function DrawAltSeries % DrawAltSeries.m % Author: Alexander Khaustov; alexander dot khaustov at gmail dot com % Copyright (C) 2008 St.-Petersburg Institute of Cardiological Technics (Incart), % This software is released under the terms of the GNU General % Public License ( % % Draws the graphs associated with alternant series (subplot 3), % Power Spectral Density (subplot 4), and % Average Power Spectral Density (subplot 5) global lead QRSRelInd TimePoint graph TWARes Param Align subplot(graph(3)); cla subplot(graph(4)); cla subplot(graph(5)); cla if (isempty(TWARes) || ~Align.validleads(lead)) return; end; global Param color = {'b', 'g', 'r'}; leg = cellstr({}); % Plot the alternant series for lomb if present if ~isempty(strfind(Param.MethodForEctopy, 'lomb')) leg{length(leg) + 1} = 'lomb'; subplot(graph(3)); plot(TWARes.lomb.at_lead(lead).times, TWARes.lomb.at_lead(lead).series(:, TimePoint) - TWARes.lomb.at_lead(lead).series(1, TimePoint), ... color{length(leg)}); hold on; subplot(graph(4)); % Plot the Power Spectral Density of the alternant series plot(TWARes.lomb.psd(:,lead, TimePoint), color{length(leg)}); hold on subplot(graph(5)); % Plot the Average Power Spectral Density of the alternant series plot(TWARes.lomb.avg_psd(:, lead), color{length(leg)}); hold on end; % Plot the alternant series for others if present names = cellstr({'replace', 'differences'}); for i = 1:length(names) if ~isempty(strfind(Param.MethodForEctopy, names{i})) leg{length(leg) + 1} = names{i}; subplot(graph(3)); if (i == 2) sub = 0; else sub = TWARes.(names{i}).at_lead(lead).series(1, TimePoint); end; plot(TWARes.(names{i}).at_lead(lead).series(:, TimePoint) - sub, color{length(leg)}); hold on; subplot(graph(4)); % Plot the Power Spectral Density of the alternant series plot(TWARes.(names{i}).psd(:,lead, TimePoint), color{length(leg)}); hold on subplot(graph(5)); % Plot the Average Power Spectral Density of the alternant series plot(TWARes.(names{i}).avg_psd(:, lead), color{length(leg)}); hold on end; end; % draw cursor subplot(graph(3)) hold on; global hAltS QRSRelInd if (ishandle(hAltS)) delete(hAltS); end; x = QRSRelInd + 1; hAltS = plot([x x], get(gca, 'YLim'), 'k'); hold off; % draw labels subplot(graph(3)) legend(leg); ylabel(['amplitude']); title('Alternan Series'); hold off; subplot(graph(4)); legend(leg, 2); xlabel('frequency'); title('PSD'); hold off subplot(graph(5)); legend(leg, 2); xlabel('frequency'); title('Ave. PSD'); hold off return;