# file: Makefile G. Moody 24 June 1989 # Last revised: 20 December 2001 # `make' description file for the WFDB Applications Guide # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # WFDB applications: programs for working with annotated signals # Copyright (C) 2001 George B. Moody # # These programs are free software; you can redistribute them and/or modify # them under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your # option) any later version. # # These programs are distributed in the hope that they will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for # more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # these programs; if not, see . # # You may contact the author by e-mail (wfdb@physionet.org) or postal mail # (MIT Room E25-505A, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA). For updates to this software, # please visit PhysioNet (http://www.physionet.org/). # _____________________________________________________________________________ # # This file is used with the UNIX `make' command to create and install on-line # versions of the WFDB Applications Guide, and also to print it. Before using # this file for the first time, check that the site-specific variables below # are appropriate for your system. # The WFDB Applications Guide documents the application programs provided in # the app, convert, psd, wave (briefly), and wview subdirectories of wfdb, as # well as the file formats supported by the WFDB Software Package. It also # includes a tutorial on evaluation of arrhythmia and ischemia detectors using # this software and standard databases. # The most recent version of this guide is always available on PhysioNet # (follow the links from http://www.physionet.org/physiotools/manuals.shtml). # Use any web browser to read it. # If you follow the instructions for a standard installation of the WFDB # Software Package, the man pages from this directory will be installed so they # can be read using 'man', 'xman', etc. The individual pages will be # accessible to the UNIX `man' command, and to similar commands such as `xman', # provided that MANDIR (see below) is in your MANPATH (type `man man' for # further information). # If you have the necessary formatting software, these man pages and the # remainder of the WFDB Applications Guide can be produced in a wide variety of # formats from the sources in in this directory. Here is a brief list of # available formats and the commands needed to produce them: # HTML 'make wag.html'(requires rman, latex2html, and perl) # man pages 'make wag.man' # PDF 'make wag.pdf' (requires troff, tbl, pdflatex, ps2pdf, pdftk) # PostScript 'make wag.ps' (requires the above tools plus pdftops) # printed copy 'make wag-book'(requires the above tools plus a printer) # _____________________________________________________________________________ # file: version.def G. Moody 24 May 2000 # Last revised: 25 January 2018 # Each release of the WFDB Software Package is identified by a three-part # version number, defined below. Be sure to leave a single space before # and after the "=" in each of the next three lines! MAJOR = 10 MINOR = 7 RELEASE = 0 VERSION = 10.7.0 # RPMRELEASE can be incremented if changes are made between official # releases. It should be reset to 1 whenever the VERSION is changed. RPMRELEASE = 1 # VDEFS is the set of C compiler options needed to set version number variables # while compiling the WFDB Software Package. VDEFS = -DWFDB_MAJOR=$(MAJOR) -DWFDB_MINOR=$(MINOR) -DWFDB_RELEASE=$(RELEASE) # WAVEVERSION is the WAVE version number. WAVEVERSION = 6.12 # _____________________________________________________________________________ # Definitions generated by 'configure' PACKAGE = wfdb-10.7.0 SRCDIR = "/tmp/wfdb-10.7.0" LONGDATE = 10 June 2022 SHORTDATE = JUNE 2022 YEAR = 2022 ARCH = x86_64-Linux BUILD_CC = $(CC) # _____________________________________________________________________________ # file: linux.def G. Moody 31 May 2000 # Last revised: 18 May 2022 # 'make' definitions for compiling the WFDB Software Package under Linux # Choose a value for WFDBROOT to determine where the WFDB Software Package will # be installed. One of the following is usually a reasonable choice. # Installing in /usr generally requires root permissions, but will be easiest # for future software development (no special -I or -L options will be needed # to compile software with the WFDB library, since the *.h files and the # library will be installed in the standard directories). WFDBROOT = /usr/local # Installing in /usr/local usually requires root permissions. On a multi-user # system where it is desirable to keep the OS vendor's software separate from # other software, this is a good choice. Another common choice