function [selection,ok] = listdlg_JM(varargin) %LISTDLG List selection dialog box. % [SELECTION,OK] = LISTDLG_JM('ListString',S) creates a modal dialog box % which allows you to select a string or multiple strings from a list. % SELECTION is a vector of indices of the selected strings (length 1 in % the single selection mode). This will be [] when OK is 0. OK is 1 if % you push the OK button, 2 if you push the Back button, or 0 if you push % the Cancel button or close the figure. % % Double-clicking on an item or pressing when multiple items are % selected has the same effect as clicking the OK button. Pressing % is the same as clicking the OK button. Pressing is the same as % clicking the Cancel button. % % Inputs are in parameter,value pairs: % % Parameter Description % 'ListString' cell array of strings for the list box. % 'SelectionMode' string; can be 'single' or 'multiple'; defaults to % 'multiple'. % 'ListSize' [width height] of listbox in pixels; defaults % to [160 300]. % 'InitialValue' vector of indices of which items of the list box % are initially selected; defaults to the first item. % 'Name' String for the figure's title; defaults to ''. % 'PromptString' string matrix or cell array of strings which appears % as text above the list box; defaults to {}. % 'OKString' string for the OK button; defaults to 'OK'. % 'BackString' string for the Back button; defaults to 'Back'. % 'CancelString' string for the Cancel button; defaults to 'Cancel'. % 'EnableBack' string to enable or disable the Back button % % A 'Select all' button is provided in the multiple selection case. % % Example: % d = dir; % str = {}; % [s,v] = listdlg_JM('PromptString','Select a file:',... % 'SelectionMode','single',... % 'ListString',str) % % See also DIALOG, ERRORDLG, HELPDLG, INPUTDLG, % MSGBOX, QUESTDLG, WARNDLG. % Copyright 1984-2014 The MathWorks, Inc. % simple test: % % d = dir; [s,v] = listdlg_JM('PromptString','Select a file:','ListString',{}); % % Check the ammount of inputs narginchk(1,inf) % Set the defaults figname = ''; smode = 2; % (multiple) promptstring = {}; liststring = []; listsize = [160 300]; initialvalue = []; okstring = getString(message('MATLAB:uistring:popupdialogs:OK')); backstring = 'Back'; cancelstring = getString(message('MATLAB:uistring:popupdialogs:Cancel')); enableback = 'off'; fus = 8; % frame/uicontrol spacing, in pixels; default = 8. ffs = 8; % frame/figure spacing, in pixels; default = 8. uh = 22; % uicontrol button height, in pixels; default = 22. if mod(length(varargin),2) ~= 0 % input arguments have not come in pairs, create an error message error(message('MATLAB:listdlg:InvalidArgument')) end % Go one input at a time for i=1:2:length(varargin) switch lower(varargin{i}) % Make capitals of the text small case 'name' figname = varargin{i+1}; case 'promptstring' promptstring = varargin{i+1}; case 'selectionmode' switch lower(varargin{i+1}) case 'single' smode = 1; case 'multiple' smode = 2; end case 'listsize' listsize = varargin{i+1}; case 'liststring' liststring = varargin{i+1}; case 'initialvalue' initialvalue = varargin{i+1}; case 'uh' uh = varargin{i+1}; case 'fus' fus = varargin{i+1}; case 'ffs' ffs = varargin{i+1}; case 'okstring' okstring = varargin{i+1}; case 'backstring' backstring = varargin{i+1}; case 'cancelstring' cancelstring = varargin{i+1}; case 'enableback' enableback = varargin{i+1}; otherwise error(message('MATLAB:listdlg:UnknownParameter', varargin{ i })) end end if ischar(promptstring) promptstring = cellstr(promptstring); end if isempty(initialvalue) initialvalue = 1; end if isempty(liststring) error(message('MATLAB:listdlg:NeedParameter')) end ex = get(0,'DefaultUicontrolFontSize')*1.7; % height extent per line of uicontrol text (approx) fp = get(0,'DefaultFigurePosition'); w = 2*(fus+ffs)+listsize(1); h = 2*ffs+6*fus+ex*length(promptstring)+listsize(2)+uh+(smode==2)*(fus+uh); fp = [fp(1) fp(2)+fp(4)-h w h]; % keep upper left corner fixed fig_props = { ... 'windowstyle' 'modal' ... 'name' figname ... 