Database Credentialed Access

Synthetic Acute Hypotension and Sepsis Datasets Based on MIMIC-III and Published as Part of the Health Gym Project

Nicholas Kuo Simon Finfer Louisa Jorm Sebastiano Barbieri

Published: Feb. 23, 2022. Version: 1.0.0

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Kuo, N., Finfer, S., Jorm, L., & Barbieri, S. (2022). Synthetic Acute Hypotension and Sepsis Datasets Based on MIMIC-III and Published as Part of the Health Gym Project (version 1.0.0). PhysioNet.

Please include the standard citation for PhysioNet: (show more options)
Goldberger, A., Amaral, L., Glass, L., Hausdorff, J., Ivanov, P. C., Mark, R., ... & Stanley, H. E. (2000). PhysioBank, PhysioToolkit, and PhysioNet: Components of a new research resource for complex physiologic signals. Circulation [Online]. 101 (23), pp. e215–e220.


These two synthetic datasets comprise vital signs, laboratory test results, administered fluid boluses and vasopressors for 3,910 patients with acute hypotension and for 2,164 patients with sepsis in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). The patient cohorts were built using previously published inclusion and exclusion criteria and the data were created using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and the MIMIC-III Clinical Database. The risk of identity disclosure associated with the release of these data was estimated to be very low (0.045%). The datasets were generated and published as part of the Health Gym, a project aiming to publicly distribute synthetic longitudinal health data for developing machine learning algorithms (with a particular focus on offline reinforcement learning) and for educational purposes.

A PDF version of the project content is attached as a supplementary file along with this submission.


Due to their highly confidential nature, clinical data can usually not be shared without establishing formal collaborations and executing extensive data use agreements. This hampers the development of robust machine learning algorithms for healthcare and the use of clinical data for educational purposes. One approach to overcome these barriers consists of generating synthetic data that closely resembles the original dataset but does not allow re-identification of individual patients and can therefore be freely distributed.

We publish two synthetic but realistic datasets related to patients with acute hypotension and with sepsis in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). The datasets were created using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)  [1, 2] and the MIMIC-III Clinical Database [3]. Two patient cohorts were identified within MIMIC-III and used to generate the synthetic data: 3,910 patients with acute hypotension [4] and 2,164 patients with sepsis [5], with related timeseries of vital signs, laboratory test results, medications (e.g., administered fluid boluses and vasopressors), and demographics.

The datasets were generated and published as part of the Health Gym, a project aiming to publicly distribute synthetic longitudinal health data for developing machine learning algorithms (with a particular focus on offline reinforcement learning) and for educational purposes. The datasets are highly realistic (a publication detailing the generation and quality assurance process is currently in preparation) and here we report on the risk of identity disclosure associated with the release of these data, using current best practices [6, 7].

This part corresponds to Section 1: Background on page 1 of our PDF manuscript.


The MIMIC-III Clinical Database contains only non-identifiable data; however, there is a small remaining risk of sensitive information being disclosed if an adversary is able to link the published synthetic data to specific records in MIMIC-III. A two step process is used to assess this risk. In the first step we verify that no data is simply copied by the GAN from the real training dataset to the generated synthetic dataset. This is done by ensuring that the Euclidean distance between any record (i.e., all variables recorded at a specific point in time for an individual) in the real dataset and any record in the synthetic dataset is greater than zero.

In the second step we compute the probability of successfully gaining additional information about an individual by matching records in the synthetic dataset with individuals in the population used to sample the real dataset, following the approach by El Emam et al. (2020) [6]. An adversary may have access to partial information (quasi-identifiers such as age and gender) about individuals in the population and may attempt to determine whether additional information about an individual can be gained from the synthetic dataset (population-to-sample attack), or whether an individual in the synthetic dataset can be matched to an individual in the population (sample-to-population attack). Under the assumption that an adversary will only attempt one of these attacks, but without knowing which one, the overall probability of one of these attacks being successful is given by the maximum probability of either attack being successful [6].

This part corresponds to Section 2: Methods: Identity Disclosure Risk on page 1 of our PDF manuscript.

Data Description

This section describes the format, variables, and identity disclosure risk for the two published datasets. The patient cohorts used to generate the synthetic datasets were identified in MIMIC-III using previously published inclusion and exclusion criteria. Specifically, the cohort of patients with acute hypotension was built according to Gottesman et al. (2020) [4] and the cohort of patients with sepsis was built following Komorowski et al. (2018) [5].

Acute Hypotension Dataset:
The acute hypotension dataset is stored as a comma separated value (CSV) file with a size of 21.7 MB. It includes 3,910 synthetic patients and each patient is associated with measurements over 48 hours. There are hence 187,680 (=3,910 x 48) records (rows) in total.

The dataset contains 22 variables (columns). The first 20 variables (9 numeric, 4 categorical, and 7 binary) are listed in Table 1 and the remaining two variables contain the IDs of the synthetic patients and the timepoints. The 7 binary variables (with suffix (M)) indicate whether a variable was measured at a specific point in time, which in medical time series is usually highly informative.

