CPAP Pressure and Flow Data from a Local Trial of 30 Adults at the University of Canterbury 1.0.0
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Files saved under folders by breath type and PEEP e.g. 4cmH2O_Long_Breaths or 7cmH2O_MediumShort_Breaths
Files saved in these folders by Subject Number (PEEP and breath type is also referenced) e.g. Subject_01_4cmH2O_long_breaths
Files contain Time [s], Pressure at Venturi 1 [cmH20], Pressure at Venturi 2 [cmH20], Flow at Venturi 1 [L/s], and Flow at Venturi 2 [L/s] as column vectors from A to E respectively. Row 1 contains titles and units for the column values.
Files saved under folders by breath type and PEEP e.g. 4cmH2O_Long_Breaths or 7cmH2O_MediumShort_Breaths
Files saved in these folders by Subject Number (PEEP and breath type is also referenced) e.g. Subject_01_4cmH2O_long_breaths _raw or Subject_11_7cmH2O_mediumshort_breaths _raw
Files contain Time [s], Pressure at Venturi 1 [ADC], Inspiratory (positive) Flow at Venturi 1 [ADC], Expiratory (negative) Flow at Venturi 1 [ADC], Pressure at Venturi 2 [ADC], Inspiratory (positive) Flow at Venturi 2 [ADC], and Expiratory (negative) Flow at Venturi 2 [ADC] as column vectors from A to G respectively. Row 1 contains titles and units for the column values.
Subject Demographic Data.csv
Contains the relevant self-reported medical information for the 30 subjects. Row 1 contains titles and units for the column values. Columns A to M respectively contain Subject Number, Sex (M/F), Age (Years), Weight(kg), Height(cm), BMI, Smoker (Yes/No), Smoking Frequency (units included in column values), Duration of smoking (units included in column value), Asthmatic (Yes/No), Medication name, Frequency of use of asthma medication (units included in column value).