# The WFDB Python Package
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## Introduction
A Python-native package for reading, writing, processing, and plotting physiologic signal and annotation data. The core I/O functionality is based on the Waveform Database (WFDB) [specifications](https://github.com/wfdb/wfdb-spec/).
This package is heavily inspired by the original [WFDB Software Package](https://www.physionet.org/content/wfdb/), and initially aimed to replicate many of its command-line APIs. However, the projects are independent, and there is no promise of consistency between the two, beyond each package adhering to the core specifications.
## Documentation and Usage
See the [documentation site](http://wfdb.readthedocs.io) for the public APIs.
See the [demo.ipynb](https://github.com/MIT-LCP/wfdb-python/blob/main/demo.ipynb) notebook file for example use cases.
## Installation
The distribution is hosted on PyPI at: . The package can be directly installed from PyPI using either pip or poetry:
pip install wfdb
poetry add wfdb
On Linux systems, accessing _compressed_ WFDB signal files requires installing `libsndfile`, by running `sudo apt-get install libsndfile1` or `sudo yum install libsndfile`. Support for Apple M1 systems is a work in progess (see and ).
The development version is hosted at: . This repository also contains demo scripts and example data. To install the development version, clone or download the repository, navigate to the base directory, and run:
# Without dev dependencies
pip install .
poetry install
# With dev dependencies
pip install ".[dev]"
poetry install -E dev
# Install the dependencies only
poetry install -E dev --no-root
**See the [note](https://github.com/MIT-LCP/wfdb-python/blob/main/DEVELOPING.md#package-and-dependency-management) about dev dependencies.**
## Developing
Please see the [DEVELOPING.md](https://github.com/MIT-LCP/wfdb-python/blob/main/DEVELOPING.md) document for contribution/development instructions.
## Citing
When using this resource, please cite the software [publication](https://physionet.org/content/wfdb-python/) on PhysioNet.