\subsection*{Name} imageplt - plot a greyscale image \subsection*{Synopsis} \texttt{imageplt -d} \textit{nrows} \textit{ncols} [ \textit{options ...} ] [ \textit{file} ] \subsection*{Description} \texttt{imageplt} provides a simple way to plot a greyscale image using \textsf{\texttt{plt}(1)}. The required arguments, \textit{nrows} and \textit{ncols}, specify the numbers of rows and columns in the image. The input \textit{file} (or the standard input, if no input file is specified) contains only the grey levels for each pixel (0 = white, 1 = black). Each entry is an ASCII-coded decimal floating point number, separated from adjacent entries by whitespace (one or more spaces, tabs, or newlines). The first \textit{nrows} entries are the grey levels for column 0 of the image, botttom to top, and each successive column from left to right of the image follows. If \textit{nrows} is small, it may be convenient to arrange the image file in columns and rows corresponding to those of the image, but this is not necessary. In no case should the length of a line of input exceed 50000 bytes (defined as MAXLEN in the source). \textit{Options} include: \begin{description} \item [\texttt{-n} ] Generate a negative image (1 = white, 0 = black). \item [\texttt{-x} \textit{xmin} \textit{xmax} ] Specify the range of the x-coordinates (default: \textit{xmin}=0, \textit{xmax}=\textit{nrows}-1). \item [\texttt{-y} \textit{ymin} \textit{ymax} ] Specify the range of the y-coordinates (default: \textit{ymin}=0, \textit{ymax}=\textit{ncols}-1). \end{description} The output of \textit{imageplt} is text in three columns, to be plotted using the \texttt{-pc} option of \texttt{plt}, as in: \begin{description} \item [imageplt -d 10 10 foo $|$ plt 0 1 2 -pc ] \end{description} \subsection*{See Also} \textsf{\texttt{plt}(1)}, \textsf{\texttt{pltf}(1)} \subsection*{Availability} \texttt{imageplt} is available as part of the \texttt{plt} package in PhysioToolkit (see \texttt{SOURCES} below) under the GPL. \subsection*{Author} George B. Moody (\texttt{george@mit.edu}) \subsection*{Source} \texttt{http://www.physionet.org/physiotools/plt/plt/misc/imageplt.c} \