Effect of Deep Brain Stimulation on Parkinsonian Tremor 1.0.0

File: <base>/subject_description.txt (3,315 bytes)
# subject_description.txt
SUBJECT               g1    g2    v3    v4    v5    s6    s7    s8       
AGE (YRS)             54    52    71    67    40    61    59    64
GENDER                M     M     F     M     M     F     F     M
STIM TARGET           GPi   GPi   Vim   Vim   Vim   STN   STN   STN
BI/UNI-LATERAL        Bi    Uni   Uni   Uni   Uni   Bi    Bi    Bi
EFF FREQ (Hz)         185   160   130   185   135   185   185   135
INEFF FREQ (Hz)       90    60    65    60    60    60    90    65
INTENSITY (V)         2.4   3.7   3.3   5.3   1.3   2.0   2.4   2.8
PULSE WIDTH (mu sec)  90    120   60    90    90    90    90    90
MODE (CONT/CYCL)      Cont  Cycl  Cont  Cont  Cont  Cycl  Cycl  Cont
STIM CONTACTS         ---.  -...  -...  ..--  ..--  .--.  ..-.  --..
YEAR DIAGNOSED        1985  1985  1989  1990  1999  1990  1984  1990
YEAR DBS RIGHT        1996        1993        2000  1999  1999  2000
YEAR DBS LEFT         1996  1994        1996        1999  1999  2000
TOT DAILY MED (mg)     300  1100   500   600  1000   300  1000  1000
150% SINGLE DOSE (mg)  150   300   150   300   300   200   375   300  
SUBJECT               g9    g10   g11   g12   g13   s14   s15   s16
AGE (YRS)             68    59    57    54    50    57    40    37
GENDER                M     M     M     M     F     M     M     F
STIM TARGET           GPi   GPi   GPi   GPi   GPi   STN   STN   STN
BI/UNI-LATERAL        Bi    Bi    Bi    Bi    Bi    Bi    Bi    Bi
EFF FREQ (Hz)         185   185   185   185   130   185   135   185
INEFF FREQ (Hz)       90    60    60    60    60    60    40    60
INTENSITY (V)         3.7   3.7   4.6   4.0   4.0   2.8   2.5   2.2
PULSE WIDTH (mu sec)  90    70    90    90    90    90    90    90
MODE (CONT/CYCL)      Cont  Cont  Cont  Cycl  Cont  Cont  Cycl  Cycl
STIM CONTACTS         ---.  --..  .+--  ---.  +--.  ...-  .--.  ---.
YEAR DIAGNOSED        1981  1975  1986  1989  1989  1974  1992  1992
YEAR DBS RIGHT        1998  1995  1994  1996  1998  1999  1999  2000
YEAR DBS LEFT         1998  1995  1997  1999  1999  1999  1999  2000 
TOT DAILY MED (mg)    1200   900  1200  1100  1100   400   400   300
150% SINGLE DOSE (mg)  300   375   450   450   200   150   150   150
# STIM TARGET: GPi = Globus Pallidus interna
#              Vim = Ventro-intermediate nucleus of the thalamus
#              STN = subthalamic nucleus
# MODE: Cont = continuous stimulation
#       Cycl = cyclic stimulation (e.g. 1 minute on, 1 second off)
# STIM CONTACTS: listed in order of proximal distal direction 
#                (- negative polarity) (+ positive polarity) (. not stimulated)
# YEAR DBS RIGHT: right brain DBS
# YEAR DBS LEFT: left brain DBS
# TOT DAILY MED: total medication of morning, noon and evening doses
# 150% SINGLE DOSE: dose taken before testing "medication on" condition