function varargout = R_peak_detection(varargin) % R_PEAK_DETECTION MATLAB code for R_peak_detection.fig % R_PEAK_DETECTION, by itself, creates a new R_PEAK_DETECTION or raises the existing % singleton*. % % H = R_PEAK_DETECTION returns the handle to a new R_PEAK_DETECTION or the handle to % the existing singleton*. % % R_PEAK_DETECTION('CALLBACK',hObject,eventData,handles,...) calls the local % function named CALLBACK in R_PEAK_DETECTION.M with the given input arguments. % % R_PEAK_DETECTION('Property','Value',...) creates a new R_PEAK_DETECTION or raises the % existing singleton*. Starting from the left, property value pairs are % applied to the GUI before R_peak_detection_OpeningFcn gets called. An % unrecognized property name or invalid value makes property application % stop. All inputs are passed to R_peak_detection_OpeningFcn via varargin. % % *See GUI Options on GUIDE's Tools menu. Choose "GUI allows only one % instance to run (singleton)". % % See also: GUIDE, GUIDATA, GUIHANDLES % % Author(s): Jonathan Moeyersons ( % Sabine Van Huffel ( % Carolina Varon ( % % Version History: % - 06/05/2019 JM Initial version % % Copyright (c) 2019, Jonathan Moeyersons, KULeuven-ESAT-STADIUS % % This software is made available for non commercial research purposes only % under the GNU General Public License. However, notwithstanding any % provision of the GNU General Public License, this software may not be % used for commercial purposes without explicit written permission after % contacting % % This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program. If not, see . % Edit the above text to modify the response to help R_peak_detection % Last Modified by GUIDE v2.5 14-May-2019 11:53:02 % Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDIT gui_Singleton = 1; gui_State = struct('gui_Name', mfilename, ... 'gui_Singleton', gui_Singleton, ... 'gui_OpeningFcn', @R_peak_detection_OpeningFcn, ... 'gui_OutputFcn', @R_peak_detection_OutputFcn, ... 'gui_LayoutFcn', [] , ... 'gui_Callback', []); if nargin && ischar(varargin{1}) gui_State.gui_Callback = str2func(varargin{1}); end if nargout [varargout{1:nargout}] = gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:}); else gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:}); end % End initialization code - DO NOT EDIT % --- Executes just before R_peak_detection is made visible. function R_peak_detection_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin) % This function has no output args, see OutputFcn. % hObject handle to figure % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % varargin command line arguments to R_peak_detection (see VARARGIN) % Choose default command line output for R_peak_detection handles.output = hObject; % Set figure imshow('R_peak_example.png','Parent',handles.axes_Rpeak_example) % Empty the folder variable = []; % Set default variables handles = reset(hObject, eventdata, handles); % Get the data if it is given if ~isempty(varargin) && (mod(length(varargin),6) == 0 || mod(length(varargin),4) == 0) for ii = 1:2:length(varargin) switch varargin{ii} case 'signal' data = varargin{ii+1}; case 'fs' fs = varargin{ii+1}; case 'Rpeaks' Rpeaks = varargin{ii+1}; end end % Put the data in collumns [R_temp , K_temp] = size(data); if R_temp < K_temp data = data'; Length = K_temp; channels = R_temp; else Length = R_temp; channels = K_temp; end % Compute the time time = seconds((1:Length)/fs); % Get the length of the signal temp_end = time(end); temp_end.Format = 'hh:mm:ss'; % Set the data parameters = cd; = 'Workspace'; = 'Signal'; = data; = data; = fs; = temp_end; = duration([0 0 0]); = temp_end; = temp_end; = channels; % Get the R-peak locations if mod(length(varargin),6) == 0{1} = Rpeaks; end % Update the gui handles = update_gui(handles); % Adjust the y-limits handles = adjust_y_limits(handles); % Add the listener of the slider handles.listener = addlistener(handles.slider_range ,'Value','PostSet',... @Slide); end % Update handles structure guidata(hObject, handles); % UIWAIT makes R_peak_detection wait for user response (see UIRESUME) % uiwait(handles.figure_main); % --- Outputs from this function are returned to the command line. function varargout = R_peak_detection_OutputFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % varargout cell array for returning output args (see VARARGOUT); % hObject handle to figure % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Get default command line output from handles structure varargout{1} = handles.output; % --- Executes on button press in pushbutton_reset. function handles = pushbutton_reset_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to pushbutton_reset (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Check if a signal has been loaded and the results are not saved yet choice = 'Yes'; if && ~isempty( choice = questdlg('Current analysis has not been saved. Are you sure you want to reset?', ... 'Reset', ... 'Yes','No','Cancel','Yes'); end % Next step depends on the answer of the previous question switch choice case 'Yes' % Reset the gui handles = reset(hObject, eventdata, handles); end % Update handles structure guidata(hObject, handles); function handles = reset(hObject, eventdata, handles)%#ok % hObject handle to selected uicontrol % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Reset the menu set(handles.menu_save_session,'enable','off') set(handles.menu_export_results,'enable','off') set(handles.menu_save_results,'enable','off') % Reset the zoom zoom off % Reset the windowbuttons set(handles.figure_main,'WindowButtonMotionFcn','',... 'WindowButtonDownFcn','',... 'WindowButtonUpFcn',''); % Reset the resize flag handles.uiLimitSet = false; % Reset the data panel set(handles.text_filepath,'string','') set(handles.text_variable,'string','') set(handles.text_sampling_frequency,'string','') set(handles.text_signal_duration,'string','') set(handles.text_channels,'string','') set(findall(handles.uipanel_data,'-property','enable'),'enable','on') set(handles.pushbutton_reset,'enable','off') % Reset the filter panel set(findall(handles.uipanel_filter,'Style','edit'),'enable','off',... 'string','') set(findall(handles.uipanel_filter,'Style','pushbutton'),'enable','off') set(handles.checkbox_show_original,'Value',0,... 'enable','off') % Reset the analysis period panel set(handles.edit_start,'string','00:00:00'); set(handles.edit_duration,'string','00:00:00'); set(handles.togglebutton_analysis_period,'enable','off') set(handles.edit_start,'enable','off') set(handles.edit_duration,'enable','off') % Reset the R-peak detection panel set(findall(handles.uipanel_R_peak_detection,'-property','enable'),'enable','off') % Reset the parameters{1} = []; % Window width{2} = []; % Overlap{3} = []; % Nfft{1} = 2; % High pass order{2} = 4; % Low pass order{1} = 300;{2} = 100;{3} = 1;{4} = 0;{5} = 0; % Reset the R-peak correction panel set(findall(handles.uipanel_R_peak_correction,'Style','radiobutton'),'value',0) set(findall(handles.uipanel_R_peak_correction,'-property','enable'),'enable','off') % Reset the range set(handles.edit_range,'string','00:01:00',... 'enable','off') set(handles.pushbutton_plus,'enable','off') set(handles.pushbutton_minus,'enable','off') set(handles.text_range,'enable','off') % Reset the slider try % Delete listener delete(handles.listener) catch end set(handles.slider_range,'value',0,... 'string','normal',... 'enable','off') % Reset the channels listbox set(handles.listbox_channels,'string','All',... 'value',1,... 'enable','off') % Reset the tachogram units set(handles.popupmenu_units_tachogram,'value',1,... 'enable','off') % Disable the fixed y-limits check box set(handles.checkbox_fix_ylimits,'value',0,... 'enable','off') % Clear the data and results variables [,,,...,,,...,...,,,...] = deal([]); % Reset the analysis window = seconds(0); = seconds(60); = seconds(60); = 1; [handles.graph.signal.original,handles.graph.signal.filtered,... handles.graph.R,handles.graph.RR] = deal([]); % (Re)set the check = 0; % (Re)set the channel labels handles.labels = {'Channel_1','Channel_2','Channel_3','Channel_4',... 'Channel_5','Channel_6','Channel_7','Channel_8','Channel_9','Channel_10',... 'Channel_11','Channel_12','Channel_13'}; % Reset to default colors handles.color = [0 0.4470 0.7410;... 0.8500 0.3250 0.0980;... 0.9290 0.6940 0.1250;... 0.4940 0.1840 0.5560;... 0.4660 0.6740 0.1880;... 0.3010 0.7450 0.9330;... 0.6350 0.0780 0.1840;... rand(6,3)]; % Clear all axes cla(handles.axes_ECG) cla(handles.axes_tachogram) % Plot random something on the axes plot(handles.axes_ECG,seconds([0 60]),[0 1],... 'visible','off'); plot(handles.axes_tachogram,seconds([0 60]),[0 1],... 'visible','off'); % Adjust the xtickformat xtickformat([handles.axes_ECG handles.axes_tachogram],'hh:mm:ss') % Adjust the x- and y-limits xlim([handles.axes_ECG handles.axes_tachogram],seconds([0 60])) ylim([handles.axes_ECG handles.axes_tachogram],[0 1]) % Linkaxes linkaxes([handles.axes_ECG,handles.axes_tachogram],'x') % Define the axis labels xlabel(handles.axes_tachogram,{'Time (hh:mm:ss)'}) ylabel(handles.axes_ECG,'ECG (a.u.)') ylabel(handles.axes_tachogram,'RR (ms)') % Reset the context menu and remove the gridlines set(handles.context_x_grid,'Checked','off') set(handles.context_y_grid,'Checked','off') set(handles.context_add,'Enable','off') set(handles.axes_ECG,'XGrid','off') set(handles.axes_ECG,'YGrid','off') set(handles.axes_tachogram,'XGrid','off') set(handles.axes_tachogram,'YGrid','off') % Clear all axes again cla(handles.axes_ECG) cla(handles.axes_tachogram) % Enable the picture pushbutton set(handles.pushbutton_picture,'enable','on') % Set zoom and zoom postcallback handles.uitoggletool_zoom_in.Enable = 'on'; handles.uitoggletool_zoom_out.Enable = 'on'; handles.zoom = zoom; handles.zoom.ActionPostCallback = @zoom_postcallback; handles.zoom.Enable = 'off'; % Update handles structure guidata(hObject, handles); % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function menu_load_session_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to menu_load_session (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Check if a signal has been loaded and if the results are already saved choice = 'Yes'; if && ~isempty( choice = questdlg('Current analysis has not been saved. Are you sure you want to load a session?', ... 'Load session', ... 'Yes','No','Cancel','Yes'); end % Next step depends on the answer of the previous question switch choice case 'Yes' % Change the pointer set(handles.figure_main,'Pointer','watch') drawnow; % Define file and pathname [FileName,PathName] = uigetfile('*.mat','Select the session'); % If the window was not closed, check the file format if ~isnumeric(FileName) && ~isnumeric(PathName) % Reset everything handles = reset(hObject, eventdata, handles); % Get the complete file file = fullfile(PathName,FileName); % Import data temp = load('-mat',file); % Set the data parameters =; % Update the gui handles = update_gui(handles); % Adjust the y-limits handles = adjust_y_limits(handles); % Add the listener of the slider handles.listener = addlistener(handles.slider_range ,'Value','PostSet',... @Slide); end % Change the pointer set(handles.figure_main,'Pointer','arrow') end % Update handles structure guidata(hObject, handles); % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function menu_save_session_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to menu_save_session (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Define file and pathname [FileName,PathName] = uiputfile('.mat','Save as'); % If the window was not closed, save the results if ~isnumeric(FileName) && ~isnumeric(PathName) data =; % Adjust R-peaks if one of the adjustment buttons is still selected for ii = try data.R{ii} = handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}).XData; catch data.R{ii} = []; end end % Save session N = strcat(PathName,FileName); save(N,'data') end % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function menu_save_results_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to menu_save_results (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Define file and pathname [FileName,PathName] = uiputfile('.mat','Save as'); % If the window was not closed, save the results if ~isnumeric(FileName) && ~isnumeric(PathName) % Loop over the channels for ii = % Store the intervals and locations in cells try temp = handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}).XData; temp.Format = 'hh:mm:ss.SSSS'; data.R_loc{ii} = temp; data.RR_int{ii} = handles.graph.RR.(handles.labels{ii}).YData; catch data.R_loc{ii} = []; data.RR_int{ii} = []; end end % Save results N = strcat(PathName,FileName); save(N,'data') end % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function menu_to_excel_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to menu_to_excel (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Creat an excel sheet as output create_excel_output(handles) % Sampling frequency % Total duration recording % # Channels % Total duration analysis period % Total nr of beats of recording % Total nr of beats of analysis % Mean HR % Median HR % Min HR % Max HR % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function menu_to_workspace_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to menu_to_workspace (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Arrange output for ii = data.(handles.labels{ii}).signal = handles.graph.signal.filtered.(handles.labels{ii}).YData; data.(handles.labels{ii}).R = round(*seconds(handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}); data.(handles.labels{ii}).RR = handles.graph.RR.(handles.labels{ii}).YData; end % Send to workspace assignin('base','data',data); % Update handles structure guidata(hObject, handles); % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function menu_quit_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to menu_quit (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Check if a signal has been loaded and if the results are already saved choice = 'Yes'; if && ~isempty( choice = questdlg('Current analysis has not been saved. Are you sure you want to quit?', ... 