A Cardiovascular Simulator for Research 1.0.0

File: <base>/doc/Makefile (3,472 bytes)
# file: Makefile	G. Moody	3 February 2004
# `make' description file for the RCVSIM User's Guide
# This file is used with the UNIX `make' command to create and install on-line
# versions of the RCVSIM User's Guide, and also to print it.  Before using
# this file for the first time, check that the site-specific variables below
# are appropriate for your system.

# The most recent version of this guide is always available on PhysioNet
# (follow the links from http://www.physionet.org/physiotools/manuals.shtml).
# Use any web browser to read it.

# If you have the necessary formatting software, this manual can be formatted
# from the sources in in this directory.  Here is a brief list of available
# formats and the commands needed to produce them:

# printed copy	'make rug-book'(requires latex, dvips, and a printer)
# HTML		'make wag.html'(requires latex2html)
# PDF		'make wag.pdf' (requires latex, dvips, and ps2pdf)
# PostScript	'make wag.ps'  (requires latex and dvips)

# ...........................................................................
# Change the settings below as appropriate for your setup.

# PRINT is the name of the program used to produce listings (including any
# options for the desired formatting).
PRINT = lpr

# SETPERMISSIONS is the command needed to make the installed files accessible
# to those who will use them.  The value given below makes them readable by
# everyone, and writeable by the owner only.  (If you perform the installation
# as `root', `root' is the owner of the installed files.)

# SETDPERMISSIONS is similarly used to make directories created during the
# installation accessible.

# D2PARGS is a list of options for dvips.  Uncomment one of these to set the
# paper size ("a4" is most common except in the US and Canada):
# D2PARGS = -t a4
D2PARGS = -t letter

# LN is a command that makes the file named by its first argument accessible
# via the name given in its second argument.  If your system supports symbolic
# links, uncomment the next line.
LN = ln -sf
# Otherwise uncomment the next line if your system supports hard links.
# LN = ln
# If your system doesn't support links at all, copy files instead.
# LN = cp

# PSPRINT is the name of the program that prints PostScript files. If your
# printer is not a PostScript printer, see the GhostScript documentation to see
# how to do this (since the figure files are in PostScript form, it is not
# sufficient to use a non-PostScript dvi translator such as dvilj).

# It should not be necessary to modify anything below this line.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


all:	manual.html manual.ps manual.pdf

# 'make book': print a copy of the RCVSIM User's Guide
book:		manual.ps
	$(PSPRINT) manual.ps

# 'make manual.html': format the RCVSIM User's Guide as HTML
manual.html:	manual.ps
	-mkdir manual
	cp -p icons/* manual
	latex2html -dir manual -local_icons manual
	cd manual; rm -f WARNINGS *.aux *.log *.tex images.* *.pl

# 'make manual.pdf': format the RCVSIM User's Guide as PDF
manual.pdf:	manual.ps
	ps2pdf manual.ps manual.pdf

# 'make manual.ps': format the RCVSIM User's Guide as PostScript
manual.ps:	manual.tex
	latex manual
	bibtex manual
	latex manual
	latex manual
	dvips $(D2PARGS) -o manual.ps manual

# 'make clean': remove intermediate and backup files
	rm -f *.aux *.blg *.bbl *.dvi *.log *.toc *~