# Can we detect cognitive effort with consumer-grade wearables? The dataset is divided into two main directories: - **pilot** – this folder contains data from 11 volunteers that took part in the pilot study (id 0-10). - **survey_gamification** – this directory contains data from 14 volunteers that took part in the survey gamification experiment (id 11-24). Each of the folders contains subfolders with per participant data. Those subfolders are named after the id of the participant. In the **pilot** study, participants folders have the following subfolders: *baseline*, *cognitive_load*. *baseline* – physiological data collected during rest. It contains the following csv files: - emaptica_bvp.csv - blood volume pulse (BVP, PPG Green) signal from Empatica E4 Watch - empatica_eda.csv - Emda signal from Empatica E4 Watch - empatica_temp.csv - body surface temperature from Empatica E4 Watch - muse_eeg.csv - Delta, Theta, Alpha , Beta and Gamma signals from AF7 (left forhead), AF8 (right forhead), Tp9 (left ear), Tp10 (right ear) - samsung_bvp.csv - PPG Green signal from Samsung Galaxy Watch4 *cognitive_load* – physiological data collected during Stroop task. It contains the following csv files: - emaptica_bvp.csv - empatica_eda.csv - empatica_temp.csv - muse_eeg.csv - samsung_bvp.csv - stroop_responses.csv - detailed data collected during the Stroop test In the **survey_gamification** experiment contains per patient folders divided into *pre* and *post* directories containing data for the first and second experiment session, respectively. *Pre* and *post* directories contain: *baseline* and *cognitive_load* folders described earlier and *survey* directory. *survey* - physiological data collected during filling the survey. It contains the following csv files: - emaptica_bvp.csv - empatica_eda.csv - empatica_temp.csv - muse_eeg.csv - samsung_bvp.csv - questionnaires.csv - contains information on which questionnairs were filled and whether they were gamified or not - responses.csv Example of survey screen in both gamified and non-gamified condition. The gamified survey has simple game elements such as : progress tracking (avatar moving on a street) and rewards for survey completion (present) ![Alt text](example_gamified.png "Example Gamified Survey ") ![Alt text](example_non_gamified.png "Example Non-Gamified Survey ")