'Quit', ... 'Yes','No','Cancel','Yes'); end % Next step depends on the answer of the previous question switch choice case 'Yes' delete(handles.figure_main) end % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function menu_preferences_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to menu_preferences (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) if ~verLessThan('matlab','9.4') % Get all to be disabled objects hObjects = findall(handles.figure_main,'-property','enable'); % Get the state of all objects Objects_state = get(hObjects,'enable'); % Disable everything set(hObjects,'enable','off'); % Run the preferences app hPref = Preferences(; % Get the figure handles.preferences.Fig = hPref.PreferencesUIFigure; % Update handles structure (necesarry when figure is deleted) guidata(hObject, handles); % Wait for the preferences to be adjusted uiwait(handles.preferences.Fig) % Extract the parameters if isvalid(handles.preferences.Fig) = hPref.Parameters; % Delete the app close(handles.preferences.Fig) end % Update GUI (if the GUI still exists) if isvalid(handles.figure_main) for ii = 1:length(hObjects) set(hObjects(ii),'enable',Objects_state{ii}) end % Update handles structure guidata(hObject, handles); end else % Run the preferences GUI temp = Preferences_GUIDE(; if ~isempty(temp) % Store the parameters = temp; % Update handles structure guidata(hObject, handles); end end % --- Executes on button press in pushbutton_from_file. function pushbutton_from_file_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to pushbutton_from_file (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Change the pointer set(handles.figure_main,'Pointer','watch') drawnow; % Check if a signal has been loaded and if the results are already saved choice = 'Yes'; if && ~isempty( choice = questdlg('Current analysis has not been saved. Are you sure you want to start a new session?', ... 'Start new session', ... 'Yes','No','Cancel','Yes'); end % Next step depends on the answer of the previous question switch choice case 'Yes' % Reset the manual corrections set(findall(handles.uipanel_R_peak_correction,'Style','radiobutton'),'value',0) % Execute the radiobutton callback radiobutton_add_adjust_delete_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles); % Select file if strcmp(hObject.Tag(end-3:end),'file') [info, data, fs, check] = get_file('folder',; else [info, data, fs, check] = get_file('workspace'); end if check % If the selected file is a structure, dig deeper if isa(data,'struct') if length(fieldnames(data)) > 1 || isa(data.(char(fieldnames(data))),'struct') [data , check] = loop_through_structure(data); else data = data.(char(fieldnames(data))); end end if check % Check if the selected file is a tensor if ~(length(size(data)) > 2) % Check if the selected file is large enough if max(size(data)) > 500 % Check if the file contains nans if sum(isnan(data(:))) == 0 % If the sampling frequency has not been defined if isempty(fs) [fs , check] = get_sampling_frequency; end if check % Set the signal in the correct form (collumn vectors) [R_temp , K_temp] = size(data); if R_temp < K_temp data = data'; Length = K_temp; channels = R_temp; else Length = R_temp; channels = K_temp; end % Compute the time time = seconds((1:Length)/fs); % Get the length of the signal temp_end = time(end); temp_end.Format = 'hh:mm:ss'; % Reset everything handles = reset(hObject, eventdata, handles); % Set the data parameters [, ~, ~] = fileparts(info{1}); = info{1}; = info{2}; = data; = data; = fs; = temp_end; = duration([0 0 0]); = temp_end; = temp_end; = channels; % Update the gui handles = update_gui(handles); % Adjust the y-limits handles = adjust_y_limits(handles); % Add the listener of the slider handles.listener = addlistener(handles.slider_range ,'Value','PostSet',... @Slide); end else errordlg('The selected input file contains NaNs','File Error','modal') end else errordlg('The selected input file is too small','File Error','modal') end else errordlg('The selected input file is not supported','File Error','modal') end end end end % Change the pointer set(handles.figure_main,'Pointer','arrow') % Update handles structure guidata(hObject, handles); function edit_high_pass_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to edit_high_pass (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of edit_high_pass as text % str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of edit_high_pass as a double % --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. function edit_high_pass_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to edit_high_pass (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called % Hint: edit controls usually have a white background on Windows. % See ISPC and COMPUTER. if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); end function edit_low_pass_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to edit_low_pass (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of edit_low_pass as text % str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of edit_low_pass as a double % --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. function edit_low_pass_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to edit_low_pass (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called % Hint: edit controls usually have a white background on Windows. % See ISPC and COMPUTER. if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); end function edit_stop_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to edit_stop (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of edit_stop as text % str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of edit_stop as a double % --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. function edit_stop_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to edit_stop (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called % Hint: edit controls usually have a white background on Windows. % See ISPC and COMPUTER. if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); end % --- Executes on button press in pushbutton_check_psd. function pushbutton_check_psd_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to pushbutton_check_psd (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Get the listbox value listbox_value = get(handles.listbox_channels,'value')-1; % 0=All, 1=Channel 1,... % Define the looping variable if listbox_value == 0 loop_var =; else % Only the selection loop_var = listbox_value; end % Get the start and stop of the analysis window in samples start = max([1 round(*seconds(]); stop = start + min([length( round(*seconds(])-1; % Change the pointer set(handles.figure_main,'Pointer','watch') drawnow; % Create figure hfig = figure('Name','Power Spectrum','NumberTitle','off'); % Create tabgroup htgroup = uitabgroup('Parent', hfig,'TabLocation', 'top'); % Remove the menu bar hfig.MenuBar = 'none'; % Adjust the toolbar hfig.ToolBar = 'figure'; % Get the toolbar htb = findall(hfig,'Type','uitoolbar'); % Find all tools tools = findall(htb); % Check for the version if verLessThan('matlab', '9.5') % Delete unnecessary tools delete(tools([2:7 9:10 13:17])) % Remove the separator set(tools(12),'Separator','off') else % Delete all tools delete(tools) end % Loop over the selected channels for ii = loop_var % Create panel h.(strcat('panel',num2str(ii))) = uipanel('Position',[0 0 1 1]); % Create tab h.(strcat('tab',num2str(ii))) = uitab('Parent', htgroup, 'Title', strcat("Channel ",num2str(ii))); % Set parent set(h.(strcat('panel',num2str(ii))),'Parent',h.(strcat('tab',num2str(ii)))) % Create axes h.(strcat('axes',num2str(ii))) = axes('Parent',h.(strcat('panel',num2str(ii)))); % Define signal and original signal signal =,ii); original =,ii); % Compute the power spectral density with the p-welch method window_width = round({1}*; if window_width >= length(signal) % Give a warning and use the default values warndlg({'Window width is larger than the signal.','Default values are used.'}) % Adjust parameters window_width = []; noverlap = []; nfft = []; else % Get other parameters noverlap = round(window_width/100*{2}); nfft = round({3}*; end % Compute the power spectral density with the p-welch method [pxx,f] = pwelch(signal,window_width,noverlap,nfft,; % Make the plot plot(f,10*log10(pxx),'linewidth',1.5,... 'color',handles.color(ii,:)) % Compute the power spectral density with the p-welch method [pxx,f] = pwelch(original,window_width,noverlap,nfft,; % Make the plot hold on; plot(f,10*log10(pxx),'linewidth',1.5,... 'color',[handles.color(ii,:),0.2]) % Make a legend legend('Filtered','Original','Location','northeast') % Set the x-limits xlim([0 f(end)]) % Set the labels xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') ylabel('PSD (dB/Hz)') end % % Change windowstyle % set(hfig,'WindowStyle','modal') % Change the pointer set(handles.figure_main,'Pointer','arrow') drawnow; % --- Executes on button press in pushbutton_filter. function pushbutton_filter_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to pushbutton_filter (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Check if the R-peaks have been detected already choice = 'Yes'; if ~isempty( choice = questdlg('This action will remove the detected R-peaks. Are you sure you want to continue?', ... 'Filter signal', ... 'Yes','No','Cancel','Yes'); end switch choice case 'Yes' % Get all strings hp_string = get(handles.edit_high_pass,'string'); lp_string = get(handles.edit_low_pass,'string'); stop_string = get(handles.edit_stop,'string'); % Check if anything is present if ~isempty(hp_string) || ~isempty(lp_string) || ~isempty(stop_string) % Replace comma's hp_string = replace_comma(hp_string); lp_string = replace_comma(lp_string); stop_string = replace_comma(stop_string); % Get all values hp = str2double(hp_string); lp = str2double(lp_string); stop = str2double(stop_string); % Check if it is possible if (isempty(hp_string) || (~isnan(hp) && hp < && hp > 0)) &&... (isempty(lp_string) || (~isnan(lp) && lp < && lp > 0)) &&... (isempty(stop_string) || (~isnan(stop) && stop < && stop > 0)) % Change the pointer set(handles.figure_main,'Pointer','watch') drawnow; % Reset the manual corrections set(findall(handles.uipanel_R_peak_correction,'Style','radiobutton'),'value',0) % Execute the radiobutton callback radiobutton_add_adjust_delete_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles); % Filter the signal [signal,check] = filtersignal(,,[~isnan(hp),~isnan(lp),~isnan(stop),0],,hp,lp,stop); if check % Adjust the model = signal; if ~isnan(hp) = hp; set(handles.edit_high_pass,'string',hp) end if ~isnan(lp) = lp; set(handles.edit_low_pass,'string',lp) end if ~isnan(stop) = stop; set(handles.edit_stop,'string',stop) end % Remove previously detected R-peaks if present if ~isempty( % Clear the model = []; end % Adjust the plots handles = update_plots(handles); % Adjust the y-limits handles = adjust_y_limits(handles); % Set the filter panel set(handles.pushbutton_remove_filter,'enable','on') set(handles.checkbox_show_original,'enable','on') % Set the R-peak correction panel set(findall(handles.uipanel_R_peak_correction, '-property', 'enable'),'enable','off') % Disable the addition of R-peaks via the context menu set(handles.context_add,'Enable','off') % Reset the menu set(handles.menu_export_results,'enable','off') set(handles.menu_save_results,'enable','off') end % Change the pointer set(handles.figure_main,'Pointer','arrow') else % Change the string set(handles.edit_high_pass,'string','') set(handles.edit_low_pass,'string','') set(handles.edit_stop,'string','') % Throw an error dialog errordlg('The input format is not supported','Format Error','modal') end else % Prompt a warning dialog box warndlg('Thresholds are empty.') end end % Update handles structure guidata(hObject, handles); % --- Executes on button press in pushbutton_remove_filter. function pushbutton_remove_filter_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to pushbutton_remove_filter (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Check if the R-peaks have been detected already choice = 'Yes'; if ~isempty( choice = questdlg('This action will remove the detected R-peaks. Are you sure you want to continue?', ... 'Remove filter', ... 'Yes','No','Cancel','Yes'); end switch choice case 'Yes' % Reset the manual corrections set(findall(handles.uipanel_R_peak_correction,'Style','radiobutton'),'value',0) % Execute the radiobutton callback radiobutton_add_adjust_delete_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles); % Reset signal =; % Clear the R-peaks if ~isempty( = []; end % Adjust the original checkbox set(handles.checkbox_show_original,'enable','off',... 'Value',0) % Adjust the plots handles = update_plots(handles); % Adjust the y-limits handles = adjust_y_limits(handles); % Set the filter panel set(handles.pushbutton_remove_filter,'enable','off') % Set the R-peak correction panel set(findall(handles.uipanel_R_peak_correction, '-property', 'enable'),'enable','off') % Disable the addition of R-peaks via the context menu set(handles.context_add,'Enable','off') % Reset the menu set(handles.menu_export_results,'enable','off') set(handles.menu_save_results,'enable','off') % Change the string set(handles.edit_high_pass,'string','') set(handles.edit_low_pass,'string','') set(handles.edit_stop,'string','') end % Update handles structure guidata(hObject, handles); % --- Executes on button press in checkbox_show_original. function checkbox_show_original_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to checkbox_show_original (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Hint: get(hObject,'Value') returns toggle state of checkbox_show_original % Get the listbox value listbox_value = get(handles.listbox_channels,'value')-1; % 0=All, 1=Channel 1,... % Define the looping variable if listbox_value == 0 loop_var =; else % Only the selection loop_var = listbox_value; end % Make the selected channels (in)visible for ii = loop_var set(handles.graph.signal.original.