CAST RR Interval Sub-Study Database 1.0.0

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<h1 align=center> The CAST RR Interval Sub-Study Database </h1>

<font color="#005599"><h2>Description of the database</h2></font>

<p>The database is divided into three groups of records (<a href="e/">e</a>,
<a href="f/">f</a>, and <a href="m/">m</a>), corresponding
to the three medications that the subjects received.  Within each
group, the data from a single subject are represented by a pair
of records (baseline and on-therapy;  note that the database includes
a few subjects that are represented by only one record each).

<p>Record names are of the form <em>dnnnx</em>.  The first character,
<em>d</em>, indicates which of the three medications under study was to
be given to the subject:

<li> <a href="e/">e</a>: Encainide </li>
<li> <a href="f/">f</a>: Flecainide </li>
<li> <a href="m/">m</a>: Moricizine </li>

The medication code is followed by a three-digit number, <em>nnn</em>.  These
first four characters of the record name, <em>dnnn</em>, form the subject
identifier.  The final character of the record name indicates if the
subject was receiving the study medication:

<li> a: baseline (pre-treatment; no medication) </li>
<li> b: on-therapy (during medication) </li>

Thus, for example, record f004b is from a subject receiving Flecainide, and
the corresponding baseline data for the same subject is in record f004a.

The .atr files are <a href="/faq.shtml#annot-read"><i>annotation files</i></a>
that contain a label for each QRS complex, indicating its type and time of
occurrence.  The RR interval time series can be obtained by reading these files
using software such as <a href="/physiotools/wag/ann2rr-1.htm">ann2rr</a>;
see the <a href="/tutorials/hrv/">RR Intervals, Heart Rate, and HRV Howto</a>
for further information.

The .hea files contain additional information about the recordings that
may be of interest, including the subject's age range (in 5-year quantiles)
and gender, a note about the type of recording (indicating if it is
flutter-compensated), the time of day at which the recording began, and
a recording date.  Note that for purposes of deidentification, the true
recording date is not provided.  For each subject, a randomly chosen offset
has been applied to the baseline and on-therapy record dates (the same offset
is applied to both dates, so that the interval between the recordings is
correct).  The fictitious recording dates given are close enough to the
true dates that it should still be possible to study, for example, seasonal
variations of variables of interest in this database.

A list in plain text form of the names of the 1543 records in this
database can be found <a href="RECORDS">here.</a>

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