'color' get(0,'DefaultUicontrolBackgroundColor') ... 'resize' 'off' ... 'numbertitle' 'off' ... 'menubar' 'none' ... 'visible' 'off' ... 'createfcn' '' ... 'position' fp ... 'closerequestfcn' 'delete(gcbf)' ... }; liststring=cellstr(liststring); fig = figure(fig_props{:}); if ~isempty(promptstring) prompt_text = uicontrol('Style','text','String',promptstring,... 'HorizontalAlignment','left',... 'Position',[ffs+fus fp(4)-(ffs+fus+ex*length(promptstring)) ... listsize(1) ex*length(promptstring)]); %#ok end % Define button width btn_wid = (fp(3)-2*(ffs+fus)-2*fus)/3; % Define the uicontrols listbox = uicontrol('Style','listbox',... 'Position',[ffs+fus ffs+uh+4*fus+(smode==2)*(fus+uh) listsize],... 'String',liststring,... 'BackgroundColor','w',... 'Max',smode,... 'Tag','listbox',... 'Value',initialvalue, ... 'Callback', {@doListboxClick}); ok_btn = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton',... 'String',okstring,... 'Position',[ffs+fus ffs+fus btn_wid uh],... 'Tag','ok_btn',... 'Callback',{@doOK,listbox}); back_btn = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton',... 'String',backstring,... 'Position',[ffs+2*fus+btn_wid ffs+fus btn_wid uh],... 'Tag','ok_btn',... 'Enable',enableback,... 'Callback',{@doBack,listbox}); cancel_btn = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton',... 'String',cancelstring,... 'Position',[ffs+3*fus+2*btn_wid ffs+fus btn_wid uh],... 'Tag','cancel_btn',... 'Callback',{@doCancel,listbox}); % If a select all button is required if smode == 2 selectall_btn = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton',... 'String',getString(message('MATLAB:uistring:popupdialogs:SelectAll')),... 'Position',[ffs+fus 4*fus+ffs+uh listsize(1) uh],... 'Tag','selectall_btn',... 'Callback',{@doSelectAll, listbox}); % If only one value is present if length(initialvalue) == length(liststring) set(selectall_btn,'Enable','off') end set(listbox,'Callback',{@doListboxClick, selectall_btn}) end % Define the keypress functions set([fig, ok_btn, cancel_btn, back_btn, listbox], 'KeyPressFcn', {@doKeypress, listbox}); % Define a nice dialog location set(fig,'Position',getnicedialoglocation(fp, get(fig,'Units'))); % Make ok_btn the default button. fig.setDefaultButton(ok_btn); % make sure we are on screen movegui(fig) set(fig, 'Visible','on'); drawnow; try % Give default focus to the listbox *after* the figure is made visible uicontrol(listbox); c = matlab.ui.internal.dialog.DialogUtils.disableAllWindowsSafely(); uiwait(fig); delete(c); catch if ishghandle(fig) delete(fig) end end % Define the output if isappdata(0,'ListDialogAppData__') ad = getappdata(0,'ListDialogAppData__'); selection = ad.selection; ok = ad.value; rmappdata(0,'ListDialogAppData__') else % figure was deleted selection = []; ok = 0; end drawnow; % Update the view to remove the closed figure (g1031998) %% figure, OK, Back and Cancel KeyPressFcn function doKeypress(src, evd, listbox) %#ok switch evd.Key case 'escape' doCancel([],[],listbox); end %% OK callback function doOK(ok_btn, evd, listbox) %#ok if (~isappdata(0, 'ListDialogAppData__')) ad.value = 1; ad.selection = get(listbox,'Value'); setappdata(0,'ListDialogAppData__',ad); delete(gcbf); end %% Back callback function doBack(back_btn, evd, listbox) %#ok ad.value = 2; ad.selection = []; setappdata(0,'ListDialogAppData__',ad) delete(gcbf); %% Cancel callback function doCancel(cancel_btn, evd, listbox) %#ok ad.value = 0; ad.selection = []; setappdata(0,'ListDialogAppData__',ad) delete(gcbf); %% SelectAll callback function doSelectAll(selectall_btn, evd, listbox) %#ok set(selectall_btn,'Enable','off') set(listbox,'Value',1:length(get(listbox,'String'))); %% Listbox callback function doListboxClick(listbox, evd, selectall_btn) %#ok % if this is a doubleclick, doOK if strcmp(get(gcbf,'SelectionType'),'open') doOK([],[],listbox); elseif nargin == 3 if length(get(listbox,'String'))==length(get(listbox,'Value')) set(selectall_btn,'Enable','off') else set(selectall_btn,'Enable','on') end end