SUMMARY NOTES IN THE RECORD s20581 (Duration: 22:03:00.000) Starting time, recording date: Lead 0: V5 Lead 1: V2 Age: 61 Sex: M Comments: In the lead 0 there were two episodes of ST segment elevation associated with reciprocal ST segment depression in lead 1. There are some tiny episodes below the threshold in both leads. An excerpt of this recording is included in the European ST-T Database (record e0603). Symptoms during Holter recording: No data Diagnoses: Resting angina Hypertension 3-vessel coronary artery disease Treatment: Medications: Nifedipine Balloon Angioplasty: No data Coronary Artery bypass Grafting: No data History: No data Hypertension: No data Left ventricular hypertrophy: No data Cardiomyopathy: No data Valve disease: No data Electrolyte abnormalities: No data Hypercapnia, anemia, hypotension, hyperventilation: No data Atrioventricular nodal conduction delay: No data Intraventricular conduction block: No data Previous Myocardial Infarction: No data Previous tests: ECG stress test: No data Thallium/Stress echo: No data Left ventricular function: No data Echocardiogram: No data Coronary Arteriography: No data Baseline ECG: No data Holter Recording: Date: No data Recorder: Del Mar Avionics ST ANNOTATIONS A. Criteria of 30 seconds and 75 microVolts (s20581.sta) Lead 0: Ischemic episodes: 2 Duration: 5:30 0.42% Rate-related episodes: 0 Duration: 0:00 0.00% Axis shifts: 4 Conduction-change shifts: 0 Noisy events: 0 Unreadable intervals: 0 Duration: 0:00 0.00% Lead 1: Ischemic episodes: 1 Duration: 3:08 0.24% Rate-related episodes: 0 Duration: 0:00 0.00% Axis shifts: 1 Conduction-change shifts: 0 Noisy events: 0 Unreadable intervals: 0 Duration: 0:00 0.00% Total: Ischemic episodes: 3 Duration: 8:38 0.33% Rate-related episodes: 0 Duration: 0:00 0.00% Axis shifts: 5 Conduction-change shifts: 0 Noisy events: 0 Unreadable intervals: 0 Duration: 0:00 0.00% Combined: Ischemic episodes: 2 Duration: 5:30 0.42% Rate-related episodes: 0 Duration: 0:00 0.00% Unreadable intervals: 0 Duration: 0:00 0.00% Combined [ischemic or rate-related]: ST segment episodes: 2 Duration: 5:30 0.42% Unreadable intervals: 0 Duration: 0:00 0.00% B. Criteria of 30 seconds and 100 microVolts (s20581.stb) Lead 0: Ischemic episodes: 2 Duration: 5:30 0.42% Rate-related episodes: 0 Duration: 0:00 0.00% Axis shifts: 4 Conduction-change shifts: 0 Noisy events: 0 Unreadable intervals: 0 Duration: 0:00 0.00% Lead 1: Ischemic episodes: 1 Duration: 3:08 0.24% Rate-related episodes: 0 Duration: 0:00 0.00% Axis shifts: 1 Conduction-change shifts: 0 Noisy events: 0 Unreadable intervals: 0 Duration: 0:00 0.00% Total: Ischemic episodes: 3 Duration: 8:38 0.33% Rate-related episodes: 0 Duration: 0:00 0.00% Axis shifts: 5 Conduction-change shifts: 0 Noisy events: 0 Unreadable intervals: 0 Duration: 0:00 0.00% Combined: Ischemic episodes: 2 Duration: 5:30 0.42% Rate-related episodes: 0 Duration: 0:00 0.00% Unreadable intervals: 0 Duration: 0:00 0.00% Combined [ischemic or rate-related]: ST segment episodes: 2 Duration: 5:30 0.42% Unreadable intervals: 0 Duration: 0:00 0.00% C. Criteria of 60 seconds and 100 microVolts ( Lead 0: Ischemic episodes: 1 Duration: 4:18 0.33% Rate-related episodes: 0 Duration: 0:00 0.00% Axis shifts: 4 Conduction-change shifts: 0 Noisy events: 0 Unreadable intervals: 0 Duration: 0:00 0.00% Lead 1: Ischemic episodes: 1 Duration: 3:08 0.24% Rate-related episodes: 0 Duration: 0:00 0.00% Axis shifts: 1 Conduction-change shifts: 0 Noisy events: 0 Unreadable intervals: 0 Duration: 0:00 0.00% Total: Ischemic episodes: 2 Duration: 7:26 0.28% Rate-related episodes: 0 Duration: 0:00 0.00% Axis shifts: 5 Conduction-change shifts: 0 Noisy events: 0 Unreadable intervals: 0 Duration: 0:00 0.00% Combined: Ischemic episodes: 1 Duration: 4:18 0.33% Rate-related episodes: 0 Duration: 0:00 0.00% Unreadable intervals: 0 Duration: 0:00 0.00% Combined [ischemic or rate-related]: ST segment episodes: 1 Duration: 4:18 0.33% Unreadable intervals: 0 Duration: 0:00 0.00% QRS ATRUTH ANNOTATIONS (s20581.atr) Total number of beats 84935 Normal beats 84902 Premature ventricular contractions 18 Supraventricular premature or ectopic beats 15