function DrawECG % DrawECG.m % Author: Alexander Khaustov; alexander dot khaustov at gmail dot com % Copyright (C) 2008 St.-Petersburg Institute of Cardiological Technics (Incart), % This software is released under the terms of the GNU General % Public License ( % % Draws the graphs associated with the ECG data (subplot 1), and % the corresponding landmarks; q, s, Tend and fiducial points global graph subplot(graph(1)); global ecg q s tend Align lead Param SaveAxisLimits; plot(ecg(:, lead)); hold on; amp = zeros(1,length(q)); for i=1:length(q) amp(i) = (max(ecg(q(i):s(i))) - min(ecg(q(i):s(i)))) / 5; plot([s(i) s(i)], [ecg(s(i), lead) - amp(i), ecg(s(i), lead) + amp(i)], 'k'); plot([q(i) q(i)], [ecg(q(i), lead) - amp(i) / 2, ecg(q(i), lead) + amp(i) / 2], 'k'); end; if ~isempty(Align) % for i=1:min([length(Align.fidBase), length(amp)]) % plot([Align.fidBase(i) Align.fidBase(i)], [ecg(Align.fidBase(i), lead) - amp(i), ecg(Align.fidBase(i), lead) + amp(i)], 'g'); % end; for i=1:min([length(amp), length(Align.fid)]) if (Align.fid(i)) plot([Align.fid(i) Align.fid(i)], [ecg(Align.fid(i), lead) - amp(i), ecg(Align.fid(i), lead) + amp(i)], 'm'); end; end; end; for i=1:min(length(tend), length(amp)) plot([tend(i) tend(i)], [ecg(tend(i), lead) - amp(i), ecg(tend(i), lead) + amp(i)], 'r'); end; if ~isempty(Param) if (strcmp(Param.Metric, 'MMA')) global CurResIndex q s TWARes qrs = TWARes.res(CurResIndex).StartQRSInd; x = (q(qrs) + s(qrs)) / 2; else global StartQRSInd QRSRelInd s x = s(StartQRSInd + QRSRelInd); end; global hecg; if (ishandle(hecg)) delete(hecg); end; hecg = plot([x x], get(gca, 'YLim'), 'k'); end; ylabel('amplitude (mCV)') hold off; RestoreAxisLimits; return;