function y=edr(varargin) % % y = edr(data_type,signal,r_peaks,fs,pqoff, jpoff, gain_ecg, channel, show) % % ECG-derived Respiratory (EDR) signal computation from given % single-lead ECG signal based on the signed area under the QRS complex. % % Required Parameters: % % data_type % A 1x1 integer specifying the file data_type % 0 --> if Matlab file % 1 --> if record in MIT format % % signal % A Nx1 integer array containing the ECG signal in mV (if data_type=0) % OR a char string containing record name (if data_type=1) % % fs % A 1x1 integer specifying the sampling frequency in hz (for Matlab variables only) % % r_peaks % % A Mx1 integer array containing locations of r peaks on signal in s % OR a char string containing the extension of the annotation file % with r peaks in samples (e.g. "qrs") (if data_type=1) % % optional parameters: % % gain_ecg % A 1x1 integer specifying dig_max/phy_max (default=1) % % channel % A 1x1 integer>1 (default=1) indicating ECG channel (if data_type=1) % % pqoff % A 1x1 integer>0 specifying average distance between PQ junction and % R peak, in samples % % jpoff % A 1x1 integer>0 specifying average distance between R peak and % J point, in samples % % show % A 1x1 boolean if true, generates a plot of the estimated % respiration signal (default = 0). % % % output: % % y % A Mx2 integer matrix containing time in seconds and edr % % This code was written by Sara Mariani at the Wyss Institute at Harvard % based on the open-source PhysioNet code edr.c % ( % by George Moody % % Author: Sara Mariani, 2014 % Last Modified: November 17, 2014 % % please report bugs/questions at % % Example - Extract EDR signal from ECG in PhysioNet's Remote server: % signal='fantasia/f1o02'; % r_peaks='ecg'; % data_type=1; % channel=2; % show=1; % y=edr(data_type,signal,r_peaks,[],[],[],channel,show); % wfdb2mat('f1o02') % [~,signal,Fs,~]=rdmat('f1o02m'); % resp=signal(:,1); % resp=resp-mean(resp); % resp=resp*200; % sec=length(resp)/Fs; % xax=[.25:.25:sec]; % r=interp1(y(:,1), y(:,2), xax, 'spline'); % figure % plot(xax,r) % hold on % plot([1:length(resp)]/Fs,resp,'r') % legend('edr','respiratory signal') % xlabel('time (s)') % % see also: ecgpuwave, gqrs %endOfHelp %Set default pararameter values inputs={'data_type','signal','r_peaks','fs','pqoff','jpoff', 'gain_ecg', 'channel' ,'show'}; show=0; Ninputs=length(inputs); if nargin>Ninputs error('Too many input arguments'); end if nargin<3 error('Not enough input arguments'); end for n=1:nargin eval([inputs{n} '=varargin{n};']); end for n=nargin+1:Ninputs eval([inputs{n} '=[];']); end % check format and obtain all the features I need if data_type==0 %matlab if isempty(gain_ecg) gain_ecg=1; end ECGm=signal*gain_ecg; if isempty(r_peaks) error('R peaks locations not provided'); else tqrs=round(r_peaks*fs); %samples where I have the R peak end elseif data_type==1 %wfdb record if isempty(channel) channel=1; end % read the signal wfdb2mat(signal); pp=strfind(signal,'/'); if ~isempty(pp) signal2=signal(pp(end)+1:length(signal)); else signal2=signal; end [~,sig,fs]=rdmat([signal2 'm']); ECGm=sig(:,channel); if numel(fs)>1 fs=fs(channel); end % read the header siginfo=wfdbdesc(signal); siginfo=siginfo(:,channel); gainstring=siginfo.Gain; sp=strfind(gainstring,' '); try gain_ecg=str2num(gainstring(1:sp-1)); catch gain_ecg=1; end if strfind(gainstring(end-1),'m') gain_ecg=gain_ecg*1000; end ECGm=ECGm*gain_ecg; % read r_peaks if annotation file if ischar(r_peaks) [ann,ty]=rdann(signal,r_peaks); tqrs=ann(ty=='N'); r_peaks=tqrs/fs; else tqrs=round(r_peaks*fs); %samples where I have the R peak end else error('format data_type must be 0 or 1'); end % check if signal is upside-down if mean(ECGm(tqrs))length(sb) win=sb(tqrs(end)-pqoff:end); else win=sb(tqrs(end)-pqoff:tqrs(end)+jpoff); end snar(end)=sum(win); % now start from signed area and estimate edr xm=0; xd=0; xdmax=0; xc=0; x=snar; r=zeros(size(x)); for i=25:length(x) d=x(i)-xm; if xc<500 xc=xc+1; dn=d/xc; else dn=d/xc; if dn>xdmax dn=xdmax; elseif dn<-xdmax dn=-xdmax; end end xm=xm+dn; xd=xd+abs(dn)-xd/(xc); if xd<1 xd=1; end xdmax=3*xd/(xc); r(i)=d/xd; end y=r*50; while (max(y)>127 || min(y)<-128) y(y<-128)=y(y<-128)+255; y(y>127)=y(y>127)-255; end if(show) scrsz = get(0,'ScreenSize'); figure('Position',... [0.05*scrsz(3) 0.05*scrsz(4) 0.8*scrsz(3) 0.89*scrsz(4)],... 'Color',[1 1 1]); ax(1)=subplot(211); plot([1:length(sample)]/fs,sample); hold on; plot([1:length(baseline)]/fs,baseline,'g'); plot((tqrs-pqoff)/fs,mean(ECGm)*ones(size(tqrs)),'*m'); plot((tqrs+jpoff)/fs,mean(ECGm)*ones(size(tqrs)),'*c'); legend('filtered ecg','baseline','window start','window end'); set(gca,'fontsize',18); xlabel('time (s)','fontsize',18); ylim([mean(ECGm)-5*std(ECGm) mean(ECGm)+5*std(ECGm)]); ax(2)=subplot(212); plot(r_peaks,y,'r'); title('edr','fontsize',18); set(gca,'fontsize',18); xlabel('time (s)','fontsize',18); linkaxes(ax,'x'); end y=[r_peaks y]; end %%%% Helper function %%%%%% function[pqoff, jpoff]=boundaries(sample, baseline, tqrs, fs) % estimate the noise level sb=sample(1:length(baseline))-baseline; nlest=mean(abs(sb)); display(['The estimated noise level is ' num2str(nlest) ' microvolts']); dlthresh=2*nlest; dlthmax=1200; dlthmin=140; if dlthresh>dlthmax, dlthresh=dlthmax; elseif dlthresh0 PQ(j)=length(w)-max(f)+1; else PQ(j)=length(w); end % search to the right w=bline(tqrs(j)+1:round(tqrs(j)+tlim3*fs)); f=find(w); if numel(f)>0 J(j)=min(f); else J(j)=length(w); end end % incremental average pqoff=PQ(1); for i=1:length(PQ) if PQ(i)pqoff pqoff=pqoff+1; end end jpoff=J(1); for i=1:length(J) if J(i)jpoff jpoff=jpoff+1; end end end