplitude (mV)" \
#			  -z "Amplitude (mV)" -rx 60 -rz 30 -t \
#			  "Record $RECORD, Signals: $SIGNALS ($LEFT - $RIGHT)"

# The previous entry can be modified easily to plot a 3D VCG (just change
# `0 1 2' to '1 2 3', correct the x-axis label, and make sure that the signal
# list contains three signals).  Adjust the -rx and -rz options to obtain the
# desired viewpoint.

# Add additional entries below.