(handles.labels{ii}),'visible',get(hObject,'Value')) end % Adjust the y-limits handles = adjust_y_limits(handles); % Update structure guidata(hObject,handles); % --- Executes on button press in togglebutton_analysis_period. function togglebutton_analysis_period_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to togglebutton_analysis_period (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Hint: get(hObject,'Value') returns toggle state of togglebutton_analysis_period % Get the togglebutton value togglebutton_value = get(handles.togglebutton_analysis_period,'value'); switch togglebutton_value case 1 % Check if the R-peaks have been detected already choice = 'Yes'; if ~isempty( choice = questdlg('Do you want to remove the currently detected R-peaks?', ... 'Define analysis window', ... 'Yes','No','Cancel','Yes'); end if ~strcmp(choice,'') % Reset the manual corrections set(findall(handles.uipanel_R_peak_correction,'Style','radiobutton'),'value',0) % Execute the radiobutton callback handles = radiobutton_add_adjust_delete_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles); % Reset start analysis period set(handles.edit_start,'string','00:00:00') = duration([0 0 0]); % Reset duration analysis period set(handles.edit_duration,'string',char( =; % Delete the R-peaks if wanted if strcmp(choice,'Yes') = []; % Disable the addition of R-peaks via the context menu set(handles.context_add,'Enable','off') end % Adjust the plots handles = update_plots(handles); % Update structure guidata(hObject,handles); % Change the togglebutton text set(handles.togglebutton_analysis_period,'String','Apply changes') % Set slider if ~strcmp(char(,char( % Get the x-limits Xlim = xlim(handles.axes_ECG); % Get a new maximum for the slider new_max = round(*seconds(; % Get the new step size n = round(*seconds(; % Adjust the slider set(handles.slider_range,'max',new_max,... 'sliderstep',[min([1 n]) min([1 2*n])],... 'value',round(*seconds(Xlim(1),... 'string','zoom',... 'enable','on') set(handles.slider_range,'string','normal') end % Create the analysis period patch Ylim = ylim(handles.axes_ECG); handles.temp.patch = patch(handles.axes_ECG,[0 0 0 0],... [Ylim(1) Ylim(1) Ylim(2) Ylim(2)],... 'b',... 'facealpha',0.1,... 'visible','off'); % Create the starting line handles.temp.start = line(handles.axes_ECG,seconds([0 0]),Ylim,... 'visible','off'); % Create the stop line handles.temp.stop = line(handles.axes_ECG,[],Ylim,... 'visible','off'); % Disable the data and R-peaks uipanel set(findall(handles.uipanel_data, '-property', 'enable'),'enable','off') set(findall(handles.uipanel_filter, '-property', 'enable'),'enable','off') set(findall(handles.uipanel_R_peak_detection, '-property', 'enable'),'enable','off') set(findall(handles.uipanel_R_peak_correction,'-property','enable'),'enable','off') % Set the window buttonmotion, down and up function set(handles.figure_main,'WindowButtonMotionFcn',{@drag_start_line,handles},... 'WindowButtonDownFcn',{@define_start_line,handles},... 'WindowButtonUpFcn',{@define_stop_line,handles}); else % Reset the togglebutton set(handles.togglebutton_analysis_period,'value',0) end case 0 % Get the start time if strcmp(handles.temp.start.Visible,'on') start = handles.temp.start.XData(1); else start =; end % Get the stop time if strcmp(handles.temp.stop.Visible,'on') stop = handles.temp.stop.XData(1); else stop =; end % Adjust the analysis start = start; % Adjust the analysis duration = stop-start; % Adjust the plots handles = update_plots(handles); % Adjust the x-limits xlim(handles.axes_ECG,[start stop]) % % Get the fix value % fix = get(handles.checkbox_fix_ylimits,'Value'); % Adjust the y-limits handles = adjust_y_limits(handles); % Adjust the range string set(handles.edit_range,'string',char(stop-start)) = stop-start; % Disable the slider set(handles.slider_range,'enable','off') % Change the togglebutton text set(handles.togglebutton_analysis_period,'String','Define analysis period') % Disable the analysis period edit boxes set(findall(handles.uipanel_analysis_period,'style','edit'),'enable','off') % Enable the data and R-peaks pushbuttons, the listbox and the toggle % tools set(findall(handles.uipanel_data, '-property', 'enable'),'enable','on') set(findall(handles.uipanel_filter, '-property', 'enable'),'enable','on') if sum(( == == 0 % Set the filter panel set(handles.pushbutton_remove_filter,'enable','off') set(handles.checkbox_show_original,'enable','off') end set(handles.pushbutton_detect_peaks,'enable','on') set(handles.pushbutton_load_peaks,'enable','on') if ~isempty( set(findall(handles.uipanel_R_peak_correction,'-property','enable'),'enable','on') end zoom off % Set the window buttonmotion, down and up function set(handles.figure_main,'WindowButtonMotionFcn','',... 'WindowButtonDownFcn','',... 'WindowButtonUpFcn',''); end % Update structure guidata(hObject,handles); function edit_start_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to edit_start (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of edit_start as text % str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of edit_start as a double try % Get the start and stop time in duration values split = strsplit(handles.edit_start.String, ':'); temp_start = duration(str2double(split)); stop = handles.temp.stop.XData(1); if ~isnan(temp_start) && ~sum(contains(split,[",","."])) % Check if it is bigger than the stop time if temp_start > stop % Adjust the edit box set(handles.edit_start,'string',char(stop)) % Adjust the start time start = stop; else start = temp_start; end % Adjust the start line set(handles.temp.start,'XData',[start start],... 'YData',ylim(handles.axes_ECG),... 'visible','on'); % Adjust the patch Ylim = ylim(handles.axes_ECG); handles.temp.patch.XData([1 4]) = seconds([start start]); set(handles.temp.patch,'YData',[Ylim(1) Ylim(1) Ylim(2) Ylim(2)],... 'visible','on') % Adjust the start value and edit box = start; set(handles.edit_start,'string',char(start)) % Adjust the duration value and edit box = stop-start; set(handles.edit_duration,'string',char(stop-start)) else % Set start to previous value set(handles.edit_start,'String',char(; % Throw an error dialog errordlg('Start time should be in the "hh:mm:ss" format.','Format error') end catch % Set start to previous value set(handles.edit_start,'String',char(; % Throw an error dialog errordlg('Start time should be in the "hh:mm:ss" format.','Format error') end % Update structure guidata(hObject,handles); % --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. function edit_start_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to edit_start (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called % Hint: edit controls usually have a white background on Windows. % See ISPC and COMPUTER. if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); end function edit_duration_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to edit_duration (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of edit_duration as text % str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of edit_duration as a double try % Get the start and duration in duration values start = handles.temp.start.XData(1); split = strsplit(handles.edit_duration.String, ':'); temp_duration = duration(str2double(split)); if ~isnan(temp_duration) && ~sum(contains(split,[",","."])) % Compute the new stop temp_stop = start + temp_duration; % Check if it is beyond the length of the signal if temp_stop > % Define stop stop =; % Adjust the duration value and edit box = stop-start; set(handles.edit_duration,'string',char(stop - start)) else stop = temp_stop; % Adjust the duration value and edit box = temp_duration; set(handles.edit_duration,'string',char(temp_duration)) end % Adjust the patch handles.temp.patch.XData([2 3]) = seconds([stop stop]); % Adjust the stop line handles.temp.stop.XData = [stop stop]; else % Set duration to previous value set(handles.edit_duration,'String',char(; % Throw an error dialog errordlg('Duration should be in the "hh:mm:ss" format.','Format error') end catch % Set duration to previous value set(handles.edit_duration,'String',char(; % Throw an error dialog errordlg('Duration should be in the "hh:mm:ss" format.','Format error') end % Update structure guidata(hObject,handles); % --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. function edit_duration_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to edit_duration (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called % Hint: edit controls usually have a white background on Windows. % See ISPC and COMPUTER. if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); end % --- Executes on button press in pushbutton_detect_peaks. function pushbutton_detect_peaks_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to pushbutton_detect_peaks (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Change the pointer set(handles.figure_main,'Pointer','watch') % Reset the manual corrections set(findall(handles.uipanel_R_peak_correction,'Style','radiobutton'),'value',0) % Execute the radiobutton callback handles = radiobutton_add_adjust_delete_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles); % Define sampling frequency fs =; % Define the entire time temp_time = seconds((1:size(,1))/fs); temp_time.Format = 'hh:mm:ss'; % Define start and stop temp_start =; temp_stop = temp_start +; % Define the to be analysed signal start = find(temp_time >= temp_start,1,'first'); stop = find(temp_time < temp_stop,1,'last'); signal =,:); % Define the time selection time = seconds((start:stop)/fs); % Detect the R-peaks [R_peak, ~, parameters, check] = peak_detection(,signal,fs,1); if check % Adjust the R-peaks = []; for ii ={1,ii} = time(R_peak{ii}); end % Adjust the parameters = parameters; % Adjust the plots handles = update_plots(handles); % Adjust the y-limits handles = adjust_y_limits(handles); % Enable add, adjust and delete set(findall(handles.uipanel_R_peak_correction,'-property','enable'),'enable','on') % Enable the add context menu set(handles.context_add,'enable','on') % Enable the menu's set(handles.menu_export_results,'enable','on') set(handles.menu_save_results,'enable','on') end % Change the pointer set(handles.figure_main,'Pointer','arrow') % Update structure guidata(hObject,handles); % --- Executes on button press in pushbutton_load_peaks. function pushbutton_load_peaks_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to pushbutton_load_peaks (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Change the pointer set(handles.figure_main,'Pointer','watch') drawnow; % Reset the manual corrections set(findall(handles.uipanel_R_peak_correction,'Style','radiobutton'),'value',0) % Execute the radiobutton callback handles = radiobutton_add_adjust_delete_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles); % Select where you want to load from answer = questdlg('Where do you want to load the peaks from?', ... 'Load Peaks', ... 'From File','From Workspace','From File'); % Set check check = 1; try switch answer case 'From File' % Select the file [FileName,PathName] = uigetfile({'*.mat'},'Select the R-peaks'); % If the window was not closed, check the file format if ~isnumeric(FileName) && ~isnumeric(PathName) % Get the complete file file = strcat(PathName,FileName); % Import the file data = (importdata(file)); end case 'From Workspace' % Select the variables from the workspace vars = evalin('base','who'); % Make a selection if multiple variables are present if length(vars) > 1 [idx,~] = listdlg('PromptString','Select the R-peak locations:',... 'ListString',vars,... 'SelectionMode','single'); else idx = 1; end % Load the variable data = evalin('base',vars{idx}); otherwise check = 0; end catch check = 0; end if check == 1 try if isa(data,'struct') % If var is a structure, loop through the structure % Select the correct file [R_peak_temp,~] = loop_through_structure(data); else % If var is a variable, select the variable R_peak_temp = data; end if isnumeric(R_peak_temp) % Set the signal in the correct form (collumn vectors) [R_temp, K_temp] = size(R_peak_temp); if K_temp < R_temp R_peak_temp = R_peak_temp'; R = K_temp; else R = R_temp; end % Ask in which units the R-peaks are [idx,check] = listdlg('PromptString','Select the R-peak units:',... 'ListString',{'Samples','ms','s'},... 