function varargout=wfdbtool(varargin) % % [stat,browser,url]=wfdbtool(recordName,N,N0,systemBrowser) % % MATLAB interface to PhysioNet's LightWAVE. LightWAVE is a lightweight % waveform and annotation viewer and editor. You can use it to view any of % the recordings of physiologic signals and time series in PhysioNet, % together with their annotations (event markers). % % NOTE: This tool is currently supported only in MATLAB 2013b or higher. On some system % (such as Linux) the MATLAB default browser may not worker properly % with LightWAVE. In this case you may want to try setting the % 'systemBrowser' to 1 (true). % % Required Input Parameters: % % recorName % String specifying the name of the record in the WFDB path or % in the current directory. % % Optional Input Parameters are: % % N % A 1x1 integer specifying the sample number at which to stop displaying the % record file. Default is enough samples to cover 10 seconds. % N0 % A 1x1 integer specifying the sample number at which to start displaying the % record file (default 1 = first sample).Default is beginning of % record. % % systemBrowser % A 1x1 boolean. If true, uses the system browser. Default = 0. % % % Optional Outputs are: % % stat % A returns the status of the web command in the variable STAT. STAT = 0 indicates successful execution. STAT = 1 % indicates that the browser was not found. STAT = 2 indicates that the % browser was found, but could not be launched. % % browser % Returns a handle to the last active web browser. % % url % Returns the URL of the current location. % % %Example 1 % % % Written by Ikaro Silva, 2013 % Last Modified: October 30, 2013 % Version 1.0 % % Since 0.9.4 % % %Example 1- Read a signal from PhysioNet's Remote server: %wfdbtool('challenge/2013/set-a/a01') % % % See also WFDBDESC, PHYSIONETDB, RDANN, WFDBTIME %endOfHelp %Set default pararamter values inputs={'recordName','N','N0','systemBrowser'}; outputs={'stat','browser','url'}; N=[]; N0=[]; systemBrowser=0; SERVER=''; for n=1:nargin if(~isempty(varargin{n})) eval([inputs{n} '=varargin{n};']) end end %If time is specified, convert from samples to record time in seconds if(~isempty(N) || ~isempty(N0)) if(isempty(N0)) N0=0; %Default value put here for lazy initialization purposes end [~,Fs]=wfdbdesc(recordName); N0=round(N0/Fs); if(isempty(N)) %If stop time not specified, default to 10 seconds N=N0+round(Fs*10); else N=N0+round(N/Fs); end end %Reformat database name into PhysioBank format sep=strfind(recordName,'/'); db=recordName(1:sep(end)-1); rec=recordName(sep(end)+1:end); record_url=[SERVER db '&record=' rec]; record_url %Launch MATLAB's web browser if(systemBrowser) [stat,browser,url]=web(record_url,'-browser'); else [stat,browser,url]=web(record_url); end %Send output, if anyd for n=1:nargout eval(['varargout{n}=' outputs{n} ';']) end