function [fetal_QRSAnn_est,QT_Interval,best_index] = physionet2013(tm,ECG) % Template algorithm for Physionet/CinC competition 2013. This function can % be used for events 1 and 2. Participants are free to modify any % components of the code. However the function prototype must stay the % same: % % [fetal_QRSAnn_est,QT_Interval] = physionet2013(tm,ECG) where the inputs and outputs are specified % below. % % inputs: % ECG: 4x60000 (4 channels and 1min of signal at 1000Hz) matrix of % abdominal ECG channels. % tm : Nx1 vector of time in milliseconds % output: % FQRS: FQRS markers in seconds. Each marker indicates the position of one % of the FQRS detected by the algorithm. % QT_Interval: 1x1 estimated fetal QT duration (enter NaN or 0 if you do wish to calculate) % % % Author: Joachim Behar - IPMG Oxford ( % Last updated: March 3, 2013 Ikaro Silva warning off; % ---- code constants and parameters---- fs = 1000; % sampling frequency blocksize = 2000; sample = load('samplewaves.mat'); % ---- preprocessing and maternal peak detection---- [nleads,nsamples]=size(ECG); if nleads>nsamples % make sure ECG is a row matrix ECG = ECG'; [nleads,nsamples]=size(ECG); end I=MissedValCheck(ECG); Y=preprocessing(I,fs,0.05); % filtered ECG [Y,accY,peaks,goodint] = MECGPeakDetect(Y,blocksize,sample.m,fs); ind1=find(peaks==1); if length(ind1)<20 || median(abs(accY(ind1)))<=50 Y=preprocessing(I,fs,0.2); [Y,accY,peaks,goodint] = MECGPeakDetect(Y,blocksize,sample.m,fs); end %----- finding principal componenets----- [pcM, Ucomp] = findPrinComp(Y,blocksize); % ---- MECG cancellation ---- L=1; mcount=1; [Mout,Fout,corrcoef]=FECG_extract_multichan(Y,fs,peaks,L); while (max(corrcoef)>=0.2 && mcount<4) [Mout,Fout,corrcoef]=FECG_extract_multichan(Fout,fs,peaks,L); mcount=mcount+1; end % ---- Post processing and channel selection ---- [FECG,post_order] = postFilterSelect(Fout,blocksize); % ---- FQRS detection ---- avg_power=median(abs(FECG'))'; FECG_norm=FECG./repmat(avg_power,1,nsamples); [factorcheat,best_choice]=SigMerge(FECG_norm,sample.f,goodint,fs); if any(factorcheat) [fpr1,Ftest_round1,fsample,findnc1,findc1]=Fetal_Peakdetection2(FECG_norm,sample.f,fs,factorcheat,0); if sum(sample.f.*fsample)<0 [fpr1,Ftest_round1,fsample,findnc1,findc1]=Fetal_Peakdetection2(FECG_norm,sample.f,fs,-factorcheat,0); end else findc1=0; fsample=zeros(size(sample.f)); end % comparing the detected peaks with those detected from principal % components best_index = 1; if (length(findc1)<85) fkurt=zeros(1,3); fkurt(1)=3; % this is to avoid canceling fpr1 in the competition at this level. p_order = SetSelect(pcM(1:3,:),fs); [Ftest,fpr2,findc2,psample2] = PCMPeakDetect(pcM(p_order(1),:),peaks,sample.f,goodint,fs,blocksize); fkurt(2) = kurtosis(psample2); u_order = SetSelect(Ucomp,fs); % [Ftest,fpr3,findc3,psample3] = PCMPeakDetect(Ucomp(u_order(1),:),peaks,sample.f,goodint,fs,blocksize); % fkurt(3) = kurtosis(psample3); [Ftest,fpr3,findc3,psample3] = PCMPeakDetect(Ucomp(u_order(2),:),peaks,sample.f,goodint,fs,blocksize); fkurt(3) = kurtosis(psample3); ll=[length(findc1) length(findc2) length(findc3)]; % selecting the best answer [fkurt_max, best_index] = max(ll.*(ll<140).*(fkurt>2.8)); end switch best_index case 1 fpr=fpr1; findc=findc1; case 2 fpr=fpr2; findc=findc2; case 3 fpr=fpr3; findc=findc3; end fetal_QRSAnn_est = fpr-1; QT_Interval = 0; end