'SelectionMode','single'); if check if R > 1 % Pre-allocate R_peak = cell(1,R); % Loop over the leads for ii = 1:R if idx == 1 R_peak{ii} = R_peak_temp(ii,:); elseif idx == 2 R_peak{ii} = round((R_peak_temp(ii,:)/1000)*; elseif idx == 3 R_peak{ii} = round(R_peak_temp(ii,:)*; end end else if == 1 R_peak{1} = R_peak_temp; else % Pre-allocate R_peak = cell(1,; % Loop over the leads for ii = R_peak{ii} = R_peak_temp; end end end else return end elseif iscell(R_peak_temp) % Store the cell R_peak = R_peak_temp; % Get the size of the cell % R = length(R_peak); elseif isduration(R_peak_temp) % Store as cell R_peak = {R_peak_temp}; end % Check if the R-peak locations are in ms, s or samples if ~isduration(R_peak{1}) % Define sampling frequency fs =; % Define the entire time temp_time = seconds((1:size(,1))/fs); temp_time.Format = 'hh:mm:ss'; % Define start and stop temp_start =; temp_stop = temp_start +; % Define the to be analysed signal start = find(temp_time >= temp_start,1,'first'); stop = find(temp_time < temp_stop,1,'last'); % Define the time selection time = seconds((start:stop)/fs); % Adjust the R-peaks = []; for ii ={1,ii} = time(R_peak{ii}); end else % Isduration % Adjust the R-peaks = []; for ii ={1,ii} = R_peak{ii}; end end % Adjust the plots handles = update_plots(handles); % Adjust the y-limits handles = adjust_y_limits(handles); % Enable add, adjust and delete set(findall(handles.uipanel_R_peak_correction,'-property','enable'),'enable','on') % Enable the add context menu set(handles.context_add,'enable','on') % Enable the menu's set(handles.menu_export_results,'enable','on') set(handles.menu_save_results,'enable','on') catch end end % Change the pointer set(handles.figure_main,'Pointer','arrow') drawnow; % Update structure guidata(hObject,handles); % --- Executes on button press in pushbutton_cross_correlation. function pushbutton_cross_correlation_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to pushbutton_cross_correlation (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Change the pointer set(handles.figure_main,'Pointer','watch') drawnow; % Get the listbox value listbox_value = get(handles.listbox_channels,'value')-1; % 0=All, 1=Channel 1,... % Define the looping variable if listbox_value == 0 loop_var =; else % Only the selection loop_var = listbox_value; end % Define sampling frequency fs =; % Define the signal signal =; % Define the time time = seconds((1:size(signal,1))/fs); time.Format = 'hh:mm:ss'; % Pre-allocate window = 0.15; % Loop over all the R-peaks for ii = loop_var % Define a temporary R-peak variable R_peak_temp = round(fs*seconds(handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}).XData)); % Avoid trouble while R_peak_temp(1)-round(window*fs) <= 0 R_peak_temp(1) = []; end while R_peak_temp(end)+round(window*fs) > length(signal) R_peak_temp(end) = []; end % Define the size of the heartbeat variable R = round(window*fs)*2+1; K = length(R_peak_temp); % Select all heartbeats QRS = zeros(R,K); for iii = 1:K % Slide 200ms forward and backward QRS(:,iii) = signal(R_peak_temp(iii)-round(window*fs):R_peak_temp(iii)+round(window*fs),ii); end % Normalize the beats QRS = zscore(QRS); % Get the ammount of positive R-peaks nr_pos = sum(sign(signal(R_peak_temp,ii))); % Predefine the shift R_shift = 0; try % Compute the average positive R-beat QRS_avg_pos = trimmean(QRS(:,sign(signal(R_peak_temp,ii))==1)',30)'; % Compute the average "negative" R-beat QRS_avg_neg = trimmean(QRS(:,sign(signal(R_peak_temp,ii))==-1)',30)'; % Select the positive or negative R-peak [selection, R_shift] = QRS_selection(QRS_avg_pos,QRS_avg_neg,window,nr_pos,fs); catch if nr_pos > 0 selection = 1; else selection = -1; end end % Compute the average heartbeat QRS_avg = trimmean(QRS(:,sign(signal(R_peak_temp,ii)) == selection)',30)'; % Pre-allocate for iii = 1:K % Compute cross1-correlation [QRS_corr,lag] = xcorr(QRS(:,iii), QRS_avg); % Adjust the R-peak position [~,I] = max(QRS_corr); R_peak_temp(iii) = R_peak_temp(iii)+lag(I)+R_shift; end % Store the R-peaks and compute RR-intervals set(handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}),'XData',time(round(unique(R_peak_temp))),... 'YData',signal(round(unique(R_peak_temp)),ii)) end % Check if the manual corrections are selected and update the R-peaks model handles = radiobutton_add_adjust_delete_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles); % Adjust the plots handles = update_plots(handles); % Adjust the y-limits handles = adjust_y_limits(handles); % Enable the save menu's set(handles.menu_export_results,'enable','on') set(handles.menu_save_results,'enable','on') % Change the pointer set(handles.figure_main,'Pointer','arrow') drawnow; % Update structure guidata(hObject,handles) % --- Executes on button press in pushbutton_peak_conversion. function pushbutton_peak_conversion_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to pushbutton_peak_conversion (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Change the pointer set(handles.figure_main,'Pointer','watch') drawnow; % Get the listbox value listbox_value = get(handles.listbox_channels,'value')-1; % 0=All, 1=Channel 1,... % Define the looping variable if listbox_value == 0 loop_var =; else % Only the selection loop_var = listbox_value; end % Define sampling frequency fs =; % Define the signal signal =; % Define the time time = seconds((1:size(signal,1))/fs); time.Format = 'hh:mm:ss'; % Loop over all the R-peaks for ii = loop_var % Define a temporary R-peak variable R_peak_temp = round(fs*seconds(handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}).XData)); % Converge... for iii = 1:length(R_peak_temp) % ... forward while abs(signal(R_peak_temp(iii),ii)) > abs(signal(R_peak_temp(iii)-1,ii)) && ... abs(signal(R_peak_temp(iii),ii)) < abs(signal(R_peak_temp(iii)+1,ii)) R_peak_temp(iii) = R_peak_temp(iii)+1; end % ... backward while abs(signal(R_peak_temp(iii),ii)) < abs(signal(R_peak_temp(iii)-1,ii)) && ... abs(signal(R_peak_temp(iii),ii)) > abs(signal(R_peak_temp(iii)+1,ii)) R_peak_temp(iii) = R_peak_temp(iii)-1; end end % Store the R-peaks and compute RR-intervals set(handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}),'XData',time(round(unique(R_peak_temp))),... 'YData',signal(round(unique(R_peak_temp)),ii)) end % Check if the manual corrections are selected and update the R-peaks model handles = radiobutton_add_adjust_delete_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles); % Adjust the plots handles = update_plots(handles); % Adjust the y-limits handles = adjust_y_limits(handles); % Change the pointer set(handles.figure_main,'Pointer','arrow') drawnow; % Update structure guidata(hObject,handles) % --- Executes on button press in pushbutton_maximum_search. function pushbutton_maximum_search_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to pushbutton_maximum_search (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Change the pointer set(handles.figure_main,'Pointer','watch') drawnow; % Ask if they want a max, min or abs max search choice = questdlg('Select the type of search.','Maximum search','Max','Min','Abs Max','Max'); if ~strcmp(choice,'') % Get the listbox value listbox_value = get(handles.listbox_channels,'value')-1; % 0=All, 1=Channel 1,... % Define the looping variable if listbox_value == 0 loop_var =; else % Only the selection loop_var = listbox_value; end % Define sampling frequency fs =; % Define the signal signal =; % Define the time time = seconds((1:size(signal,1))/fs); time.Format = 'hh:mm:ss'; % Define the window window = round(0.1*fs); % Loop over all the R-peaks for ii = loop_var try % Define a temporary R-peak variable R_peak_temp = round(fs*seconds(handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}).XData)); % Find maximum for iii = 1:length(R_peak_temp) % Get the samples from the R-peak minus and plus the window p = signal(max(1,R_peak_temp(iii)-window):min(R_peak_temp(iii)+window,length(signal)),ii); % Do the same but for the time locations t = max(1,R_peak_temp(iii)-window):min(R_peak_temp(iii)+window,length(signal)); % Do a maximum search based on the selection switch choice case 'Max' [~,ip] = max(p); case 'Min' [~,ip] = min(p); case 'Abs Max' [~,ip] = max(abs(p)); end % Adjust the R-peak R_peak_temp(iii) = t(ip(end)); end % Store the R-peaks and compute RR-intervals set(handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}),'XData',time(round(unique(R_peak_temp))),... 'YData',signal(round(unique(R_peak_temp)),ii)) catch end end % Check if the manual corrections are selected and update the R-peaks model handles = radiobutton_add_adjust_delete_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles); % Adjust the plots handles = update_plots(handles); % Adjust the y-limits handles = adjust_y_limits(handles); end % Change the pointer set(handles.figure_main,'Pointer','arrow') drawnow; % Update structure guidata(hObject,handles) % --- Executes on button press in radiobutton_add, radiobutton_adjust, radiobutton_delete. function handles = radiobutton_add_adjust_delete_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to radiobutton_add, radiobutton_adjust and radiobutton_delete (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Disable the toggle tools % (Keeping this on will give problems when changing the WindowButtonDownFcn) % set(findall(handles.figure_main, 'Type','uitoggleTool'), 'enable', 'off') zoom off % Check if one of the radiobuttons is one if get(handles.radiobutton_add,'Value') || get(handles.radiobutton_adjust,'Value') || get(handles.radiobutton_delete,'Value') % Remove all window functions set(handles.figure_main,'WindowButtonMotionFcn','',... 'WindowButtonDownFcn','',... 'WindowButtonUpFcn',''); % Reset the other radiobuttons % This will only work if one of the radiobuttons is selected try switch hObject.String case 'Add' set([handles.radiobutton_adjust handles.radiobutton_delete],'value',0) case 'Adjust' set([handles.radiobutton_add handles.radiobutton_delete],'value',0) case 'Delete' set([handles.radiobutton_add handles.radiobutton_adjust],'value',0) end catch end if get(handles.radiobutton_add,'Value') % Create a cursor line handles.temp.cursor_line = line(handles.axes_ECG,seconds([NaN NaN]), ylim(handles.axes_ECG), ... 'Color', 'black',... 'Parent', handles.axes_ECG); % Create a temporary R-peak for every lead for ii = handles.temp.R(ii) = plot(handles.axes_ECG,seconds(NaN),,... 'og',... 'markerfacecolor','g',... 'linewidth',3); end % Set the window buttonmotion and down function set(handles.figure_main,'WindowButtonMotionFcn',{@drag_new_R_peak,handles},... 'WindowButtonDownFcn',{@define_new_R_peak,handles}); elseif get(handles.radiobutton_adjust,'Value') % Create a temporary R-peak for ii = handles.temp.R(ii) = plot(handles.axes_ECG,seconds(NaN),,... 'oc',... 'markerfacecolor','c',... 'linewidth',3); end % Set up cursor line handles.temp.cursor_line = line(handles.axes_ECG,seconds([NaN NaN]), ylim(handles.axes_ECG), ... 'Color', 'black',... 'Parent', handles.axes_ECG); % Set the window buttondown and up function set(handles.figure_main,'WindowButtonMotionFcn',{@select_R_peak,handles},... 'WindowButtonDownFcn',{@define_R_peak,handles},... 'WindowButtonUpFcn',{@let_R_peak_go,handles}); elseif get(handles.radiobutton_delete,'Value') % Create a temporary R-peak for every lead for ii = handles.temp.R(ii) = plot(handles.axes_ECG,seconds(NaN),,... 'or',... 'markerfacecolor','r',... 'linewidth',3); end % Set the window buttonmotion and down function set(handles.figure_main,'WindowButtonMotionFcn',{@select_R_peak,handles},... 'WindowButtonDownFcn',{@change_buttonmotionfcn,handles},... 'WindowButtonUpFcn',{@delete_R_peak,handles}); end else % Set the window buttonmotion and down function set(handles.figure_main,'WindowButtonMotionFcn','',... 'WindowButtonDownFcn','',... 'WindowButtonUpFcn',''); % Adjust the model if ~isempty( for ii = % Find the R-peaks in the model in the search interval temp = find({ii} >=; idx = temp({ii}(temp) <= +; if length(idx) == length(handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}).XData){ii}(idx) = handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}).XData; elseif handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}).XData(1) <{ii}(1){ii} = [handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}).XData{ii}]; elseif handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}).XData(1) >{ii}(end){ii} = [{ii} handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}).XData]; else{ii} = [{ii}(1:idx(1)-1) handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}).XData{ii}(idx(end)+1:end)]; end end end % Delete temporary graphics try delete(handles.temp.R) delete(handles.temp.cursor_line) catch end end % Update structure guidata(hObject,handles) function handles = edit_range_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to edit_range (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of edit_range as text % str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of edit_range as a double try % Get the range in duration values split = strsplit(handles.edit_range.String, ':'); range = duration(str2double(split)); if ~isnan(range) && ~sum(contains(split,[",","."])) % Get the start of the analysis period in duration values an_start =; % Get the width of the analysis window in duration values an_width =; % Get the stop of the analysis period in duration values an_stop = an_start + an_width; if range >= an_width % Change the edit box set(handles.edit_range,'string',char(an_width)) % Adjust the slider set(handles.slider_range,'enable','off',... 'max',round(*seconds(an_width)),... 'value',round(*seconds(an_width))) % Adjust range range = an_width; elseif range < seconds(1) % Set the string set(handles.edit_range,'string','00:00:01') % Adjust range range = seconds(1); else % Set the string set(handles.edit_range,'string',char(range)); % Get a new maximum for the slider new_max = round(*seconds(an_width-range)); % Adjust the value if it is outside the new range if handles.slider_range.Value > new_max set(handles.slider_range,'Value',new_max) end % Get the new step size n = round(*seconds(range))/new_max; % Adjust the slider set(handles.slider_range,'max',new_max,... 'sliderstep',[min([1 n]) min([1 2*n])],... 