In a reinforcement learning context, the fluid boluses and vasopressors variables can be used to define the discrete action space for managing acute hypotension, with the remaining variables defining the state space [4].

Identity Disclosure Risk:
Since the acute hypotension dataset does not contain any quasi-identifiers, we only verified that the synthetic dataset does not contain any exact copies of records in the real dataset. Indeed the smallest Euclidean distance between any synthetic record and any real record was 49.06 (>0).

Table 1: Variables included in the acute hypotension dataset.
Variable Name Data Type Unit
Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) numeric mmHg
Diastolic Blood Pressure (Diastolic BP) numeric mmHg
Systolic Blood Pressure (Systolic BP) numeric mmHg
Urine numeric mL
Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) numeric IU/L
Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST) numeric IU/L
Partial Pressure of Oxygen (PaO2) numeric mmHg
Lactate numeric mmol/L
Serum Creatinine numeric mg/dL
Fluid Boluses categorical mL
Vasopressors categorical mcg/kg/min
Fraction of Inspired Oxygen (FiO2) categorical fraction
Glasgow Coma Scale Score (GCS) binary -
Urine Data Measured (Urine (M)) binary -
ALT or AST Data Measured (ALT/AST (M)) binary -
FiO2 (M) binary -
GCS (M) binary -
PaO2 (M) binary -
Lactic Acid (M) binary -
Serum Creatinine (M) binary


Sepsis Dataset:
The sepsis dataset is stored as a CSV file with a size of 16.2 MB. It includes 2,164 synthetic patients with 20 time points per patient, representing 80 hours of data aggregated across 4-hour windows (80=20 x 4). There are hence 43,280 (=2,164 x 20) records (rows) in total.

The dataset contains 46 variables (columns). The first 44 variables (35 numeric, 3 binary, and 6 categorical) are listed in Tables 3 and 4 and the remaining two variables contain the IDs of the synthetic patients and the timepoints. Besides inherently categorical variables such as the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS, a clinical scale between 3 and 15 used to measure a person's level of consciousness), this dataset also contains numeric variables which were categorised into deciles to simplify the data generation process (SpO2, Temp, PTT, PT, and INR).

In a reinforcement learning context, the fluid boluses and vasopressors variables can be used to define the discrete action space for managing sepsis, with the remaining variables defining the state space [5].

Identity Disclosure Risk:
The synthetic dataset does not contain any exact copies of records in the real dataset (the smallest Euclidean distance between any pair of records was 328.78 (>0)).

The sepsis dataset contains the quasi-identifiers age and gender which could be used to match records in the synthetic dataset with individuals in the population used to sample the real dataset. To compute the probability of a successful population-to-sample attack or sample-to-population attack, population statistics were determined using the entire MIMIC-III Clinical Database. The "population" contained 248,930 records whereas the sample of patients with sepsis (the real dataset) contained 23,882 records.

Table 2: Indentity disclosure risk of the sepsis datasets.
Parameter Synthetic Data Risk   Real Data Risk  
  Population-to-Sample Sample-to-Population Population-to-Sample Sample-to-Population
Sepsis 0.044% 0.045% 0.057% 0.057%

The probabilities of successful attacks are listed in Table 2, for both synthetic and real datasets. These estimates are conservative since they were not adjusted for incorrect matches or for whether the adversary "learned something new" from a match [6].

Therefore, the publication of the synthetic sepsis dataset is associated with a maximum disclosure risk of 0.045% (i.e., 0.045% probability that an individual in the synthetic dataset can be matched to an individual in the entire MIMIC-III Clinical Database). This is lower than the risk of such disclosure in the real sepsis dataset (0.057%), and far below the threshold of 9% proposed by the European Medicines Agency (2014) [8] and Health Canada (2014) [9] for the public release of clinical data. This is also lower than the risk threshold of 5% used in El Emam et al. (2020) [6].

Besides the standard security setup outlined in [6], we further consider the situation where an attacker has access to both the MIMIC-III database and the patient selection criteria. In this situation, we treat the real sepsis dataset as the population and treat the synthetic sepsis dataset as the sample. The new sample-to-population (synthetic-dataset-to-real-dataset) risk is 0.796%. This value is notably larger than the synthetic-dataset-to-database risk of 0.045% in Table 2. The main reason is that the real dataset is much smaller than the MIMIC-III database in size, thus making it easier to randomly match patient information. Regardless, the new risk is still much lower than the standard threshold of 9% and hence the security of the synthetic dataset is still very strong.

Our readers should further note that it is not meaningful to consider the population-to-sample risk when an attacker has access to both the database and the patient selection criteria. When both information are present, the attacker already has everything required to identify the vulnerable patients and thus nothing extra can be learned from further matching the real dataset to the synthetic dataset.

