import posixpath import numpy as np from import rdann, wrann from import download def compute_hr(sig_len, qrs_inds, fs): """ Compute instantaneous heart rate from peak indices. Parameters ---------- sig_len : int The length of the corresponding signal. qrs_inds : ndarray The QRS index locations. fs : int, float The corresponding signal's sampling frequency. Returns ------- heart_rate : ndarray An array of the instantaneous heart rate, with the length of the corresponding signal. Contains numpy.nan where heart rate could not be computed. """ heart_rate = np.full(sig_len, np.nan, dtype="float32") if len(qrs_inds) < 2: return heart_rate for i in range(0, len(qrs_inds) - 2): a = qrs_inds[i] b = qrs_inds[i + 1] c = qrs_inds[i + 2] rr = (b - a) * (1.0 / fs) * 1000 hr = 60000.0 / rr heart_rate[b + 1 : c + 1] = hr heart_rate[qrs_inds[-1] :] = heart_rate[qrs_inds[-1]] return heart_rate def calc_rr( qrs_locs, fs=None, min_rr=None, max_rr=None, qrs_units="samples", rr_units="samples", ): """ Compute R-R intervals from QRS indices by extracting the time differences. Parameters ---------- qrs_locs : ndarray 1d array of QRS locations. fs : float, optional Sampling frequency of the original signal. Needed if `qrs_units` does not match `rr_units`. min_rr : float, optional The minimum allowed R-R interval. Values below this are excluded from the returned R-R intervals. Units are in `rr_units`. max_rr : float, optional The maximum allowed R-R interval. Values above this are excluded from the returned R-R intervals. Units are in `rr_units`. qrs_units : str, optional The time unit of `qrs_locs`. Must be one of: 'samples', 'seconds'. rr_units : str, optional The desired time unit of the returned R-R intervals in. Must be one of: 'samples', 'seconds'. Returns ------- rr : ndarray Array of R-R intervals. """ rr = np.diff(qrs_locs) # Empty input qrs_locs if not len(rr): return rr # Convert to desired output rr units if needed if qrs_units == "samples" and rr_units == "seconds": rr = rr / fs elif qrs_units == "seconds" and rr_units == "samples": rr = rr * fs # Apply R-R interval filters if min_rr is not None: rr = rr[rr > min_rr] if max_rr is not None: rr = rr[rr < max_rr] return rr def calc_mean_hr(rr, fs=None, min_rr=None, max_rr=None, rr_units="samples"): """ Compute mean heart rate in beats per minute, from a set of R-R intervals. Returns 0 if rr is empty. Parameters ---------- rr : ndarray Array of R-R intervals. fs : int, float The corresponding signal's sampling frequency. Required if 'input_time_units' == 'samples'. min_rr : float, optional The minimum allowed R-R interval. Values below this are excluded when calculating the heart rate. Units are in `rr_units`. max_rr : float, optional The maximum allowed R-R interval. Values above this are excluded when calculating the heart rate. Units are in `rr_units`. rr_units : str, optional The time units of the input R-R intervals. Must be one of: 'samples', 'seconds'. Returns ------- mean_hr : float The mean heart rate in beats per minute. """ if not len(rr): return 0 if min_rr is not None: rr = rr[rr > min_rr] if max_rr is not None: rr = rr[rr < max_rr] mean_rr = np.mean(rr) mean_hr = 60 / mean_rr # Convert to bpm if rr_units == "samples": mean_hr = mean_hr * fs return mean_hr def ann2rr( record_name, extension, pn_dir=None, start_time=None, stop_time=None, format=None, as_array=True, ): """ Obtain RR interval series from ECG annotation files. Parameters ---------- record_name : str The record name of the WFDB annotation file. ie. for file '100.atr', record_name='100'. extension : str The annotatator extension of the annotation file. ie. for file '100.atr', extension='atr'. pn_dir : str, optional Option used to stream data from Physionet. The PhysioNet database directory from which to find the required annotation file. eg. For record '100' in '': pn_dir='mitdb'. start_time : float, optional The time to start the intervals in seconds. stop_time : float, optional The time to stop the intervals in seconds. format : str, optional Print intervals in the specified format. By default, intervals are printed in units of sample intervals. Other formats include 's' (seconds), 'm' (minutes), 'h' (hours). Set to 'None' for samples. as_array : bool, optional If True, return an an 'ndarray', else print the output. Returns ------- N/A Examples -------- >>> wfdb.ann2rr('sample-data/100', 'atr', as_array=False) >>> 18 >>> 59 >>> ... >>> 250 >>> 257 """ if (pn_dir is not None) and ("." not in pn_dir): dir_list = pn_dir.split("/") pn_dir = posixpath.join( dir_list[0], download.get_version(dir_list[0]), *dir_list[1:] ) ann = rdann(record_name, extension, pn_dir=pn_dir) rr_interval = calc_rr(ann.sample, fs=ann.fs) rr_interval = np.insert(rr_interval, 0, ann.sample[0]) time_interval = rr_interval / ann.fs if start_time is not None: time_interval = time_interval[(time_interval > start_time).astype(bool)] if stop_time is not None: time_interval = time_interval[(time_interval < stop_time).astype(bool)] # Already given in seconds (format == 's') if format == "s": out_interval = time_interval elif format == "m": out_interval = time_interval / 60 elif format == "h": out_interval = time_interval / (60 * 60) else: out_interval = np.around(time_interval * ann.fs).astype( if as_array: return out_interval else: print(*out_interval, sep="\n") def rr2ann(rr_array, record_name, extension, fs=250, as_time=False): """ Creates an annotation file from the standard input, which should usually be a Numpy array of intervals in the format produced by `ann2rr`. (For exceptions, see the `as_time` parameter below.). An optional second column may be provided which gives the respective annotation mnemonic. Parameters ---------- rr_array : ndarray A Numpy array consisting of the input RR intervals. If `as_time` is set to True, then the input should consist of times of occurences. If, the shape of the input array is '(n_annot,2)', then treat the second column as the annotation mnemonic ('N', 'V', etc.). If a second column is not specified, then the default annotation will the '"' which specifies a comment. record_name : str The record name of the WFDB annotation file. ie. for file '100.atr', record_name='100'. extension : str The annotatator extension of the annotation file. ie. for file '100.atr', extension='atr'. fs : float, int, optional Assume the specified sampling frequency. This option has no effect unless the `as_time` parameter is set to convert to samples; in this case, a sampling frequency of 250 Hz is assumed if this option is omitted. as_time : bool Interpret the input as times of occurrence (if True), rather than as samples (if False). There is not currently a way to input RR intervals in time format between beats. For example, 0.2 seconds between beats 1->2, 0.3 seconds between beats 2->3, etc. Returns ------- N/A Examples -------- Using time of occurence as input: >>> import numpy as np >>> rr_array = np.array([[0.2, 0.6, 1.3], ['V', 'N', 'V']]).T >>> wfdb.rr2ann(rr_array, 'test_ann', 'atr', fs=100, as_time=True) Using samples as input: >>> import numpy as np >>> rr_array = np.array([4, 17, 18, 16]) >>> wfdb.rr2ann(rr_array, 'test_ann', 'atr') """ try: ann_sample = rr_array[:, 0] except IndexError: ann_sample = rr_array if as_time: ann_sample = (fs * ann_sample.astype(np.float64)).astype(np.int64) else: ann_sample = np.cumsum(ann_sample).astype(np.int64) try: ann_symbol = rr_array[:, 1].tolist() except IndexError: ann_symbol = rr_array.shape[0] * ['"'] wrann(record_name, extension, ann_sample, symbol=ann_symbol)