'enable','on') end % Get the slider value slider_value = get(handles.slider_range,'Value'); % Adjust the x-limits stop = min([an_start+seconds(slider_value/ an_stop]); if stop == an_stop if strcmp(handles.slider_range.Enable,'on') start = stop-range; else start = an_start; end else start = an_start+seconds(slider_value/; end % Adjust the x-limits xlim(handles.axes_ECG,[start stop]) % Adjust the y-limits handles = adjust_y_limits(handles); % Set the model range value = duration(str2double(strsplit(handles.edit_range.String, ':'))); else % Reset the string set(handles.edit_range,'string',char(; % Throw an error dialog errordlg('Range should be in the "hh:mm:ss" format.','Format error') end catch % Reset the string set(handles.edit_range,'string',char(; % Throw an error dialog errordlg('Range should be in the "hh:mm:ss" format.','Format error') end % Update handles structure guidata(hObject, handles); % --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. function edit_range_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to edit_range (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called % Hint: edit controls usually have a white background on Windows. % See ISPC and COMPUTER. if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); end % --- Executes on button press in pushbutton_plus. function pushbutton_plus_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to pushbutton_plus (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Get the interval width in duration values temp = duration(str2double(strsplit(handles.edit_range.String, ':'))); % Add one second temp = temp+seconds(1); % Update range string set(handles.edit_range,'String',char(temp)) % Update range handles = edit_range_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles); % Update handles structure guidata(hObject, handles); % --- If Enable == 'on', executes on mouse press in 5 pixel border. % --- Otherwise, executes on mouse press in 5 pixel border or over pushbutton_plus. function pushbutton_plus_ButtonDownFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to pushbutton_plus (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Get clicktype clickType = get(handles.figure_main, 'SelectionType'); if strcmp(handles.pushbutton_plus.Enable,'on') && strcmp(clickType, 'alt') % Get the start of the analysis period in duration values start =; % Get the width of the analysis window in duration values an_width =; stop = start+an_width; % Set the range edit box set(handles.edit_range,'string',char(an_width)) % Disable the slider, (re)set the slider maximum and change % the value set(handles.slider_range,'enable','off',... 'max',round(*seconds(an_width)),... 'value',0) % Adjust the x-limits xlim(handles.axes_ECG,[start stop]) % Adjust the y-limits handles = adjust_y_limits(handles); % Set the model = an_width; try if strcmp(handles.temp.patch.Visible,'on') Ylim = handles.axes_ECG.YLim; set(handles.temp.patch,'YData',[Ylim(1) Ylim(1) Ylim(2) Ylim(2)]) set(handles.temp.start,'YData',Ylim) set(handles.temp.stop,'YData',Ylim) end catch end % Reset the zoom zoom 'reset' end % Update handles structure guidata(hObject, handles); % --- Executes on button press in pushbutton_minus. function pushbutton_minus_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to pushbutton_minus (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Get the interval width in duration values temp = duration(str2double(strsplit(handles.edit_range.String, ':'))); % Add one second temp = temp-seconds(1); % Update range string set(handles.edit_range,'String',char(temp)) % Update range handles = edit_range_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles); % Update handles structure guidata(hObject, handles); % --- Executes on slider movement. function slider_range_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to slider_range (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Hints: get(hObject,'Value') returns position of slider % get(hObject,'Min') and get(hObject,'Max') to determine range of slider % Update handles structure guidata(hObject, handles); % --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. function slider_range_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to slider_range (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called % Hint: slider controls usually have a light gray background. if isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) set(hObject,'BackgroundColor',[.9 .9 .9]); end % --- Executes on selection change in listbox_channels. function listbox_channels_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to listbox_channels (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Hints: contents = cellstr(get(hObject,'String')) returns listbox_channels contents as cell array % contents{get(hObject,'Value')} returns selected item from listbox_channels % Get the listbox value listbox_value = get(handles.listbox_channels,'value')-1; % 0=All, 1=Channel 1,... % Get the selection type selectiontype = get(handles.figure_main,'SelectionType'); % If double click if strcmp(selectiontype,'open') && listbox_value > 0 % Get all names all_names = handles.listbox_channels.String; % Get the selection in the listbox idx = listbox_value + 1; % Get the old name L = length(all_names{idx}); string = all_names{idx}; old_name = string(find(string=='"',1,'last')+2:L-14); % Get the new name new_name = rename_channel('channel_name',old_name); if ~isempty(new_name) % Adjust the listbox color = handles.color(listbox_value,:); colorStr = sprintf('%d,',int16(255*color)); all_names{idx} = ['' new_name '']; set(handles.listbox_channels,'string',all_names) end else % Define the looping variable if listbox_value == 0 loop_var =; else % Only the selection loop_var = listbox_value; end % Get the original signal checkbox value original = get(handles.checkbox_show_original,'value'); % Make all signals invisible set(handles.axes_ECG.Children,'Visible','off') set(handles.axes_tachogram.Children,'Visible','off') % Make the selected signals visible for ii = loop_var % Filtered ECG signals set(handles.graph.signal.filtered.(handles.labels{ii}),'visible','on') % Original ECG signals if original set(handles.graph.signal.original.(handles.labels{ii}),'visible','on') end % R-peaks + tachogram if ~isempty( set(handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}),'visible','on') set(handles.graph.RR.(handles.labels{ii}),'visible','on') end end % Adjust the y-limits handles = adjust_y_limits(handles); end % Update structure guidata(hObject,handles); % --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. function listbox_channels_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to listbox_channels (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called % Hint: listbox controls usually have a white background on Windows. % See ISPC and COMPUTER. if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); end % --- Executes on selection change in popupmenu_units_tachogram. function popupmenu_units_tachogram_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to popupmenu_units_tachogram (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Hints: contents = cellstr(get(hObject,'String')) returns popupmenu_units_tachogram contents as cell array % contents{get(hObject,'Value')} returns selected item from popupmenu_units_tachogram % Get the contents contents = cellstr(get(handles.popupmenu_units_tachogram,'String')); value = get(handles.popupmenu_units_tachogram,'Value'); units = contents{value}; % Adjust the model = value; % Change the label ylabel(handles.axes_tachogram, units) % Define the RR-intervals if ~isempty( % Loop over the channels for ii = % Compute the RR-interval RR_int = seconds(diff(handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}).XData))*1000; switch units case 'HR (bpm)' % Change the data RR_int = 60000./RR_int; end % Adjust the tachogram handles.graph.RR.(handles.labels{ii}).YData = RR_int; end % Adjust the y-limits handles = adjust_y_limits(handles); end % Update structure guidata(hObject,handles); % --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. function popupmenu_units_tachogram_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to popupmenu_units_tachogram (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called % Hint: popupmenu controls usually have a white background on Windows. % See ISPC and COMPUTER. if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); end % --- Executes on button press in checkbox_fix_ylimits. function checkbox_fix_ylimits_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to checkbox_fix_ylimits (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Hint: get(hObject,'Value') returns toggle state of checkbox_fix_ylimits % Get the checkbox value checkbox_value = get(handles.checkbox_fix_ylimits,'Value'); if ~checkbox_value % Adjust the y-limits handles = adjust_y_limits(handles); end % Update structure guidata(hObject,handles); %% Extra functions %% function Slide(hObject,eventdata) %#ok % Get the handles handles = guidata(eventdata.AffectedObject); if strcmp(handles.slider_range.String,'normal') % Get the range in duration values range = duration(str2double(strsplit(handles.edit_range.String, ':'))); % Get the start of the analysis period in duration values an_start =; % Get the width of the analysis window in duration values an_width =; % Get the stop of the analysis period in duration values an_stop = an_start + an_width; % Get the slider value slider_value = get(eventdata.AffectedObject,'Value'); % Adjust the x-limits stop = min([an_start+seconds(slider_value/ an_stop]); if stop == an_stop if strcmp(handles.slider_range.Enable,'on') start = stop-range; else start = an_start; end else start = an_start+seconds(slider_value/; end % Adjust the x-limits xlim(handles.axes_ECG,[start stop]) % Adjust the y-limits handles = adjust_y_limits(handles); % Draw everything now. This makes sure that the function will execute, also % when the zoom is enabled if strcmp(handles.zoom.Enable,'on') drawnow end end %% Helper functions analysis period function drag_start_line(hObject,eventdata,handles) %#ok % windowbuttonmotionfcn % Get the mouse position mousepos = get(handles.axes_ECG,'CurrentPoint'); % Get the candidate position candidate_pos = mousepos(1); % Get the x-limits Xlim = seconds(xlim(handles.axes_ECG)); % Get the y-limits Ylim = ylim(handles.axes_ECG); % Check if it is the correct axes if mousepos(1,1) >= Xlim(1) && ... mousepos(1,1) <= Xlim(2) &&... mousepos(1,2) >= Ylim(1) && ... mousepos(1,2) <= Ylim(2) % Adjust the mouseposition if candidate_pos <= 0 % Past the left limit new_pos = 0; elseif candidate_pos >= seconds(handles.temp.stop.XData(1))-1 % Past the right limit new_pos = seconds(handles.temp.stop.XData(1))-1; else % Perfect new_pos = candidate_pos; end % Set the new start time start = seconds(new_pos); start.Format = 'hh:mm:ss'; set(handles.edit_start,'string',char(start)); % Make the starting line visible set(handles.temp.start,'XData',[start start],... 'YData',Ylim,... 'visible','on') % Adjust the patch handles.temp.patch.XData([1 4]) = [new_pos new_pos]; handles.temp.patch.YData = [Ylim(1) Ylim(1) Ylim(2) Ylim(2)]; end % Adjust the duration edit box start = duration(str2double(strsplit(handles.edit_start.String, ':'))); stop = handles.temp.stop.XData(1); set(handles.edit_duration,'string',char(stop-start)) % Update structure guidata(hObject,handles); function define_start_line(hObject,eventdata,handles) %#ok % windowbuttondownfcn % Get the mouse position mousepos = get(handles.axes_ECG,'CurrentPoint'); % Get the candidate position candidate_pos = mousepos(1); % Get the x-limits Xlim = seconds(xlim(handles.axes_ECG)); % Get the y-limits Ylim = ylim(handles.axes_ECG); % Check if it is the correct axes if mousepos(1,1) >= Xlim(1) &&... mousepos(1,1) <= Xlim(2) &&... mousepos(1,2) >= Ylim(1) &&... mousepos(1,2) <= Ylim(2) % Get the x-location new_pos = candidate_pos; % Make the patch visible set(handles.temp.patch,'XData',[new_pos new_pos new_pos new_pos],... 'YData',[Ylim(1) Ylim(1) Ylim(2) Ylim(2)],... 'visible','on') % Make the stopping line visible set(handles.temp.stop,'XData',[new_pos new_pos],... 'YData',Ylim,... 'visible','on') % Set the window button motion function set(handles.figure_main,'WindowButtonMotionFcn',{@drag_stop_line,handles}); end % Update structure guidata(hObject,handles); function drag_stop_line(hObject,eventdata,handles) %#ok % windowbuttonmotionfcn % Get the mouse position mousepos = get(handles.axes_ECG,'CurrentPoint'); % Get the candidate position candidate_pos = mousepos(1); % Get the y-limits Ylim = ylim(handles.axes_ECG); % Check the constraints if candidate_pos <= seconds(handles.temp.start.XData(1)) % Past the start line new_pos = seconds(handles.temp.start.XData(1))+1; elseif candidate_pos >= seconds( % Past the end of the recording new_pos = seconds(; else % Perfect new_pos = mousepos(1); end % Get the location of the start line temp_start = duration(str2double(strsplit(handles.edit_start.String, ':'))); temp_start.Format = 'hh:mm:ss'; % Get the location of the stop line temp_stop = seconds(new_pos); temp_stop.Format = 'hh:mm:ss'; % Adjust the start edit box set(handles.edit_start,'string',char(temp_start)); % Adjust the duration edit box set(handles.edit_duration,'string',char(temp_stop-temp_start)) % Adjust the stop line set(handles.temp.stop,'XData',[temp_stop temp_stop],... 