Long Term ST Database 1.0.0

File: <base>/s30791.cnt (5,246 bytes)

ST ANNOTATIONS IN THE RECORD s30791  (Duration: 23:09:59.000)

Starting time, recording date:  01/12/1999

Lead 0: E-S
Lead 1: A-S
Lead 2: A-I

A. Criteria of 30 seconds and  75 microVolts (s30791.sta)

Lead 0:
Ischemic episodes:           6   Duration:      27:30   1.98% 
Rate-related episodes:       0   Duration:       0:00   0.00% 
Axis shifts:                14 
Conduction-change shifts:    0 
Noisy events:                0 
Unreadable intervals:        0   Duration:       0:00   0.00% 

Lead 1:
Ischemic episodes:           3   Duration:      20:06   1.45% 
Rate-related episodes:       0   Duration:       0:00   0.00% 
Axis shifts:                12 
Conduction-change shifts:    0 
Noisy events:                0 
Unreadable intervals:        0   Duration:       0:00   0.00% 

Lead 2:
Ischemic episodes:           4   Duration:      17:48   1.28% 
Rate-related episodes:       0   Duration:       0:00   0.00% 
Axis shifts:                10 
Conduction-change shifts:    0 
Noisy events:                0 
Unreadable intervals:        0   Duration:       0:00   0.00% 

Ischemic episodes:          13   Duration:    1:05:24   1.57%
Rate-related episodes:       0   Duration:       0:00   0.00%
Axis shifts:                36 
Conduction-change shifts:    0 
Noisy events:                0 
Unreadable intervals:        0   Duration:       0:00   0.00%

Ischemic episodes:           5   Duration:      35:28   2.55% 
Rate-related episodes:       0   Duration:       0:00   0.00%
Unreadable intervals:        0   Duration:       0:00   0.00%

Combined [ischemic or rate-related]:
ST segment episodes:         5   Duration:      35:28   2.55%
Unreadable intervals:        0   Duration:       0:00   0.00%

B. Criteria of 30 seconds and 100 microVolts (s30791.stb)

Lead 0:
Ischemic episodes:           0   Duration:       0:00   0.00% 
Rate-related episodes:       0   Duration:       0:00   0.00% 
Axis shifts:                14 
Conduction-change shifts:    0 
Noisy events:                0 
Unreadable intervals:        0   Duration:       0:00   0.00% 

Lead 1:
Ischemic episodes:           1   Duration:      10:26   0.75% 
Rate-related episodes:       0   Duration:       0:00   0.00% 
Axis shifts:                12 
Conduction-change shifts:    0 
Noisy events:                0 
Unreadable intervals:        0   Duration:       0:00   0.00% 

Lead 2:
Ischemic episodes:           2   Duration:      11:28   0.82% 
Rate-related episodes:       0   Duration:       0:00   0.00% 
Axis shifts:                10 
Conduction-change shifts:    0 
Noisy events:                0 
Unreadable intervals:        0   Duration:       0:00   0.00% 

Ischemic episodes:           3   Duration:      21:54   0.53%
Rate-related episodes:       0   Duration:       0:00   0.00%
Axis shifts:                36 
Conduction-change shifts:    0 
Noisy events:                0 
Unreadable intervals:        0   Duration:       0:00   0.00%

Ischemic episodes:           2   Duration:      13:30   0.97% 
Rate-related episodes:       0   Duration:       0:00   0.00%
Unreadable intervals:        0   Duration:       0:00   0.00%

Combined [ischemic or rate-related]:
ST segment episodes:         2   Duration:      13:30   0.97%
Unreadable intervals:        0   Duration:       0:00   0.00%

C. Criteria of 60 seconds and 100 microVolts (s30791.stc)

Lead 0:
Ischemic episodes:           0   Duration:       0:00   0.00% 
Rate-related episodes:       0   Duration:       0:00   0.00% 
Axis shifts:                14 
Conduction-change shifts:    0 
Noisy events:                0 
Unreadable intervals:        0   Duration:       0:00   0.00% 

Lead 1:
Ischemic episodes:           1   Duration:      10:26   0.75% 
Rate-related episodes:       0   Duration:       0:00   0.00% 
Axis shifts:                12 
Conduction-change shifts:    0 
Noisy events:                0 
Unreadable intervals:        0   Duration:       0:00   0.00% 

Lead 2:
Ischemic episodes:           1   Duration:       9:16   0.67% 
Rate-related episodes:       0   Duration:       0:00   0.00% 
Axis shifts:                10 
Conduction-change shifts:    0 
Noisy events:                0 
Unreadable intervals:        0   Duration:       0:00   0.00% 

Ischemic episodes:           2   Duration:      19:42   0.47%
Rate-related episodes:       0   Duration:       0:00   0.00%
Axis shifts:                36 
Conduction-change shifts:    0 
Noisy events:                0 
Unreadable intervals:        0   Duration:       0:00   0.00%

Ischemic episodes:           1   Duration:      11:18   0.81% 
Rate-related episodes:       0   Duration:       0:00   0.00%
Unreadable intervals:        0   Duration:       0:00   0.00%

Combined [ischemic or rate-related]:
ST segment episodes:         1   Duration:      11:18   0.81%
Unreadable intervals:        0   Duration:       0:00   0.00%

QRS ATRUTH ANNOTATIONS                   (s30791.atr)

Total number of beats                          100482

Normal beats                                   100325
Premature ventricular contractions                 57
Fusions of ventricular and normal beat              1
Supraventricular premature or ectopic beats        99