clearvars -except settings close all;clc data_root = '/_space_/Temp/CinC/'; set_name='set-a'; results='/_space_/Temp/CinC/Outcomes-a.txt'; condit = 'condit7'; if exist('settings', 'var') cellfun(@(f) evalin('caller', [f '=a.' f ';']), fieldnames(settings)) end % set_name='set-b'; % fname_out='Outputs-b.txt' % results=[]; data_dir=[data_root filesep set_name filesep]; records=dir([data_dir '*.txt']); records=sort({}); I=length(records); %Subjects(I,1) = struct(); display(['Processing records ...']) % The file of known outcomes contains six columns. The Challenge goal is % to predict the sixth column, IHD (in-hospital death). variables={'record_id_res','SAPS','SOFA','LOS','Survival','IHD'}; fid_result=fopen(results,'r'); C=textscan(fid_result,'%f %f %f %f %f %f','delimiter', ',','HeaderLines',1); fclose(fid_result); for n=1:length(variables) eval([variables{n} '=C{:,n};']) end % Each Challenge .txt file (record) contains data for one patient, in 3 columns % (timestamp, parameter, and value). During each iteration of the loop below, % the contents of a single record are loaded into arrays named tm, % category, and val. Each data set (A, B, and C) contains 4000 records. header={'tm','category','val'}; for i=1:I record_id=records{i}(1:end-4); fname=[data_dir record_id '.txt']; fid_in=fopen(fname,'r'); C=textscan(fid_in,'%q %q %f','delimiter', ',','HeaderLines',1); fclose(fid_in); for n=1:length(header) eval([header{n} '=C{:,n};']) end %%% Ad hoc part Subjects(i,1) = import_subject(tm,category,val,IHD(record_id_res==str2double(record_id))); if(~mod(i,500)) disp(['Processed: ' num2str(i) ' records out of ' num2str(I)]) end end disp('*** All records processed') save([data_root filesep set_name '_Subj.mat'], '-v7', 'Subjects'); disp('Conditioning ....') [SubjectsC, Condit] = condit_subject(Subjects, condit); save([data_root filesep set_name '_SubjC.mat'], '-v7', 'SubjectsC', 'Condit'); disp('*** All records processed')