'YData',Ylim); % Adjust the patch handles.temp.patch.XData([2 3]) = [new_pos new_pos]; handles.temp.patch.YData = [Ylim(1) Ylim(1) Ylim(2) Ylim(2)]; % Update structure guidata(hObject,handles); function define_stop_line(hObject,eventdata,handles) %#ok % windowbuttonupfcn switch char(handles.figure_main.WindowButtonDownFcn{1,1}) case 'define_start_line' if strcmp(char(handles.figure_main.WindowButtonMotionFcn{1,1}),'drag_stop_line') % Remove the window button motion function set(handles.figure_main,'WindowButtonMotionFcn',''); % Enable the analysis period edit boxes set(findall(handles.uipanel_analysis_period,'style','edit'),'enable','on') % Enable the pointer manager iptPointerManager(handles.figure_main,'enable'); % Change the pointer behavior for the lines pointerBehavior.enterFcn = []; pointerBehavior.exitFcn = []; pointerBehavior.traverseFcn = @overline; iptSetPointerBehavior(handles.temp.start, pointerBehavior); iptSetPointerBehavior(handles.temp.stop, pointerBehavior); % Change the pointer behavior for the patch pointerBehavior.traverseFcn = @cross1; iptSetPointerBehavior(handles.temp.patch, pointerBehavior); % Define new windowbuttondown function set(handles.figure_main,'WindowButtonDownFcn',{@select_line,handles}); end case 'select_line' % Remove the window button motion function set(handles.figure_main,'WindowButtonMotionFcn',''); % Enable the pointer manager iptPointerManager(handles.figure_main,'enable'); % Change the pointer behavior for the lines pointerBehavior.enterFcn = []; pointerBehavior.exitFcn = []; pointerBehavior.traverseFcn = @overline; iptSetPointerBehavior(handles.temp.start, pointerBehavior); iptSetPointerBehavior(handles.temp.stop, pointerBehavior); % Change the pointer behavior for the patch pointerBehavior.traverseFcn = @cross1; iptSetPointerBehavior(handles.temp.patch, pointerBehavior); end % Update structure guidata(hObject,handles); function drag_patch(hObject,eventdata,handles) %#ok % windowbuttonmotionfcn % Get the mouse position mousepos = get(handles.axes_ECG,'CurrentPoint'); % Get the x-position x_pos = mousepos(1); % Get the current position current_pos = [ seconds(handles.temp.start.XData(1)) seconds(handles.temp.stop.XData(1)) ]; % Get the candidate position candidate_pos = [x_pos-handles.temp.start_to_mouse x_pos+handles.temp.stop_to_mouse]; % Check the constraints if candidate_pos(1) < 0 new_pos(1) = 0; new_pos(2) = diff(current_pos); elseif candidate_pos(2) > seconds( new_pos(2) = seconds(; new_pos(1) = new_pos(2) - diff(current_pos); else new_pos = candidate_pos; end % Set the new start time start = seconds(new_pos(1)); start.Format = 'hh:mm:ss'; set(handles.edit_start,'string',char(start)); % Adjust the start line set(handles.temp.start,'XData',[start start]) % Adjust the patch handles.temp.patch.XData([1 4]) = [new_pos(1) new_pos(1)]; % Get the location of the stop line stop = seconds(new_pos(2)); stop.Format = 'hh:mm:ss'; % Adjust the stop line set(handles.temp.stop,'XData',[stop stop]); % Adjust the patch handles.temp.patch.XData([2 3]) = [new_pos(2) new_pos(2)]; % Update structure guidata(hObject,handles); function select_line(hObject,eventdata,handles) %#ok % windowbuttondownfcn % Check if the pointer is a double arrow if strcmp(handles.figure_main.Pointer,'left') % Get the clicked object co = gco; % Get the current objects x-location idx = round(seconds(co.XData(1)),2); % Disable the pointer manager iptPointerManager(handles.figure_main,'disable'); % Fix it to left set(handles.figure_main,'Pointer','left') % Check which line is selected if idx == round(handles.temp.patch.XData(1),2) % Set the window button motion function set(handles.figure_main,'WindowButtonMotionFcn',{@drag_start_line,handles}); elseif idx == round(handles.temp.patch.XData(2),2) % Set the window button motion function set(handles.figure_main,'WindowButtonMotionFcn',{@drag_stop_line,handles}); end elseif strcmp(handles.figure_main.Pointer,'fleur') % Disable the pointer manager iptPointerManager(handles.figure_main,'disable'); % Fix it to fleur set(handles.figure_main,'Pointer','fleur') % Get the mouse position temp = get(handles.axes_ECG,'CurrentPoint'); % Distance of the start line to the mouse position handles.temp.start_to_mouse = temp(1) - seconds(handles.temp.start.XData(1)); % Distance of the stop line to the mouse position handles.temp.stop_to_mouse = seconds(handles.temp.stop.XData(1)) - temp(1); % Set the window button motion function set(handles.figure_main,'WindowButtonMotionFcn',{@drag_patch,handles}); end % Update structure guidata(hObject,handles); %% Helper functions add, delete and adjust radiobuttons function select_R_peak(hObject,eventdata,handles) %#ok % windowbuttonmotionfcn % Get the listbox value listbox_value = get(handles.listbox_channels,'value')-1; % Get the mouse position mousepos = get(handles.axes_ECG,'CurrentPoint'); % Get the x-limits Xlim = seconds(xlim(handles.axes_ECG)); Xwidth = Xlim(2)-Xlim(1); % Get the y-limits Ylim = ylim(handles.axes_ECG); Ywidth = Ylim(2)-Ylim(1); % Check if it is the correct axes if mousepos(1,1) >= Xlim(1) &&... mousepos(1,1) <= Xlim(2) &&... mousepos(1,2) >= Ylim(1) &&... mousepos(1,2) <= Ylim(2) if ~listbox_value % If all leads are displayed loop_var =; else loop_var = listbox_value; end % If the delete radiobutton is selected or the adjust button and one % lead if handles.radiobutton_delete.Value for ii = loop_var % Get the closest R-peak [~,idx] = min(((seconds(handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}).XData)-mousepos(1))./Xwidth).^2+... ((handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}).YData-mousepos(3))./Ywidth).^2); % Show the selected R-peak set(handles.temp.R(ii),'XData',handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}).XData(idx),... 'YData',handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}).YData(idx),... 'visible','on') end elseif handles.radiobutton_adjust.Value && length(loop_var) == 1 for ii = loop_var % Get the closest R-peak [~,idx] = min(((seconds(handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}).XData)-mousepos(1))./Xwidth).^2+... ((handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}).YData-mousepos(3))./Ywidth).^2); % Show the selected R-peak set(handles.temp.R(1),'XData',handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}).XData(idx),... 'YData',handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}).YData(idx),... 'visible','on') end else % Pre-allocate idx = zeros(1,length(loop_var)); difference = seconds(zeros(1,length(loop_var))); for ii = loop_var % Get the closest R-peak [difference(ii),idx(ii)] = min(((seconds(handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}).XData)-mousepos(1))./Xwidth).^2+... ((handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}).YData-mousepos(3))./Ywidth).^2); end % Find the channel [~,channel] = min(difference); % Show the selected R-peak set(handles.temp.R(1),'XData',handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{channel}).XData(idx(channel)),... 'YData',handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{channel}).YData(idx(channel)),... 'visible','on') end else % Make the to be deleted R-peak invisible set(handles.temp.R,'XData',seconds(NaN)) end % Update structure guidata(hObject,handles); function change_buttonmotionfcn(hObject,eventdata,handles) %#ok % windowbuttondownfcn % Get the mouse position mousepos = get(handles.axes_ECG,'CurrentPoint'); % Get the x-limits Xlim = seconds(xlim(handles.axes_ECG)); % Get the y-limits Ylim = ylim(handles.axes_ECG); % Check if it is the correct axes if mousepos(1,1) >= Xlim(1) &&... mousepos(1,1) <= Xlim(2) &&... mousepos(1,2) >= Ylim(1) &&... mousepos(1,2) <= Ylim(2) % Get the start value start = get(handles.temp.R,'XData'); % To prevent trouble in the next step, make start a cell if it is not if ~isa(start,'cell') start = {start}; end % Set the window button motion function set(handles.figure_main,'WindowButtonMotionFcn',{@select_R_peaks,handles,start}); end % Update structure guidata(hObject,handles); function select_R_peaks(hObject,eventdata,handles,start) %#ok % windowbuttonmotionfcn % Get the listbox value listbox_value = get(handles.listbox_channels,'value')-1; % Get the mouse position mousepos = get(handles.axes_ECG,'CurrentPoint'); % Get the x-limits Xlim = seconds(xlim(handles.axes_ECG)); % Get the y-limits Ylim = ylim(handles.axes_ECG); % Check if it is the correct axes if mousepos(1,1) >= Xlim(1) &&... mousepos(1,1) <= Xlim(2) &&... mousepos(1,2) >= Ylim(1) &&... mousepos(1,2) <= Ylim(2) if ~listbox_value % If all leads are displayed loop_var =; else loop_var = listbox_value; end % Loop over the selected channels for ii = loop_var % Define start and stop of the search interval if seconds(mousepos(1)) < start{ii} stop = start{ii}; start{ii} = seconds(mousepos(1)); else stop = seconds(mousepos(1)); end % Find the R-peaks in the search interval temp = find(handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}).XData >= start{ii}); idx = temp(handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}).XData(temp) <= stop); % Show the selected R-peak(s) set(handles.temp.R(ii),'XData',handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}).XData(idx),... 'YData',handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}).YData(idx),... 'visible','on') end else % Make the to be deleted R-peak invisible set(handles.temp.R,'XData',seconds(NaN),... 'YData', end % Update structure guidata(hObject,handles); function delete_R_peak(hObject,eventdata,handles) %#ok % windowbuttonupfcn % Get the listbox value listbox_value = get(handles.listbox_channels,'value')-1; % Get the mouse position mousepos = get(handles.axes_ECG,'CurrentPoint'); % Get the x-limits Xlim = seconds(xlim(handles.axes_ECG)); Xwidth = Xlim(2) - Xlim(1); % Get the y-limits Ylim = ylim(handles.axes_ECG); Ywidth = Ylim(2) - Ylim(1); % Check if it is the correct axes if mousepos(1,1) >= Xlim(1) &&... mousepos(1,1) <= Xlim(2) &&... mousepos(1,2) >= Ylim(1) &&... mousepos(1,2) <= Ylim(2) if ~listbox_value % If all leads are displayed loop_var =; else loop_var = listbox_value; end for ii = loop_var % Get the start start = handles.temp.R(ii).XData(1); stop = handles.temp.R(ii).XData(end); % Find the R-peaks on the graph in the search interval temp = find(handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}).XData >= start); idx = temp(handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}).XData(temp) <= stop); % Remove this R-peak from the ECG graph handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}).XData(idx) = []; handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}).YData(idx) = []; % Remove this RR-interval from the tachogram if idx(1) == 1 % First R-peak handles.graph.RR.(handles.labels{ii}).XData(idx) = []; handles.graph.RR.(handles.labels{ii}).YData(idx) = []; elseif idx(end) == length(handles.graph.RR.(handles.labels{ii}).XData) % Last R-peak handles.graph.RR.(handles.labels{ii}).XData(min([idx(1) idx(end)-1]):idx(end)-1) = []; handles.graph.RR.(handles.labels{ii}).YData(min([idx(1) idx(end)-1]):idx(end)-1) = []; else % Every other R-peak % Adjust the tachogram based on the units selection contents = get(handles.popupmenu_units_tachogram,'string'); switch contents{get(handles.popupmenu_units_tachogram,'Value')} case 'HR (bpm)' set(handles.graph.RR.(handles.labels{ii}),'XData',handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}).XData(2:end),... 'YData',60./seconds(diff(handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}).XData))); otherwise set(handles.graph.RR.(handles.labels{ii}),'XData',handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}).XData(2:end),... 'YData',1000*seconds(diff(handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}).XData))); end end % Get the new closest R-peak [~,idx] = min(((seconds(handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}).XData)-mousepos(1))./Xwidth).^2+... ((handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}).YData-mousepos(3))./Ywidth).^2); % Show the to be deleted R-peak set(handles.temp.R(ii),'XData',handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}).XData(idx),... 'YData',handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}).YData(idx)) end % Adjust the y-limits handles = adjust_y_limits(handles); % Set the window button motion function set(handles.figure_main,'WindowButtonMotionFcn',{@select_R_peak,handles},... 'WindowButtonDownFcn',{@change_buttonmotionfcn,handles}); end % Update structure guidata(hObject,handles); % Add function drag_new_R_peak(hObject,eventdata,handles) %#ok % windowbuttonmotionfcn % Get the listbox value listbox_value = get(handles.listbox_channels,'value')-1; % Get the mouse position mousepos = get(handles.axes_ECG,'CurrentPoint'); % Get the x-limits Xlim = seconds(xlim(handles.axes_ECG)); % Get the y-limits Ylim = ylim(handles.axes_ECG); % Check if it is the correct axes if mousepos(1,1) >= Xlim(1) &&... mousepos(1,1) <= Xlim(2) &&... mousepos(1,2) >= Ylim(1) &&... mousepos(1,2) <= Ylim(2) if mousepos(1) <= Xlim(1) % Past the left limit idx = seconds(Xlim(1) + 1/; elseif mousepos(1) >= Xlim(2) % Past the right limit idx = seconds(Xlim(2) - 1/; else % Perfect idx = seconds(mousepos(1)); end % Set up the looping variables if ~listbox_value loop_var =; else loop_var = listbox_value; end % Show the new R-peak for ii = loop_var set(handles.temp.R(ii),'XData',idx,... 'YData',*,ii),... 'visible','on') end % Adjust the line set(handles.temp.cursor_line,'XData',[idx idx],... 'YData',Ylim,... 'visible','on'); else % Make the new R-peak(s) invisible set(handles.temp.R,'XData',seconds(NaN)) % Make the cursor line(s) invisible set(handles.temp.cursor_line,'XData',seconds([NaN NaN])); end % Update structure guidata(hObject,handles); function define_new_R_peak(hObject,eventdata,handles) %#ok % windowbuttondownfcn % Get the listbox value listbox_value = get(handles.listbox_channels,'value')-1; % Get the mouse position mousepos = get(handles.axes_ECG,'CurrentPoint'); % Get the x-limits Xlim = seconds(xlim(handles.axes_ECG)); Xwidth = round((Xlim(2)-Xlim(1))*; % Get the y-limits Ylim = ylim(handles.axes_ECG); Ywidth = Ylim(2)-Ylim(1); ratio = handles.axes_ECG.Position(3)/handles.axes_ECG.Position(4); % Check if it is the correct axes if mousepos(1,1) >= Xlim(1) &&... mousepos(1,1) <= Xlim(2) &&... mousepos(1,2) >= Ylim(1) &&... mousepos(1,2) <= Ylim(2) % Get the time variable time = seconds((1:size(,1))/; % Get the x-and y-location x_loc = round(mousepos(1)*; % In samples % Define the looping variable if ~listbox_value loop_var =; else loop_var = listbox_value; end for ii = loop_var % Create a temporary R-peaks variable in samples R_peak_temp = round(seconds(handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}).XData)*; % Select a small window (100ms) on each side of the mouse position window_width = floor(0.100*; start = max([1 x_loc-window_width]); stop = min([x_loc+window_width size(,1)]); interval = start:stop; [~,id] = min((((interval-x_loc).*ratio)./Xwidth).^2+... ((,ii)'-mousepos(3))./Ywidth).^2); % Get the actual position idx = interval(id); % Locate the new R-peak and add id = find(R_peak_temp < idx,1,'last'); if isempty(id) % Before the first R-peak R_peak_temp = [idx,R_peak_temp]; %#ok elseif id == length(R_peak_temp) % After the last R-peak R_peak_temp = [R_peak_temp,idx]; %#ok else id = id(end); R_peak_temp = [R_peak_temp(1:id),idx,R_peak_temp(id+1:end)]; end % Adjust ECG axis set(handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}),'XData',time(R_peak_temp),... 'YData',,ii),... 'tag',handles.labels{ii},... 