Visit,Physionet,Directory,Protocol,Filename,Format,Channels,Sampling rate,Label,description,units,Calibration,Equipment,Device output sampling rate,Experiment Screening,Not uploaded,Screening,ICF,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,TCD window,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,Blood draw,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,PCP permission,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Screening,Data/ECG,24 hour ECG and EMG monitoring,me6000,"ME6000 files (ECG and EMG files were recorded during the protocol walking test, and during the daily activity and sleeping)",,,,,,,,,, ,,12 min walk,,,ME6000,5,1000Hz,,,,,,, ,,sit-to-stand test,,S####ECG.dat,,,,,,,,,, ,,sleep,,S####ECG.hea,,1,,ECG 1,CH1 V5/V6-L clavicle,,,,, ,,,,,,2,,ECG 2,CH2 V1/V2 L clavicle,,,,, ,,,,,,3,,foot switch,right,,,,, ,,,,,,4,,foot switch,left,,,,, ,,,,,,5,,EMG,gastrocnemius right,,,,, ,,,,,,6,,EMG,gastrocnemius left,,,,, ,,,,,,7,,accelerometer,,,,,, ,,,,,,8,,empty,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Visit 1,Not uploaded,Retinal Imaging,Retinal Imaging,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Visit 1,Not uploaded,Cognitive testing,Cognitive,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Visit 1,Data/Pedar,Pedar,12 minute walk,"Walk test 1&2 ( walk1 around 11 am and walk 2 in the afternoon, normal hallway walking for 12 min recorded with EMG channels using ME6000)",,,,,,,,,, ,,,,"and foot pressure distribution using pedar moile, some subjects also have Portapress beat-to-beat blood pressure",,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Walking test- foot pressure distribution and walking characteristics using Pedar Mobile,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,S####DA.ASC_Pedar,DAT,,,,,,,,, ,,,,S####DA.ASC_Pedar,HEA,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,16,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,"header: filename, left insole #, right insole #, mean step left, mean step right, min and max step, total time (s econds), distance ( meters),velocity (m/s)",,,,,,,, ,,,,,,1,step_no,,,,,,, ,,,,,,2,foot,,,,,,, ,,,,,,3,max. force[N],,,,,,, ,,,,,,4,mean force[N],,,,,,, ,,,,,,5,max pressure [N/cm²],,,,,,, ,,,,,,6,start,,,,,,, ,,,,,,7,start in % of total time,,,,,,, ,,,,,,8,stride,,,,,,, ,,,,,,9,step,,,,,,, ,,,,,,10,stance,,,,,,, ,,,,,,11,stance in % of stride,,,,,,, ,,,,,,12,swing,,,,,,, ,,,,,,13,swing in %,,,,,,, ,,,,,,14,init double in %,,,,,,, ,,,,,,15,single limb support %,,,,,,, ,,,,,,16,terminate double %,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Visit 2,Data/labview,Labview,Head up tilt,"Vasoreactivity, Valsalva maneuver, Head up tilt",,,,,,,,,, ,,with TCD,TCD,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,Valsalva manuever,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,5 min supine baseline,,S#####DB.dat,Labview,10,500,,,,,,, ,,3 min hyperventilation,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,3 min CO2 rebreathing,,,,1,,Marker,,,,,, ,,5 min supine rest,,,,2,,ECG,,,,,, ,,Head up tilt 10 min,,,,3,,ABP,,,,,, ,,,,,,4,,Mcar,,,,,, ,,,,,,5,,Mcal,,,,,, ,,,,,,6,,Radi,,,,,, ,,,,,,7,,Therm,,,,,, ,,,,,,8,,Flow,,,,,, ,,,,,,9,,O2,,,,,, ,,,,,,10,,Co2,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Day 2,data/labview,labview-sit-to-stand,Sit-to stand with eyes open and closed,,,,,,,,,,, ,,"5 min sitting with eyes open on balance platform with simultaneous cardiovascular, TCD ",,,,,,,,,,,, ,,"5 min standing with eyes open on balance platform with simultaneous cardiovascular, TCD and balance measures ",,,,,,,,,,,, ,,"5 min sitting with eyes closed on balance platform with simultaneous cardiovascular, TCD ",,,,,,,,,,,, ,,"5 min standing with eyes closed on balance platform with simultaneous cardiovascular, TCD and balance measures ",,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,S#####DC.dat ,Labview,15,1000,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,1,,Marker,,,,,, ,,,,,,2,,ECG,,,,,, ,,,,,,3,,ABP,,,,,, ,,,,,,4,,Mcar,,,,,, ,,,,,,5,,Mcal,,,,,, ,,,,,,6,,Radi,,,,,, ,,,,,,7,,Therm,,,,,, ,,,,,,8,,Flow,,,,,, ,,,,,,9,,O2,,,,,, ,,,,,,10,,Co2,,,,,, ,,,,,,11,,fx,,,,,, ,,,,,,12,,fy,,,,,, ,,,,,,13,,fz,,,,,, ,,,,,,14,,px,,,,,, ,,,,,,15,,py,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Day 2,Not uploaded,3TMRI,Anatomial and perfusion MRI,"MRI- anatomical, CBF regional perfusiona dn paerfusion in vascular territories; CO2 vasoreactivity to hyperventilation and C02 rebreathing",,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,"3Tesla GE Signa Vhi or Excite scanner and phase arrays head coil ( GE Medical Systmes, Milwaukee, WI)",,,,,,,, ,,,,MP-RAGE,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,MP-RAGE) (repetition,ml or % of total brain volume,,,, ,,,,,,,,,time [TR]/echo time [TE]/inversion time [TI]  7.8/3.1/600,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,"msec, 3.0 mm slice thickness, 52 slices, bandwidth  122 Hz",,,,, ,,,,,,,,,"per pixel, flip angle  10°, 24 cm  24 cm field of view [FOV],",,,,, ,,,,,,,,,256  192 matrix size),,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,FLAIR,,,,,fluid-attenuated inversion recovery,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,"(FLAIR) (TR/TE/TI  11,000/161/2,250 msec, 5 mm slice",,,,, ,,,,,,,,,"thickness, 30 slices, bandwidth  122 Hz per pixel, flip angle ",,,,, ,,,,,,,,,"90°, 24 cm  24 cm FOV, 256  160 matrix size),",,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,DWI,,,,,"diffusion-weighted image (b value of 1,000 seconds/",,,,, ,,,,,,,,,"mm2, TR/TE  10,000/86.6 msec, 5 mm slice thickness, bandwidth",,,,, ,,,,,,,,," 250 kHz, 128  128 matrix size",,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,CASL,CBF,,,,three-dimensional stack of,mL · 100 g1 · min1,,,, ,,,,,,,,,"interleaved spirals fast spin echo sequence (TR/TE  6,000/",,,,, ,,,,,,,,,"23.8 msec, echo train length  66, with a 18  18 cm FOV, in",,,,, ,,,,,,,,,"the coronal plane and 64 slices with thickness  3.8 mm, eight",,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Transcranial Doppler,,,,,,,,,,