function FeatureiDFT = featiDFTl(fs,num,ESig) % % % % % Written by Jiayuan He % email: % % % for use of this code please cite: % He, J., Zhang, D., Sheng, X., Li, S., & Zhu, X. (2014). Invariant surface % EMG feature against varying contraction level for myoelectric control based % on muscle coordination. IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics, % 19(3), 874-882. % tic; smp = size(ESig,3); Chl = size(ESig,1); fl = 0.01; fh = 0.225; temp = [20 92 163 235 307 378 ]; %均布 temp1 = [92 163 235 307 378 450]; %temp = [20 56 92 128 163 199 235 271 307 343 378 414]; %十二等分 %temp1 = [56 92 128 163 199 235 271 307 343 378 414 450]; sn = size(ESig,2); for i = 1:num, nf(i,1) = floor(temp(i)*(sn/2)/(fs/2)); nf(i,2) = floor(temp1(i)*(sn/2)/(fs/2)); end; if(nf(1,1)==0) nf(1,1) = 1; end; idft = 0; for i = 1:smp, %fix samples for k = 1:Chl, % for k = 3:3, sample = ESig(k,:,i); temp = fft(sample); tl = fix(length(temp)/2); temp1 = abs(temp(1:tl)); for l1 = 1:num, y = 0; y1 = 0; for a = 1:(nf(l1,2)-nf(l1,1)), y = y + abs(temp1(a-1+nf(l1,1))); end % y = power(y,2/3); % change power compression method y = log(y); idft = [idft,y]; end; end idft = idft(2:size(idft,2)); FeatureiDFT(i,:) = idft; idft = 0; end; % toc;