Table 3: Numeric variables included in the sepsis dataset.
Variable Name Data Type Unit
Age numeric year
Heart Rate (HR) numeric bpm
Systolic BP numeric mmHg
Mean BP numeric mmHg
Diastolic BP numeric mmHg
Respiratory Rate (RR) numeric bpm
Potassium (K+) numeric meq/L
Sodium (Na+) numeric meq/L
Chloride (Cl-) numeric meq/L
Calcium (Ca++) numeric mg/dL
Ionised Ca++ numeric mg/dL
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) numeric meq/L
Albumin numeric g/dL
Hemoglobin (Hb) numeric g/dL
Potential of Hydrogen (pH) numeric -
Arterial Base Excess (BE) numeric meq/L
Bicarbonate (HCO3) numeric meq/L
FiO2 numeric fraction
Glucose numeric mg/dL
Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) numeric mg/dL
Creatinine numeric mg/dL
Magnesium (Mg++) numeric mg/dL
Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transaminase (SGOT) numeric u/L
Serum Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase (SGPT) numeric u/L
Total Bilirubin (Total Bili) numeric mg/dL
White Blood Cell Count (WBC) numeric E9/L
Platelets Count (Platelets) numeric E9/L
PaO2 numeric mmHg
Partial Pressure of CO2 (PaCO2) numeric mmHg
Lactate numeric mmol/L
Total Volume of Intravenous Fluids (Input Total) numeric mL
Intravenous Fluids of Each 4-Hour Period (Input 4H) numeric mL
Maximum Dose of Vasopressors in 4H (Max Vaso) numeric mcg/kg/min
Total Volume of Urine Output (Output Total) numeric mL
Urine Output in 4H (Output 4H) numeric mL


Table 4: Non-numeric variables included in the sepsis dataset.
Variable Name Data Type Unit
Gender binary 0=male, 1=female
Readmission of Patient (Readmission) binary -
Mechanical Ventilation (Mech) binary -
GCS categorical -
Pulse Oximetry Saturation (SpO2) categorical %
Temperature (Temp) categorical Celcius
Partial Thromboplastin Time (PTT) categorical s
Prothrombin Time (PT) categorical s
International Normalised Ratio (INR) categorical -

This part corresponds to Section 3: Content Description on page 2 of our PDF manuscript.


Usage Notes

The two datasets mentioned in this paper will be made available through PhysioNet (Goldberger et al., 2000) [10] a repository that hosts and shares medical data managed by the MIT Laboratory for Computational Physiology. In addition, the datasets will first be released under the PhysioNet Credentialed Health Data License 1.5.0.


The authors declare no ethics concerns.

Conflicts of Interest

There are no conflict of interests.


  1. Ian Goodfellow, Jean Pouget-Abadie, Mehdi Mirza, Bing Xu, David Warde-Farley, Sherjil Ozair, Aaron Courville, and Yoshua Bengio. Generative Adversarial Nets. In the Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2014.
  2. Ishaan Gulrajani, Faruk Ahmed, Martin Arjovsky, Vincent Dumoulin, and Aaron Courville. Improved Training of Wasserstein GANs. In the Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2017.
  3. Alistair EW Johnson, Tom J Pollard, Lu Shen, H Lehman Li-Wei, Mengling Feng, Mohammad Ghassemi, Benjamin Moody, Peter Szolovits, Leo Anthony Celi, and Roger G Mark. MIMICIII, A Freely Accessible Critical Care Database. Scientific data, 2016.
  4. Omer Gottesman, Joseph Futoma, Yao Liu, Sonali Parbhoo, Leo Celi, Emma Brunskill, and Finale Doshi-Velez. Interpretable Off-Policy Evaluation in Reinforcement Learning by Highlighting Influential Transitions. In the International Conference on Machine Learning, 2020.
  5. Matthieu Komorowski, Leo A Celi, Omar Badawi, Anthony C Gordon, and A Aldo Faisal. The Artificial Intelligence Clinician Learns Optimal Treatment Strategies for Sepsis in Intensive Care. Nature Medicine, 2018.
  6. Khaled El Emam, Lucy Mosquera, and Jason Bass. Evaluating Identity Disclosure Risk in Fully Synthetic Health Data: Model Development and Validation. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2020.
  7. Andre Goncalves, Priyadip Ray, Braden Soper, Jennifer Stevens, Linda Coyle, and Ana Paula Sales. Generation and Evaluation of Synthetic Patient Data. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 2020.
  8. European Medicines Agency. European Medicines Agency Policy on Publication of Clinical Data for Medicinal Products for Human Use. 2014.
  9. Health Canada. Guidance Document on Public Release of Clinical Information. 2014.
  10. Ary L Goldberger, Luis AN Amaral, Leon Glass, Jeffrey M Hausdorff, Plamen Ch Ivanov, Roger G Mark, Joseph E Mietus, George B Moody, Chung-Kang Peng, and H Eugene Stanley. PhysioBank, PhysioToolkit, and PhysioNet: Components of a New Research Resource for Complex Physiologic Signals. Circulation, 2000.


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