function Out = LimitFigSize(FigH, Prop, Ext) % LimitFigSize - Set and get minimum or maximum figure size % Out = LimitFigSize(FigH, Prop, Ext) % INPUT: % FigH: Handle of a Matlab figure. % Optional, default: current figure. % Prop: String, command: % 'min': Set minimum extent. % 'max': Set maximum extent. % 'get': Reply a struct with fields MinSize and MaxSize. If not limited, % the empty matrix [] is replied. % 'clear': Clear the min and max limits. % Optional, default: 'min' % Ext: [width, height] vector to determing the extent of the inner position % in pixels. Optional, default: Current extent. % % OUTPUT: % Out: Output for the 'get' command. % % EXAMPLES: % FigH = figure; % LimitFigSize(FigH, 'min', [200, 200]) % LimitFigSize('max', [400, 400]) % Current figure as default % LimitFigSize('min') % Current figure, current extent % Limit = LimitFigSize(FigH, 'get') % % NOTE: This function is based on undocumented functions, such that it might % fail in future versions. % % Tested: Matlab 7.7, 7.8, 7.13, 8.6, WinXP/32, Win7/64 % Not compatible to Matlab 6.5. % Author: Jan Simon, Heidelberg, (C) 2012-2015 matlab.2010(a)n(MINUS) % % See also MaximizeFig, AlphaFig, ClipFig, TopFig, ToMonitorFig, WindowAPI. % $JRev: R-i V:008 Sum:6o/8OiL6gm/Z Date:20-Dec-2015 17:20:36 $ % $License: BSD (use/copy/change/redistribute on own risk, mention the author) $ % $UnitTest: uTest_LimitFigSize $ % $File: Tools\GLGui\LimitFigSize.m $ % History: % 001: 07-Oct-2012 15:02, First version. % 005: 02-Nov-2014 02:31, Consider HG2 client. % BUGFIX: Replies empty matrix for 'get' if size has not been limited. % Initialize: ================================================================== % Global Interface: ------------------------------------------------------------ % Consider dependencies to Matlab versions: MatlabVer = [100, 1] * sscanf(version, '%d.', 2); hasHG2 = (MatlabVer >= 804); hasHG1 = (MatlabVer >= 706); % hasHG2 = isa(FigH, 'matlab.ui.Figure'); % hasHG2 = ~isnumeric(FigH); if ~usejava('jvm') || MatlabVer < 700 % Should this be an error, a warning or a message?? warning(['JSimon:', mfilename, ':NeedJava'], ... '*** %s: Require java and Matlab >= R14.', mfilename); return; end % Initial values: -------------------------------------------------------------- % Program Interface: ----------------------------------------------------------- % Parse the inputs: switch nargin case 0 FigH = gcf; Prop = 'min'; Ext = []; case 1 if numel(FigH) == 1 && ishandle(FigH) % LimitFigSize(FigH) Prop = 'min'; Ext = []; elseif ischar(FigH) % LimitFigSize('string') Prop = FigH; Ext = []; FigH = GetCurrentFigure(hasHG2); else % LimitFigSize([W, H]) Prop = 'min'; Ext = FigH; FigH = GetCurrentFigure(hasHG2); end case 2 if ischar(FigH) % LimitFigSize('string', [W, H]) Ext = Prop; Prop = FigH; FigH = GetCurrentFigure(hasHG2); elseif numel(FigH) == 1 && ishandle(FigH) if ischar(Prop) % LimitFigSize(FigH, 'string') Ext = []; else % LimitFigSize(FigH, [W, H]) Ext = Prop; Prop = 'min'; end else error(['JSimon:', mfilename, ':BadHandle'], ... '*** %s: 1st input is not a figure handle or string.', mfilename); end case 3 % Nothing to do otherwise end % Check if input is a figure handle: if numel(FigH) ~= 1 || ~ishandle(FigH) || ... % Short-circuit ~strcmpi(get(FigH, 'Type'), 'figure') error(['JSimon:', mfilename, ':BadHandle'], ... '*** %s: 1st input is not a figure handle.', mfilename); end % User Interface: -------------------------------------------------------------- % Do the work: ================================================================= % Get the Java frame: if hasHG2 % Suppress warnings: bakWarn = warning('off','MATLAB:HandleGraphics:ObsoletedProperty:JavaFrame'); jFrame = get(handle(FigH), 'JavaFrame'); % Fails in Matlab < 7.0 warning(bakWarn); else jFrame = get(handle(FigH), 'JavaFrame'); % Fails in Matlab < 7.0 end try if hasHG2 % HG2 since R2014b: jClient = jFrame.fHG2Client; elseif hasHG1 % R2008a up to 2014a: jClient = jFrame.fHG1Client; else % R14 (7.0) to R2011a: jClient = jFrame.fFigureClient; end catch ME % Getting the client is not documented and subject to changes: error(['JSimon:', mfilename, ':NoJClient'], ... 'Cannot get Java Figure Client: %s', ME.message); end % The com.mathworks.hg.peer.FigureFrameProxy is empty, if no DRAWNOW allowed to % update the figure since its creation: jWindow = jClient.getWindow; if isempty(jWindow) drawnow; pause(0.02); jWindow = jClient.getWindow; end % Apply, clear or get the limits: if strncmpi(Prop, 'min', 3) Ext = GetExtent(FigH, Ext); jWindow.setMinimumSize(java.awt.Dimension(Ext(1), Ext(2))); elseif strncmpi(Prop, 'max', 3) Ext = GetExtent(FigH, Ext); jWindow.setMaximumSize(java.awt.Dimension(Ext(1), Ext(2))); elseif strcmpi(Prop, 'clear') jWindow.setMinimumSize([]); jWindow.setMaximumSize([]); elseif strcmpi(Prop, 'get') % Get difference to outer limits: bakUnits = get(FigH, 'Units'); set(FigH, 'Units', 'pixels'); DiffPos = get(FigH, 'OuterPosition') - get(FigH, 'Position'); set(FigH, 'Units', bakUnits); jDim = jWindow.getMinimumSize; if isempty(jDim) % Size has not been limited before: Out.MinSize = []; else Out.MinSize = [jDim.getWidth, jDim.getHeight] - DiffPos(3:4); end jDim = jWindow.getMaximumSize; if isempty(jDim) Out.MaxSize = []; else Out.MaxSize = [jDim.getWidth, jDim.getHeight] - DiffPos(3:4); end end % return; % ****************************************************************************** function FigH = GetCurrentFigure(hasHG2) % A DRAWNOW is required when the figure is created to update the Java handle. % See GCF. if hasHG2 FigH = get(groot,'CurrentFigure'); else FigH = get(0, 'CurrentFigure'); end if isempty(FigH) FigH = figure; drawnow; end % return; % ****************************************************************************** function Ext = GetExtent(FigH, Ext) % Get or convert extent to outer position. bakUnits = get(FigH, 'Units'); set(FigH, 'Units', 'pixels'); OuterPos = get(FigH, 'OuterPosition'); if isempty(Ext) Ext = OuterPos(3:4); elseif isnumeric(Ext) && numel(Ext) == 2 && all(Ext >= 0) InnerPos = get(FigH, 'Position'); Ext = [Ext(1) + OuterPos(3) - InnerPos(3), ... Ext(2) + OuterPos(4) - InnerPos(4)]; else error(['JSimon:', mfilename, ':BadSize'], ... '*** %s: Extent must be a positive [1 x 2] vector.', mfilename); end set(FigH, 'Units', bakUnits); % return;