function create_excel_output(handles) % Author(s): Jonathan Moeyersons ( % Sabine Van Huffel ( % Carolina Varon ( % % Version History: % - 06/05/2019 JM Initial version % % Copyright (c) 2019, Jonathan Moeyersons, KULeuven-ESAT-STADIUS % % This software is made available for non commercial research purposes only % under the GNU General Public License. However, notwithstanding any % provision of the GNU General Public License, this software may not be % used for commercial purposes without explicit written permission after % contacting % % This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program. If not, see . % Get all names all_names = handles.listbox_channels.String; % Get the units of the current tachogram contents = cellstr(get(handles.popupmenu_units_tachogram,'String')); value = get(handles.popupmenu_units_tachogram,'Value'); units = contents{value}; % Activate excell e = actxserver('Excel.application'); % Open a workbook eWorkbook = e.Workbooks.Add; %#ok % New workbook % Activate a worksheet eAllSheets = e.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets; % Loop over the ammount of channels for ii = % Add a sheet if necessary if ii < e.Sheets.Add; end eSheet = eAllSheets.Item(1); % Activate the sheet eSheet.Activate; % Change the sheet name L = length(all_names{ii+1}); string = all_names{ii+1}; name = string(find(string=='"',1,'last')+2:L-14); eSheet.Name = name; % Make the table eActivesheetRange = e.Activesheet.Range('A1:A6'); eActivesheetRange.Value = {'Results' ; 'Nr beats:'; 'Mean HR (bpm):' ; 'STD HR (bpm):' ; 'Min HR (bpm):' ; 'Max HR (bpm):'}; eActivesheetRange.Font.Bold = 1; eActivesheetRange.EntireColumn.AutoFit; % Autofit the cell width % Adjust the borders (all outer borders) eActivesheetRange = e.Activesheet.Range('A1:B6'); for iii = 7:10 eActivesheetRange.Borders.Item(iii).Linestyle = 1; end % Adjust the title eActivesheetRange = e.Activesheet.Range('A1:B1'); eActivesheetRange.MergeCells = 1; eActivesheetRange.HorizontalAlignment = 3; % Set it to the middle for iii = 7:10 eActivesheetRange.Borders.Item(iii).Linestyle = 1; end % Adjust the values if strcmp(units,'HR (bpm)') handles.graph.RR.(handles.labels{ii}).YData = 60*1000./handles.graph.RR.(handles.labels{ii}).YData; end % Fill in the values eActivesheetRange = e.Activesheet.Range('B2:B6'); eActivesheetRange.Value = [length(handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}).XData);... mean(60*1000./handles.graph.RR.(handles.labels{ii}).YData);... std(60*1000./handles.graph.RR.(handles.labels{ii}).YData);... min(60*1000./handles.graph.RR.(handles.labels{ii}).YData);... max(60*1000./handles.graph.RR.(handles.labels{ii}).YData)]; % Create the value names eActivesheetRange = e.Activesheet.Range('D1:E1'); eActivesheetRange.Value = {'R-peak location (hh:mm:ss:SSSS)','RR-interval (ms)'}; eActivesheetRange.Font.Bold = 1; eActivesheetRange.EntireColumn.AutoFit; % Autofit the cell width % Get the ammount of R-peaks in the selected lead N = length(handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}).XData); % Set the R-peak locations in the correct format temp = handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}).XData'; temp.Format = 'hh:mm:ss.SSSS'; R_peaks = arrayfun(@char,temp,'UniformOutput',false); % Fill in the R-peak locations eActivesheetRange = e.Activesheet.Range(strcat('D2:D',num2str(N+1))); eActivesheetRange.Value = R_peaks; % Fill in the RR-intervals eActivesheetRange = e.Activesheet.Range(strcat('E3:E',num2str(N+1))); eActivesheetRange.Value = handles.graph.RR.(handles.labels{ii}).YData'; end % Create the first sheet e.Sheets.Add; eSheet = eAllSheets.Item(1); % Activate the sheet eSheet.Activate; % Change the sheet name eSheet.Name = 'File information'; % Make the table eActivesheetRange = e.Activesheet.Range('A1:A5'); eActivesheetRange.Value = {'File information' ; 'Nr channels:'; 'Sampling frequency (Hz):' ; 'Total duration recording (hh:mm:ss):' ; 'Total duration analysis period (hh:mm:ss):'}; eActivesheetRange.Font.Bold = 1; eActivesheetRange.EntireColumn.AutoFit; % Autofit the cell width % Adjust the borders (all outer borders) eActivesheetRange = e.Activesheet.Range('A1:B5'); for ii = 7:10 eActivesheetRange.Borders.Item(ii).Linestyle = 1; end % Adjust the title eActivesheetRange = e.Activesheet.Range('A1:B1'); eActivesheetRange.MergeCells = 1; eActivesheetRange.HorizontalAlignment = 3; % Set it to the middle for ii = 7:10 eActivesheetRange.Borders.Item(ii).Linestyle = 1; end % Fill in the values eActivesheetRange = e.Activesheet.Range('B2:B5'); eActivesheetRange.Value = {;...;... char(;... char(}; % Make excell visible e.visible = 1; % Save, close and quit % e.WorkBooks.Item('myResults').Save; % e.WorkBooks.Item('myResults').Close; % e.Quit;