function out = findFQRS(FECG) % FQRS detection based on entropy estimation and peak detection % (c) Jakub Kuzilek % E-mail: % Version: 1.0 Last update: 23/08/2013. % (Version: 1.0, 23/08/2013) % %====================================================== % % PURPOSE: This function detects FQRS in ECG recording. Developed for % purpose of Physionet Challenge 2013. % % MANDATORY INPUT ARGUMENTS % FECG ..... fetal ECG Mx1, M - length of data (one lead) % OPTIONAL INPUT ARGUMENTS % none % OUTPUT ARGUMENTS % out .... positions of FQRS %========================================================= ent = []; M = 5; for n = 1:length(FECG)-M ent(end+1) = wentropy(FECG(n:n+M),'shannon'); end [~,out]=findpeaks(-1*ent,'MINPEAKHEIGHT',200,'MINPEAKDISTANCE',300);