in such cases # is /opt . # WFDBROOT = /usr/local # To install without root permissions, a good choice is to set WFDBROOT to the # name of your home directory, as in the example below (change as needed). # WFDBROOT = /home/frodo # LC and LL are used to determine C compiler and linker options needed to # enable NETFILES (code that allows applications linked to the WFDB library to # read input from HTTP and FTP servers, in addition to the standard filesystem # support available without NETFILES). The WFDB library can use either # libcurl (recommended) or libwww to provide NETFILES support. To use libcurl, # set LC to `curl-config --cflags` (note the backquotes) and LL to # `curl-config --libs`. Otherwise, to use libwww, set LC to # `libwww-config --cflags` and LL to `libwww-config --libs`. If neither # libcurl nor libwww is available, LC and LL should be empty (and NETFILES # will be disabled). LC = `curl-config --cflags` LL = `curl-config --libs` # LIBFLAC_CFLAGS and LIBFLAC_LIBS specify the set of C compiler and # linker options needed to link with the FLAC library. LIBFLAC_CFLAGS = `pkg-config --cflags flac` LIBFLAC_LIBS = `pkg-config --libs flac` # BINDIR specifies the directory in which the applications will be installed; # it should be a directory in the PATH of those who will use the applications. BINDIR = $(WFDBROOT)/bin # DBDIR specifies the name of a directory in which to install the contents # of the `data' directory. DBDIR = $(WFDBROOT)/database # INCDIR specifies the name of a directory in which to install the WFDB # library's #include <...> files. INCDIR = $(WFDBROOT)/include # INFODIR is the GNU info directory (optional, needed to `make info'). INFODIR = $(WFDBROOT)/share/info # LIBDIR specifies the name of a directory in which to install the WFDB # library. LIBDIR = $(WFDBROOT)/lib # MANDIR is the root of the man page directory tree. On most systems, this is # something like /usr/man or /usr/local/man (type 'man man' to find out). MANDIR = $(WFDBROOT)/share/man # PSPDIR specifies the name of a directory in which to install the PostScript # prolog (*.pro) files from the 'app' directory. PSPDIR = $(WFDBROOT)/lib/ps # CC is the name of your C compiler. CC = gcc # CCDEFS is the set of C compiler options needed to set preprocessor variables # while compiling the WFDB Software Package. CCDEFS should always include # VDEFS (the version definitions). Under Linux, add -fno-stack-protector # when compiling the original (SWIG-based) WFDB Toolkit for Matlab. CCDEFS = -DWFDB_FLAC_SUPPORT $(VDEFS) -DWFDB_LARGETIME # MFLAGS is the set of architecture-dependent (-m*) compiler options, which # is usually empty. See the gcc manual for information about gcc's -m options. MFLAGS = # CFLAGS is the set of C compiler options. CFLAGS should always include # CCDEFS. CFLAGS = -Wno-implicit -Wformat $(MFLAGS) -g -O $(CCDEFS) $(LC) $(LIBFLAC_CFLAGS) \ -I$(DESTDIR)$(INCDIR) # RPATHFLAGS is a set of C compiler options that cause the program to # search for shared libraries in a non-standard location at run-time. # These options are not needed or useful when using a static library. RPATHFLAGS = -Wl,--enable-new-dtags,-rpath,$(LIBDIR) # LDFLAGS is appended to the C compiler command line to specify loading the # WFDB library. LDFLAGS = -L$(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR) -lwfdb $(RPATHFLAGS) # WFDBLIB is the name of the standard WFDB library. In order to access it via # `-lwfdb', WFDBLIB should be `libwfdb.a'. WFDBLIB = libwfdb.a # BUILDLIB is the command that creates the static WFDB library once its # components have been compiled separately; the list of *.o files that # make up the library will be appended to BUILDLIB. BUILDLIB = $(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $(WFDBLIB) # RANLIB is the command that builds an index of symbols in the static # library, after it has been created by the BUILDLIB command. RANLIB = ranlib # PRINT is the name of the program used to produce listings (including any # options for the desired formatting). PRINT = lpr # SETPERMISSIONS is the command needed to make the installed files accessible # to those who will use them. The value given below makes them readable by # everyone, and writeable by the owner only. (If you perform the installation # as `root', `root' is the owner of the installed files.) SETPERMISSIONS = chmod 644 # SETDPERMISSIONS is similarly used to make directories created during the # installation accessible. SETDPERMISSIONS = chmod 755 # SETLPERMISSIONS is the command needed to make the WFDB library usable by # programs linked to it. SETLPERMISSIONS = chmod 644 # SETXPERMISSIONS is the command needed to make the applications accessible. SETXPERMISSIONS = chmod 755 # STRIP is the command used to