'UIContextMenu', handles.context_R_peak_options) % Adjust the tachogram based on the units selection contents = get(handles.popupmenu_units_tachogram,'string'); switch contents{get(handles.popupmenu_units_tachogram,'Value')} case 'HR (bpm)' set(handles.graph.RR.(handles.labels{ii}),'XData',handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}).XData(2:end),... 'YData',60./seconds(diff(handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}).XData))) otherwise set(handles.graph.RR.(handles.labels{ii}),'XData',handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}).XData(2:end),... 'YData',1000*seconds(diff(handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}).XData))) end end % Adjust the y-limits handles = adjust_y_limits(handles); end % Update structure guidata(hObject,handles); %% Helper functions adjust R-peak function define_R_peak(hObject,eventdata,handles) %#ok % windowbuttondownfcn % Get the listbox value listbox_value = get(handles.listbox_channels,'value')-1; % Get the mouse position mousepos = get(handles.axes_ECG,'CurrentPoint'); % Get the x-limits Xlim = seconds(xlim(handles.axes_ECG)); Xwidth = Xlim(2)-Xlim(1); % Get the y-limits Ylim = ylim(handles.axes_ECG); Ywidth = Ylim(2)-Ylim(1); ratio = handles.axes_ECG.Position(3)/handles.axes_ECG.Position(4); % Check if there has been a click in the axes if mousepos(1,1) >= Xlim(1) &&... mousepos(1,1) <= Xlim(2) &&... mousepos(1,2) >= Ylim(1) &&... mousepos(1,2) <= Ylim(2) if ~listbox_value % If all leads are displayed loop_var =; else loop_var = listbox_value; end if length(loop_var) == 1 % Select the closest sample [~,handles.temp.to_be_adjusted_sample] = min(((seconds(handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{loop_var}).XData)-mousepos(1))*ratio./Xwidth).^2+... ((handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{loop_var}).YData-mousepos(3))./Ywidth).^2); % Define channel channel = loop_var; else % Pre-allocate idx = zeros(1,; difference = seconds(zeros(1,length(loop_var))); for ii = loop_var % Get the closest R-peak [difference(ii),idx(ii)] = min(((seconds(handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}).XData)-mousepos(1))*ratio./Xwidth).^2+... ((handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{ii}).YData-mousepos(3))./Ywidth).^2); end % Find the channel [~,channel] = min(difference); % Select the closest sample handles.temp.to_be_adjusted_sample = idx(channel); end % Set the window button motion function set(handles.figure_main,'WindowButtonMotionFcn',{@drag_R_peak,handles,channel}); end % Update structure guidata(hObject,handles) function drag_R_peak(hObject,eventdata,handles,channel) %#ok % windowbuttonmotionfcn % Get the mouse position mousepos = get(handles.axes_ECG,'CurrentPoint'); % Get the x-limits Xlim = xlim(handles.axes_ECG); Xwidth = seconds(Xlim(2) - Xlim(1))*; % Get the y-limits Ylim = ylim(handles.axes_ECG); Ywidth = Ylim(2) - Ylim(1); ratio = handles.axes_ECG.Position(3)/handles.axes_ECG.Position(4); % Get the left limit of the search interval try left_lim = handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{channel}).XData(handles.temp.to_be_adjusted_sample-1); catch left_lim =; end % Get the right limit of the search interval try right_lim = handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{channel}).XData(handles.temp.to_be_adjusted_sample+1); catch right_lim = +; end if seconds(mousepos(1)) <= left_lim % Past the left limit idx = left_lim+seconds(1/; elseif seconds(mousepos(1)) >= right_lim % Past the right limit idx = right_lim-seconds(1/; else % Perfect % Get the x-location x = round(mousepos(1)*; % Adjust the left and right limits left_lim = round(seconds(left_lim)*; right_lim = round(seconds(right_lim)*; % Select a small window (150ms) on each side of the mouse position window_width = floor(0.150*; start = max([1 left_lim x-window_width]); stop = min([x+window_width right_lim]); interval = start:stop; [~,id] = min((((interval-x).*ratio)./Xwidth).^2+... ((,channel)'-mousepos(3))./Ywidth).^2); idx = seconds(interval(id)/; end % Adjust the temporary R-peak set(handles.temp.R(1),'XData',idx,... 'YData',*,channel),... 'visible','on') % Adjust the cursor lines set(handles.temp.cursor_line,'XData',[idx idx],... 'YData',Ylim,... 'visible','on') % Adjust ECG axis handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{channel}).XData(handles.temp.to_be_adjusted_sample) = idx; handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{channel}).YData(handles.temp.to_be_adjusted_sample) =*,channel); % Adjust the tachogram based on the units selection contents = get(handles.popupmenu_units_tachogram,'string'); if handles.temp.to_be_adjusted_sample == 1 % YData switch contents{get(handles.popupmenu_units_tachogram,'Value')} case 'HR (bpm)' handles.graph.RR.(handles.labels{channel}).YData(handles.temp.to_be_adjusted_sample) = ... 60./seconds(handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{channel}).XData(2)-handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{channel}).XData(1)); otherwise handles.graph.RR.(handles.labels{channel}).YData(handles.temp.to_be_adjusted_sample) = ... 1000*seconds(handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{channel}).XData(2)-handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{channel}).XData(1)); end else % XData handles.graph.RR.(handles.labels{channel}).XData(handles.temp.to_be_adjusted_sample-1) = idx; % YData switch contents{get(handles.popupmenu_units_tachogram,'Value')} case 'HR (bpm)' handles.graph.RR.(handles.labels{channel}).YData(handles.temp.to_be_adjusted_sample-1) = ... 60./seconds(handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{channel}).XData(handles.temp.to_be_adjusted_sample)-handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{channel}).XData(handles.temp.to_be_adjusted_sample-1)); if handles.temp.to_be_adjusted_sample <= length(handles.graph.RR.(handles.labels{channel}).XData) handles.graph.RR.(handles.labels{channel}).YData(handles.temp.to_be_adjusted_sample) = ... 60./seconds(handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{channel}).XData(handles.temp.to_be_adjusted_sample+1)-handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{channel}).XData(handles.temp.to_be_adjusted_sample)); end otherwise handles.graph.RR.(handles.labels{channel}).YData(handles.temp.to_be_adjusted_sample-1) = ... 1000*seconds(handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{channel}).XData(handles.temp.to_be_adjusted_sample)-handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{channel}).XData(handles.temp.to_be_adjusted_sample-1)); if handles.temp.to_be_adjusted_sample <= length(handles.graph.RR.(handles.labels{channel}).XData) handles.graph.RR.(handles.labels{channel}).YData(handles.temp.to_be_adjusted_sample) = ... 1000*seconds(handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{channel}).XData(handles.temp.to_be_adjusted_sample+1)-handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{channel}).XData(handles.temp.to_be_adjusted_sample)); end end end % Update structure guidata(hObject,handles) function let_R_peak_go(hObject,eventdata,handles) % windowbuttonup/downfcn % Remove cursor line handles.temp.cursor_line.XData = seconds([NaN NaN]); switch eventdata.EventName case 'WindowMouseRelease' % Remove the window button motion function set(handles.figure_main,'WindowButtonMotionFcn',{@select_R_peak,handles}); case 'WindowMousePress' % Adjust the model handles = radiobutton_add_adjust_delete_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles); end % Adjust the y-limits handles = adjust_y_limits(handles); % Update structure guidata(hObject,handles); %% Context axes functions % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function context_axes_options_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to context_axes_options (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Get the current grid situation set(handles.context_x_grid,'Checked',get(gca,'XGrid')) set(handles.context_y_grid,'Checked',get(gca,'YGrid')) % Update handles structure guidata(hObject, handles); % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function context_grid_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to context_x_grid and context_y_grid (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Create grids when necessary switch hObject.Tag case 'context_x_grid' if strcmp(get(handles.context_x_grid,'Checked'),'on') set(handles.context_x_grid,'Checked','off') set(gca,'XGrid','off') else set(handles.context_x_grid,'Checked','on') set(gca,'XGrid','on') end case 'context_y_grid' if strcmp(get(handles.context_y_grid,'Checked'),'on') set(handles.context_y_grid,'Checked','off') set(gca,'YGrid','off') else set(handles.context_y_grid,'Checked','on') set(gca,'YGrid','on') end end % Update handles structure guidata(hObject, handles); %% Context R-peak functions % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function context_R_peak_options_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to context_R_peak_options (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Get the mouse position mousepos = get(handles.axes_ECG,'CurrentPoint'); % Get the object obj = gco; % Get the tag tag = get(obj,'Tag'); % Select the closest sample [~,handles.temp.to_be_adjusted_sample] = min(abs(seconds(mousepos(1))-handles.graph.R.(tag).XData)); % Update handles structure guidata(hObject, handles); % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function context_delete_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to context_delete (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Get the object obj = gco; % Get the tag tag = get(obj,'Tag'); % Remove this R-peak from the ECG graph handles.graph.R.(tag).XData(handles.temp.to_be_adjusted_sample) = []; handles.graph.R.(tag).YData(handles.temp.to_be_adjusted_sample) = []; % Remove this RR-interval from the tachogram if handles.temp.to_be_adjusted_sample == 1 % First R-peak handles.graph.RR.(tag).XData(handles.temp.to_be_adjusted_sample) = []; handles.graph.RR.(tag).YData(handles.temp.to_be_adjusted_sample) = []; elseif handles.temp.to_be_adjusted_sample == length(handles.graph.RR.(tag).XData) % Last R-peak handles.graph.RR.(tag).XData(min([handles.temp.to_be_adjusted_sample handles.temp.to_be_adjusted_sample-1]):handles.temp.to_be_adjusted_sample-1) = []; handles.graph.RR.(tag).YData(min([handles.temp.to_be_adjusted_sample handles.temp.to_be_adjusted_sample-1]):handles.temp.to_be_adjusted_sample-1) = []; else % Every other R-peak % Adjust the tachogram based on the units selection contents = get(handles.popupmenu_units_tachogram,'string'); switch contents{get(handles.popupmenu_units_tachogram,'Value')} case 'HR (bpm)' set(handles.graph.RR.(tag),'XData',handles.graph.R.(tag).XData(2:end),... 'YData',60./seconds(diff(handles.graph.R.(tag).XData))); otherwise set(handles.graph.RR.(tag),'XData',handles.graph.R.(tag).XData(2:end),... 'YData',1000*seconds(diff(handles.graph.R.(tag).XData))); end end % Adjust the y-limits handles = adjust_y_limits(handles); % Adjust the model handles = radiobutton_add_adjust_delete_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles); % Update structure guidata(hObject,handles); % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function context_adjust_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to context_adjust (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Get the object obj = gco; % Get the tag tag = get(obj,'Tag'); % Compare the tag with the labels listbox_value = find(strcmp(tag,handles.labels)); % Create a temporary R-peak for ii = handles.temp.R(ii) = plot(handles.axes_ECG,seconds(NaN),,... 'oc',... 'markerfacecolor','c',... 'linewidth',3); end % Set up cursor line handles.temp.cursor_line = line(handles.axes_ECG,seconds([NaN NaN]), ylim(handles.axes_ECG), ... 'Color', 'black',... 'Parent', handles.axes_ECG); % Set the window button motion function set(handles.figure_main,'WindowButtonMotionFcn',{@drag_R_peak,handles,listbox_value},... 'WindowButtonDownFcn',{@let_R_peak_go,handles}); % Update structure guidata(hObject,handles); % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function context_converge_to_peak_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to context_converge_to_peak (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Get the object obj = gco; % Get the tag tag = get(obj,'Tag'); % Compare the tag with the labels listbox_value = find(strcmp(tag,handles.labels)); % Define sampling frequency fs =; % Define the signal signal =,listbox_value); %#ok % Define the time time = seconds((1:size(signal))/fs); time.Format = 'hh:mm:ss'; % Define a temporary R-peak variable R_peak_temp = round(fs*seconds(handles.graph.R.(tag).XData(handles.temp.to_be_adjusted_sample))); % Converge... if abs(signal(R_peak_temp)) < abs(signal(R_peak_temp-1)) && ... abs(signal(R_peak_temp)) < abs(signal(R_peak_temp+1)) if signal(R_peak_temp) > signal(R_peak_temp-1) && ... signal(R_peak_temp) < signal(R_peak_temp+1) R_peak_temp = R_peak_temp + 1; elseif signal(R_peak_temp) < signal(R_peak_temp-1) && ... signal(R_peak_temp) > signal(R_peak_temp+1) R_peak_temp = R_peak_temp - 1; end end % ... forward while abs(signal(R_peak_temp)) > abs(signal(R_peak_temp-1)) && ... abs(signal(R_peak_temp)) < abs(signal(R_peak_temp + 1)) R_peak_temp = R_peak_temp + 1; end % ... backward while abs(signal(R_peak_temp)) < abs(signal(R_peak_temp-1)) && ... abs(signal(R_peak_temp)) > abs(signal(R_peak_temp+1)) R_peak_temp = R_peak_temp-1; end % Store the R-peaks and compute RR-intervals handles.graph.R.(tag).XData(handles.temp.to_be_adjusted_sample) = time(R_peak_temp); handles.graph.R.