import posixpath import numpy as np import pandas as pd from import annotation from import download from import rdrecord def sigavg( record_name, extension, pn_dir=None, return_df=False, start_range=-0.05, stop_range=0.05, ann_type="all", start_time=0, stop_time=-1, verbose=False, ): """ A common problem in signal processing is to determine the shape of a recurring waveform in the presence of noise. If the waveform recurs periodically (for example, once per second) the signal can be divided into segments of an appropriate length (one second in this example), and the segments can be averaged to reduce the amplitude of any noise that is uncorrelated with the signal. Typically, noise is reduced by a factor of the square root of the number of segments included in the average. For physiologic signals, the waveforms of interest are usually not strictly periodic, however. This function averages such waveforms by defining segments (averaging windows) relative to the locations of waveform annotations. By default, all QRS (beat) annotations for the specified annotator are included. Parameters ---------- record_name : str The name of the WFDB record to be read, without any file extensions. If the argument contains any path delimiter characters, the argument will be interpreted as PATH/BASE_RECORD. Both relative and absolute paths are accepted. If the `pn_dir` parameter is set, this parameter should contain just the base record name, and the files fill be searched for remotely. Otherwise, the data files will be searched for in the local path. pn_dir : str, optional Option used to stream data from Physionet. The Physionet database directory from which to find the required record files. eg. For record '100' in '' pn_dir='mitdb'. return_df : bool, optional Whether to return a Pandas dataframe (True) or just print the output (False). start_range : float, int, optional Set the measurement window relative to QRS annotations. Negative values correspond to offsets that precede the annotations. The default is -0.05 seconds. stop_range : float, int, optional Set the measurement window relative to QRS annotations. Negative values correspond to offsets that precede the annotations. The default is 0.05 seconds. ann_type : list[str], str, optional Include annotations of the specified types only (i.e. 'N'). Multiple types are also accepted (i.e. ['V','N']). The default is 'all' which means to include all QRS annotations. start_time : float, int, optional Begin at the specified time in record. The default is 0 which denotes the start of the record. stop_time : float, int, optional Process until the specified time in record. The default is -1 which denotes the end of the record. verbose : bool, optional Whether to print the headers (True) or not (False). Returns ------- N/A : Pandas dataframe If `return_df` is set to True, return a Pandas dataframe representing the output from the original WFDB package. This is the same content as if `return_df` were set to False, just in dataframe form. """ if start_range >= stop_range: raise Exception("`start_range` must be less than `stop_range`") if start_time == stop_time: raise Exception("`start_time` must be different than `stop_time`") if (stop_time != -1) and (start_time >= stop_time): raise Exception("`start_time` must be less than `stop_time`") if start_time < 0: raise Exception("`start_time` must be at least 0") if (stop_time != -1) and (stop_time <= 0): raise Exception("`stop_time` must be at least greater than 0") if (pn_dir is not None) and ("." not in pn_dir): dir_list = pn_dir.split("/") pn_dir = posixpath.join( dir_list[0], download.get_version(dir_list[0]), *dir_list[1:] ) rec = rdrecord(record_name, pn_dir=pn_dir, physical=False) ann = annotation.rdann(record_name, extension) if stop_time == -1: stop_time = max(ann.sample) / ann.fs samp_start = int(start_time * ann.fs) samp_stop = int(stop_time * ann.fs) filtered_samples = ann.sample[ (ann.sample >= samp_start) & (ann.sample <= samp_stop) ] times = np.arange( int(start_range * rec.fs) / rec.fs, int(-(-stop_range // (1 / rec.fs))) / rec.fs, 1 / rec.fs, ) indices = np.rint(times * rec.fs).astype(np.int64) n_beats = 0 initial_sig_avgs = np.zeros((times.shape[0], rec.n_sig)) all_symbols = [a.symbol for a in annotation.ann_labels] for samp in filtered_samples: samp_i = np.where(ann.sample == samp)[0][0] current_ann = ann.symbol[samp_i] if (ann_type != "all") and ( ((type(ann_type) is str) and (current_ann != ann_type)) or ((type(ann_type) is list) and (current_ann not in ann_type)) ): continue try: if not annotation.is_qrs[all_symbols.index(current_ann)]: continue except ValueError: continue for c, i in enumerate(indices): for j in range(rec.n_sig): try: initial_sig_avgs[c][j] += rec.d_signal[samp + i][j] except IndexError: initial_sig_avgs[c][j] += 0 n_beats += 1 if n_beats < 1: raise Exception("No beats found") if verbose and not return_df: print(f"# Average of {n_beats} beats:") s = "{:>14}" * rec.n_sig print(f"# Time{s.format(*rec.sig_name)}") print(f"# sec{s.format(*rec.units)}") final_sig_avgs = [] for i, time in enumerate(times): sig_avgs = [] for j in range(rec.n_sig): temp_sig_avg = initial_sig_avgs[i][j] / n_beats temp_sig_avg -= rec.baseline[j] temp_sig_avg /= rec.adc_gain[j] sig_avgs.append(round(temp_sig_avg, 5)) final_sig_avgs.append(sig_avgs) df = pd.DataFrame(final_sig_avgs, columns=rec.sig_name) df.insert(0, "Time", np.around(times, decimals=5)) if return_df: return df else: print(df.to_string(index=False, header=False, col_space=13))