A Cardiovascular Simulator for Research 1.0.0

File: <base>/src/make.m (962 bytes)
% The script make.m compiles rcvsim.m and all the functions that it
% calls with the function mcc (MATLAB compiler version 1.2) so that it
% may be executed at the  Linux prompt.  The mcc arguments r (real numbers
% only) and i (no dynamic memory allocation) are included to optimize
% execution speed.  The mcc argument m creates  the stand-alone
% executable file rcvsim and the C source code simulate.c.

mcc -V1.2 -riwm rcvsim simulate intact_init_cond hlu_init_cond sc_init_cond lv_init_cond init_cond nac_init_cond third_init_cond third_nac_init_cond apr_init_cond a_init_cond rk4 intact_eval_deriv hlu_eval_deriv sc_eval_deriv lv_eval_deriv eval_deriv third_eval_deriv nac_eval_deriv third_nac_eval_deriv apr_eval_deriv a_eval_deriv var_cap var_vcap var_acap vent_vol resp_act rand_int_breath abreflex dncm_filt ilv_dec cpreflex ans_filt oneoverf_filt bl_filt sinc read_param conserve_vol param_change wave_remote.c read_key.c write_param.c plot_cfvr.c