Sampling frequency (125 frames/sec) will be unchanged Specify the name of the directory in which the output signals should be written, or press to write them in the current directory: Any of these output formats may be used: 8 8-bit first differences 16 16-bit two's complement amplitudes (LSB first) 61 16-bit two's complement amplitudes (MSB first) 80 8-bit offset binary amplitudes 160 16-bit offset binary amplitudes 212 2 12-bit amplitudes bit-packed in 3 bytes 310 3 10-bit amplitudes bit-packed in 15 LS bits of each of 2 words 311 3 10-bit amplitudes bit-packed in 30 LS bits of 4 bytes 24 24-bit two's complement amplitudes (LSB first) 32 32-bit two's complement amplitudes (LSB first) Choose an output format (8/16/61/80/160/212/310/311/24/32) [212]: Save all signals in one file? [y]: Signal 0 gain (adu/mV) [2456]: Signal 0 ADC resolution in bits (8-32) [12]: Signal 0 ADC zero level (adu) [0]: Signal 1 gain (adu/mmHg) [13.335]: Signal 1 ADC resolution in bits (8-32) [12]: Signal 1 ADC zero level (adu) [0]: Signal 2 gain (adu/mV) [1053]: Signal 2 ADC resolution in bits (8-32) [12]: Signal 2 ADC zero level (adu) [0]: Signal 3 gain (adu/mmHg) [39.8]: Signal 3 ADC resolution in bits (8-32) [12]: Signal 3 ADC zero level (adu) [0]: Checking input signals ... done .