function out = correctFQRS(FECG, FQRS) % FQRS correction function % (c) Jakub Kuzilek % E-mail: % Version: 1.0 Last update: 24/08/2013. % (Version: 1.0, 23/08/2013) % %====================================================== % % PURPOSE: This function detects FQRS in ECG recording. Developed for % purpose of Physionet Challenge 2013. % % MANDATORY INPUT ARGUMENTS % FECG ..... fetal ECG Mx1, M - length of data (one lead) % FQRS ..... fetal HRV Mx1, M - length of data (one lead) % OPTIONAL INPUT ARGUMENTS % none % OUTPUT ARGUMENTS % out .... positions of FQRS %========================================================= indx = find(findMeanHigh(diff(FQRS),10)); FHR = diff(FQRS); FHR(indx) = []; meanFHR = mean(FHR); passed = []; it = 1; % DECISION OF SELECTED is problem or PREV or NEXT is problem? while length(indx)> length(FQRS)*0.1 && it < 1000 pri = indx(1); if pri > 1 && pri < length(FQRS) prev = FQRS(pri) - FQRS(pri-1); next = FQRS(pri+1) - FQRS(pri); % if (prev < 0.8*meanFHR || prev > 1.2*meanFHR) && (next < 0.8*meanFHR || next > 1.2*meanFHR) if prev < 0.8*meanFHR || prev > 1.2*meanFHR pos = FQRS(pri)-meanFHR; if pos > 1 && pos <= length(FECG) [~,lok] = max(FECG(max([pos-100 1]):min([pos+100 length(FECG)]))); pos = pos-100+lok; FQRS(pri-1) = round(pos); indx = find(findMeanHigh(diff(FQRS),10)); passed = [passed FQRS(pri)]; indx(findPassed(FQRS(indx),passed)) = []; elseif pos<=1 FQRS(1:pri-1) = []; end elseif next < 0.8*meanFHR || next > 1.2*meanFHR pos = FQRS(pri)+meanFHR; if pos - 100 > 1 && pos+100 <= length(FECG) [~,lok] = max(FECG(pos-100:pos+100)); pos = pos-100+lok; FQRS(pri+1) = round(pos); indx = find(findMeanHigh(diff(FQRS),10)); passed = [passed FQRS(pri)]; indx(findPassed(FQRS(indx),passed)) = []; end elseif (prev < 0.8*meanFHR || prev > 1.2*meanFHR) && (next < 0.8*meanFHR || next > 1.2*meanFHR) pos = (FQRS(pri-1)+FQRS(pri+1))/2; if pos - 100 > 1 && pos+100 <= length(FECG) [~,lok] = max(FECG(pos-100:pos+100)); pos = pos-100+lok; FQRS(pri) = round(pos); indx = find(findMeanHigh(diff(FQRS),10)); passed = [passed FQRS(pri)]; indx(findPassed(FQRS(indx),passed)) = []; end end end % figure % plot(FECG) % hold on % stem(FQRS, FECG(FQRS),'r') % stem(FQRS(indx), FECG(FQRS(indx)),'g') it = it+1; end out = FQRS; function out = findPassed(in,passed) out = []; for m = 1:length(in) if any(passed == in(m)) out(end+1) = m; end end % for m = 1:length(indx) % ind = indx(m); % if ind > 1 && ind < length(FQRS); % next = FQRS(ind+1); % if next-meanFHR-100>1 && next-meanFHR+100 <= length(FECG) % [~,lok] = max(FECG(next-meanFHR-100:next-meanFHR+100)); % FQRS(ind) = next-meanFHR-100+lok; % end % end % end % % out = FQRS;