ECG Effects of Ranolazine, Dofetilide, Verapamil, and Quinidine 1.0.0

File: <base>/raw/1002/c348f576-677c-46fb-94e6-93d00f65664c.hea (1,012 bytes)
c348f576-677c-46fb-94e6-93d00f65664c 12 1000 10000
c348f576-677c-46fb-94e6-93d00f65664c.dat 16 227944.3(6411)/mV 0 0 0 27873 0 I
c348f576-677c-46fb-94e6-93d00f65664c.dat 16 54188.3(-24131)/mV 0 0 0 25444 0 II
c348f576-677c-46fb-94e6-93d00f65664c.dat 16 55273.8(-23854)/mV 0 0 0 -4294 0 III
c348f576-677c-46fb-94e6-93d00f65664c.dat 16 97267.5(21034)/mV 0 0 0 21154 0 AVR
c348f576-677c-46fb-94e6-93d00f65664c.dat 16 104959.4(20893)/mV 0 0 0 18462 0 AVL
c348f576-677c-46fb-94e6-93d00f65664c.dat 16 55773.6(-24750)/mV 0 0 0 -29628 0 AVF
c348f576-677c-46fb-94e6-93d00f65664c.dat 16 82238.7(26085)/mV 0 0 0 31431 0 V1
c348f576-677c-46fb-94e6-93d00f65664c.dat 16 30392.6(17381)/mV 0 0 0 -10134 0 V2
c348f576-677c-46fb-94e6-93d00f65664c.dat 16 31487.8(15646)/mV 0 0 0 -22551 0 V3
c348f576-677c-46fb-94e6-93d00f65664c.dat 16 40799.4(-5737)/mV 0 0 0 -4465 0 V4
c348f576-677c-46fb-94e6-93d00f65664c.dat 16 31967.8(-24775)/mV 0 0 0 -6205 0 V5
c348f576-677c-46fb-94e6-93d00f65664c.dat 16 41526.5(-25111)/mV 0 0 0 -25058 0 V6