plt - Software for 2D Plots 2.5

File: <base>/plt-2.5a/INSTALL (5,615 bytes)
file: INSTALL			G. Moody	 3 April 2001
				Last revised:	25 March 2009
Compiling and installing `plt'

The most recent version of 'plt' is always freely available from PhysioNet

Under Unix or GNU/Linux:

`plt' has been successfully compiled under many versions of GNU/Linux,
including Fedora 10 and Ubuntu Hardy (both x86 and x86_64), as well as under
many other versions of Unix, including SunOS, Solaris, HP-UX, and AIX.

 * Use 'cd' to navigate to the directory containing this file.
 * Make any needed changes to the site-dependent variables in `Makefile'.
 * Compile and install `plt' by typing:
	make install
   You may need root privileges for this step unless you have changed the
   installation directories in `Makefile'.  If the `make' command fails,
   read `Makefile' to see how to proceed.
 * To test the installation, start your X server if it is not running already,
   then from an X terminal window, type:
	make xdemo
   If you have `gv' (included in most GNU/Linux distributions, and freely
   available from, you can
   see the same demonstration in PostScript format by typing:
	make psdemo 
 * (Optional)  If you wish to generate PNG images using `lwcat -png', install
   ImageMagick (free download from if you have not
   already done so.  Most GNU/Linux distributions include ImageMagick already.
 * (Optional)  If you wish to generate PDF images using `lwcat -pdf', install
   epstopdf, available from,
   and included in the tetex, TeX Live (, and MiKTeX
   ( distributions.

Under Mac OS X (Darwin):

`plt' has been successfully compiled on x86 Macs running OS X 10.5 (Leopard), as
well as on PPC Macs running Mac OS X 10.3.9 (Darwin 7.9.0) and several earlier
versions.  On Leopard, install XCode, change XLIBDIR to /usr/X11/lib (in the
top-level Makefile) and follow the instructions above (use 'sudo make install'
to perform the installation with root privileges;  enter your own password
when prompted).

The instructions below were developed several years ago.  They have not been
tested recently, but they may still be helpful.

You will need to obtain and install several packages of free software needed by
`plt'.  For those not available from Apple, we suggest using Fink
(, an easy-to-install collection of free Unix
tools that have been ported to Mac OS X.

Before compiling `plt', download and install:
 * X11 for Mac OS X (included in current Mac OS X CD sets, or from
 * Apple's XCode developer tools, including the X11 SDK from XCode's Packages
   folder (included in current Mac OS X CD sets, or from
 * gv (from Fink; sources from
 * ImageMagick (from Fink; sources from

Now follow the instructions above for Unix or Linux (use 'sudo make install'
to perform the installation with root privileges;  enter your own password
when prompted).

Under MS-Windows (9x/NT/2000/ME/XP):

`plt' has been successfully compiled under MS-Windows XP and earlier versions,
using Cygwin gcc and other free development tools described below.

   Do not attempt to use a commercial C compiler to compile `plt';  it won't
   work, because `plt' uses POSIX (Unix) interfaces that are not available
   under MS-Windows except when using Cygwin gcc (see below).

There are two suggested methods for installing `plt' if you are using

Method A:
 * Install Linux, then follow the instructions above.  Try it, you'll like it!

Method B:
 * Download and install Cygwin (; a tutorial guide is
   available at  In the 'Select
   Packages' dialog, you will see a collapsed tree view of the numerous
   packages available.  Click the View button once so that the indicator to its
   right changes from 'Category' to 'Full'.  You may resize the dialog box as
   needed until the package names are visible.  To select a package for
   installation, click on its rotating selector (in the New column) to cycle
   through the available choices until a version number appears.  In most
   cases, you should choose the highest version number from among those that
   are available (this is usually the first alternative offered).  Be sure to
   choose at least the following packages for installation:
   Other packages needed by these will be installed automatically.
 * Open a Cygwin terminal emulator window (the Cygwin installation will have
   created a desktop icon for this), and perform the remaining steps by typing
   into it.
 * Use 'cd' to navigate to the directory containing this file.
 * Change XINCDIR to /usr/X11R6/include, and XLIBDIR to /usr/X11R6/lib (in the
   top-level Makefile, using your favorite text editor).
 * Compile and install `plt' by typing:
	make install
 * To test the installation, start your X server if it is not running already
   (e.g., by typing 'startx' in the Cygwin terminal window), then from an X
   terminal window, type:
	make xdemo
   You can see the same demonstration in PostScript format by typing:
	make psdemo