(tag).YData(handles.temp.to_be_adjusted_sample) = signal(R_peak_temp); % Adjust the model handles = radiobutton_add_adjust_delete_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles); % Adjust the plots handles = update_plots(handles); % Adjust the y-limits handles = adjust_y_limits(handles); % Update structure guidata(hObject,handles); % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function context_search_extremum_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to context_search_extremum (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Get the object obj = gco; % Get the tag tag = get(obj,'Tag'); % Compare the tag with the labels listbox_value = find(strcmp(tag,handles.labels)); % Define sampling frequency fs =; % Define the signal signal =,listbox_value); %#ok % Define the time time = seconds((1:size(signal))/fs); time.Format = 'hh:mm:ss'; % Define the window window = round(0.06*fs); % Define a temporary R-peak variable R_peak_temp = round(fs*seconds(handles.graph.R.(tag).XData(handles.temp.to_be_adjusted_sample))); % Get the samples from the R-peak minus and plus the window p = signal(max(1,R_peak_temp-window):min(R_peak_temp+window,length(signal))); % Do the same but for the time locations t = max(1,R_peak_temp-window):min(R_peak_temp+window,length(signal)); % Do an extremum search based on the selection switch hObject.Tag case 'context_maximum' [~,ip] = max(p); case 'context_minimum' [~,ip] = min(p); otherwise [~,ip] = max(abs(p)); end % Adjust the R-peak R_peak_temp = t(ip(end)); % Store the R-peaks and compute RR-intervals handles.graph.R.(tag).XData(handles.temp.to_be_adjusted_sample) = time(R_peak_temp); handles.graph.R.(tag).YData(handles.temp.to_be_adjusted_sample) = signal(R_peak_temp); % Adjust the model handles = radiobutton_add_adjust_delete_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles); % Adjust the plots handles = update_plots(handles); % Adjust the y-limits handles = adjust_y_limits(handles); % Update structure guidata(hObject,handles); %% Picture % --- Executes on button press in pushbutton_picture. function pushbutton_picture_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to pushbutton_picture (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Create a new invisible figure hfig = figure('Visible','off',... 'Color','white',... 'units','norm',... 'Position',[0 0 1 1]); % Copy both axes to the new figure ax(1) = copyobj(handles.axes_ECG,hfig); ax(2) = copyobj(handles.axes_tachogram,hfig); % Change the figure and axes units to pixels set([hfig,ax],'Units','pixels') % Get the position and tight inset pos1 = ax(1).Position; pos2 = ax(2).Position; ti1 = ax(1).TightInset; ti2 = ax(2).TightInset; % Adjust axes horizontal position ax(1).Position(1) = max([ti1(1) ti2(1)]); ax(2).Position(1) = max([ti1(1) ti2(1)]); % Adjust axes vertical position diff = pos2(2) - ti2(2); ax(2).Position(2) = ti2(2); ax(1).Position(2) = pos1(2)-diff; % Adjust the figure height and width hfig.Position(3:4) = [pos1(3)+max([ti1(1) ti2(1)])+ti2(3), pos1(2)-pos2(2)+pos1(4)+ti2(2)+ti1(4)]; % Define the name of the picture [FileName,PathName] = uiputfile({'*.eps','EPS';... '*.png','PNG';... '*.fig','FIG';... '*.jpg','JPG';... '*.pdf','PDF'},... 'Save axes'); % Check if cancel is not pressed if ~isnumeric(FileName) && ~isnumeric(PathName) % Save the picture if strcmp(FileName(end-3:end),'.eps') set(hfig,'PaperPositionMode','auto') print(hfig, fullfile(PathName,FileName), '-depsc ','-painters'); elseif strcmp(FileName(end-3:end),'.pdf') set(hfig, 'PaperOrientation', 'landscape'); print(hfig, fullfile(PathName,FileName), '-dpdf', '-bestfit'); else set(hfig,'PaperPositionMode','auto') print(hfig, fullfile(PathName,FileName)); end end % Delete figure clear hfig %% Link between slider and zoom % --- Executes on button press in any of the zoom buttons. function zoom_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to zoom buttons (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) switch eventdata.Source.Tag case 'uitoggletool_zoom_in' switch hObject.State case 'on' if ~strcmp(handles.zoom.Enable,'on') % Remove the figure functions set(handles.figure_main,'WindowButtonMotionFcn','',... 'WindowButtonDownFcn','',... 'WindowButtonUpFcn',''); end % Reset both axes axes(handles.axes_ECG); zoom 'reset' axes(handles.axes_tachogram); zoom 'reset' % Set the zoom handles.zoom.Direction = 'in'; handles.zoom.Enable = 'on'; otherwise handles.zoom.Enable = 'off'; % Restore the figure functions if necessary if handles.radiobutton_add.Value+handles.radiobutton_adjust.Value+handles.radiobutton_delete.Value == 1 radiobutton_add_adjust_delete_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles); elseif handles.togglebutton_analysis_period.Value if ~strcmp(handles.temp.start.Visible,'on') set(handles.figure_main,'WindowButtonMotionFcn',{@drag_start_line,handles},... 'WindowButtonDownFcn',{@define_start_line,handles},... 'WindowButtonUpFcn',{@define_stop_line,handles}); else set(handles.figure_main,'WindowButtonDownFcn',{@select_line,handles},... 'WindowButtonUpFcn',{@define_stop_line,handles}); end end end case 'uitoggletool_zoom_out' switch hObject.State case 'on' if ~strcmp(handles.zoom.Enable,'on') % Remove the figure functions set(handles.figure_main,'WindowButtonMotionFcn','',... 'WindowButtonDownFcn','',... 'WindowButtonUpFcn',''); end % Set the zoom handles.zoom.Direction = 'out'; handles.zoom.Enable = 'on'; otherwise handles.zoom.Enable = 'off'; % Restore the figure functions if necessary if handles.radiobutton_add.Value+handles.radiobutton_adjust.Value+handles.radiobutton_delete.Value == 1 radiobutton_add_adjust_delete_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles); elseif handles.togglebutton_analysis_period.Value if ~strcmp(handles.temp.start.Visible,'on') set(handles.figure_main,'WindowButtonMotionFcn',{@drag_start_line,handles},... 'WindowButtonDownFcn',{@define_start_line,handles},... 'WindowButtonUpFcn',{@define_stop_line,handles}); else set(handles.figure_main,'WindowButtonDownFcn',{@select_line,handles},... 'WindowButtonUpFcn',{@define_stop_line,handles}); end end end end % Update handles structure guidata(hObject, handles); function zoom_postcallback(hObject, eventdata) % Get the handles handles = guidata(eventdata.Axes); % Get the start of the analysis period in duration values an_start =; % Get the width of the analysis window in duration values an_width =; % Get the new limits newLim = eventdata.Axes.XLim; % Get the new range range = newLim(2)-newLim(1); % Check the new range if range < seconds(1) % Set the range range = seconds(1); range.Format = 'hh:mm:ss'; if newLim(1) + range > an_start + an_width newLim(1) = an_start + an_width - seconds(1); newLim(2) = an_start + an_width; else newLim(2) = newLim(1) + range; end % Change the limits set(eventdata.Axes,'XLim',newLim) end % Adjust the range set(handles.edit_range,'string',char(range)); % Adjust the data = range; if ~isempty( % Get a new maximum for the slider new_max = round(*seconds(an_width-range)); % Get the new step size n = round(*seconds(range))/new_max; % Adjust the slider set(handles.slider_range,'max',new_max,... 'sliderstep',[min([1 n]) min([1 2*n])],... 'string','zoom',... 'value',round(*seconds(newLim(1)-an_start))) % Adjust the string set(handles.slider_range,'string','normal') % Adjust the slider's enability if ~strcmp(char(,char(range)) set(handles.slider_range,'Enable','on') else set(handles.slider_range,'Enable','off') end % Adjust y-limits of the tachogram if the ECG axes is clicked and if % the y-values are not fixed if strcmp(eventdata.Axes.Tag,'axes_ECG') handles = adjust_y_limits(handles,{'axes_tachogram'}); elseif strcmp(eventdata.Axes.Tag,'axes_tachogram') % Adjust y-limits of the ECG graph handles = adjust_y_limits(handles,{'axes_ECG'}); end end % Update handles structure guidata(hObject, handles); % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function context_lead_options_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to context_lead_options (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function context_add_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to context_add (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Get the mouse position mousepos = get(handles.axes_ECG,'CurrentPoint'); % Get the x-limits Xlim = xlim(handles.axes_ECG); Xwidth = round(seconds(Xlim(2) - Xlim(1))*; % Get the y-limits Ylim = ylim(handles.axes_ECG); Ywidth = Ylim(2) - Ylim(1); % Get the ratio ratio = handles.axes_ECG.Position(3)/handles.axes_ECG.Position(4); % Get the selected object current_obj = gco; % Get the tag tag = current_obj.Tag; % Get the selected lead switch tag case handles.labels(1) lead = 1; case handles.labels(2) lead = 2; case handles.labels(3) lead = 3; case handles.labels(4) lead = 4; case handles.labels(5) lead = 5; case handles.labels(6) lead = 6; case handles.labels(7) lead = 7; case handles.labels(8) lead = 8; case handles.labels(9) lead = 9; case handles.labels(10) lead = 10; case handles.labels(11) lead = 11; case handles.labels(12) lead = 12; end % Get the time variable time = seconds((1:size(,1))/; % Get the x-location in samples x = round(mousepos(1)*; % Select a small window (150ms) on each side of the mouse position window_width = floor(0.150*; start = max([1 x-window_width]); stop = min([x+window_width size(,1)]); interval = start:stop; [~,id] = min((((interval-x).*ratio)./Xwidth).^2+... ((,lead)'-mousepos(3))./Ywidth).^2); idx = interval(id); % Create a temporary R-peaks variable in samples R_peak_temp = round(seconds(handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{lead}).XData)*; % Locate the new R-peak and add id = find(R_peak_temp < idx,1,'last'); if isempty(id) % Before the first R-peak R_peak_temp = [idx,R_peak_temp]; elseif id == length(R_peak_temp) % After the last R-peak R_peak_temp = [R_peak_temp,idx]; else id = id(end); R_peak_temp = [R_peak_temp(1:id),idx,R_peak_temp(id+1:end)]; end % Adjust ECG axis set(handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{lead}),'XData',time(R_peak_temp),... 'YData',,lead),... 'tag',handles.labels{lead},... 'UIContextMenu', handles.context_R_peak_options) % Adjust the tachogram based on the units selection contents = get(handles.popupmenu_units_tachogram,'string'); switch contents{get(handles.popupmenu_units_tachogram,'Value')} case 'HR (bpm)' set(handles.graph.RR.(handles.labels{lead}),'XData',handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{lead}).XData(2:end),... 'YData',60./seconds(diff(handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{lead}).XData))) otherwise set(handles.graph.RR.(handles.labels{lead}),'XData',handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{lead}).XData(2:end),... 'YData',1000*seconds(diff(handles.graph.R.(handles.labels{lead}).XData))) end % Adjust the y-limits handles = adjust_y_limits(handles); % Update structure guidata(hObject,handles); % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function context_change_color_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to context_change_color (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Get the selected object current_obj = gco; % Get the tag tag = current_obj.Tag; % Get the color current_color = get(current_obj,'Color'); % Select a new color new_color = uisetcolor(current_color,'Select a new color'); % Get the selected lead switch tag case handles.labels(1) idx = 1; case handles.labels(2) idx = 2; case handles.labels(3) idx = 3; end % Adjust the color variable handles.color(idx,:) = new_color; % Adjust the listbox old_string = handles.listbox_channels.String{idx+1}; name = old_string(find(old_string=='"',1,'last')+2:end-14); new_colorStr = sprintf('%d,',int16(255*new_color)); handles.listbox_channels.String{idx+1} = ['' name '']; % Update the plots handles = update_plots(handles); % Update handles structure guidata(hObject, handles); % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function context_delete_lead_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to context_delete_lead (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Get the selected object current_obj = gco; % Get the tag tag = current_obj.Tag; % Delete selected lead plot and the original lead plot delete(handles.graph.signal.filtered.(tag)) delete(handles.graph.signal.original.(tag)) % Delete R-peaks if present if ~isempty(handles.graph.R) delete(handles.graph.R.(tag)) delete(handles.graph.RR.(tag)) end % Get the to be deleted lead switch tag case handles.labels(1) idx=1; case handles.labels(2) idx=2; case handles.labels(3) idx=3; end % Delete the lead,idx) = [];,idx) = []; % Adjust the lead's label handles.labels(idx) = []; % Subtract one value of the nr of channels =; % Delete the color handles.color(idx,:) = []; % Adjust the listbox handles.listbox_channels.String(idx+1) = []; set(handles.listbox_channels,'value',1,... 'enable','on') % Check if there is still a signal present. If not, disable everything. if set(findall(handles.figure_main, '-property', 'enable'), 'enable', 'off') % Enable the menu tools set(findall(handles.figure_main,'Type','uimenu'),'enable','on') else % Update the plots handles = update_plots(handles); % Adjust the y-limits handles = adjust_y_limits(handles); end % Update handles structure guidata(hObject, handles); % --- Executes when figure_main is resized. function figure_main_SizeChangedFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to figure_main (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) try if ~handles.uiLimitSet LimitFigSize(handles.figure_main, 'min', [1100, 600]) end catch end % --- Executes when user attempts to close figure_main. function figure_main_CloseRequestFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) %#ok % hObject handle to figure_main (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) % Hint: delete(hObject) closes the figure % Check if a signal has been loaded and if the results are already saved choice = 'Yes'; if && ~isempty( choice = questdlg('Current analysis has not been saved. Are you sure you want to quit?', ... 'Quit', ... 'Yes','No','Cancel','Yes'); end % Next step depends on the answer of the previous question switch choice case 'Yes' % Close the preferences figure try if isvalid(handles.preferences.Fig) % Delete the app close(handles.preferences.Fig) end catch end delete(handles.figure_main) end