compact the compiled binaries by removing their # symbol tables. STRIP = strip # To retain the symbol tables for debugging, comment out the previous line, and # uncomment the next line. # STRIP = : # ........................................................................... # This section of definitions is used only when compiling WAVE, which is # possible only if the XView and Xlib libraries and include files have been # installed. # OPENWINHOME specifies the root directory of the OpenWindows hierarchy. # This is usually /usr/openwin. OPENWINHOME = /usr/openwin # OWINCDIR is the directory in which the `xview' directory containing XView # *.h files is found. OWINCDIR = $(OPENWINHOME)/include # OWLIBDIR is the directory in which the XView library is found. OWLIBDIR = $(OPENWINHOME)/lib # XHOME specifies the root directory of the X11 hierarchy. # This is usually /usr/X11R6 (or /usr/X11). XHOME = /usr/X11R6 # XINCDIR is the directory in which the 'X11' directory containing X11 *.h # files is found. This is usually /usr/X11R6/include, although there is often # a link connecting /usr/include/X11 to this directory. XINCDIR = $(XHOME)/include # XLIBDIR is the directory in which the X11 libraries are found. XLIBDIR = $(XHOME)/lib # RPCINCDIR is the directory in which the 'rpc/rpc.h' file is found, # if it is not in the default path. RPCINCDIR = /usr/include/tirpc # WCFLAGS is the set of C compiler options to use when compiling WAVE. WCFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) -I$(OWINCDIR) -I$(XINCDIR) -I$(RPCINCDIR) \ -fno-stack-protector # HELPOBJ can be set to "help.o" if you wish to recompile the XView spot help # functions in "wave/help.c" (recommended under Linux). HELPOBJ = help.o # Otherwise, use the version in libxview by uncommenting the next line: # HELPOBJ = # WLDFLAGS is the set of loader options appended to the C compiler command line # to specify loading the WFDB, XView, and Xlib libraries. WLDFLAGS = $(LDFLAGS) -L$(OWLIBDIR) -L$(XLIBDIR) -lxview -lolgx -lX11 # Users of Red Hat Linux 5.0 or 5.1 (not later versions), use this instead: # WLDFLAGS = $(LDFLAGS) -L$(XLIBDIR) $(OWLIBDIR)/libxview.a \ # $(OWLIBDIR)/libolgx.a -lX11 # This setting avoids incompatibilities with the shared (dynamic) libraries. # ........................................................................... # `make' (with no target specified) will be equivalent to `make all'. make-all: all # `make lib-post-install' should be run after installing the WFDB library. lib-post-install: $(RANLIB) $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/$(WFDBLIB) lib-post-uninstall: echo "Nothing to be done for lib-post-uninstall" # _____________________________________________________________________________ # file: Makefile.tpl G. Moody 24 May 2000 # Last revised: 7 December 2017 # Change the settings below as appropriate for your setup. # D2PARGS is a list of options for dvips. Uncomment one of these to set the # paper size ("a4" is most common except in the US and Canada): # D2PARGS = -t a4 D2PARGS = -t letter # LN is a command that makes the file named by its first argument accessible # via the name given in its second argument. If your system supports symbolic # links, uncomment the next line. LN = ln -sf # Otherwise uncomment the next line if your system supports hard links. # LN = ln # If your system doesn't support links at all, copy files instead. # LN = cp # MAN1, MAN3, MAN5, and MAN7 are the directories in which local man pages for # section 1 (commands), section 3 (libraries), section 5 (formats), and # section 7 (conventions and miscellany) go. You may wish to use # $(MANDIR)/manl for all of these; if so, uncomment the next four lines. # MAN1 = $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/manl # MAN3 = $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/manl # MAN5 = $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/manl # MAN7 = $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/manl # Uncomment the next four lines to put the man pages in with the standard # ones. MAN1 = $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man1 MAN3 = $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man3 MAN5 = $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man5 MAN7 = $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man7 # If you want to put the man pages somewhere else, edit 'maninst.sh' first. # PSPRINT is the name of the program that prints PostScript files. If your # printer is not a PostScript printer, see the GhostScript documentation to see # how to do this (since the figure files are in PostScript form, it is not # sufficient to use a non-PostScript dvi translator such as dvilj). PSPRINT = lpr # TROFF is the name of the program that formats UNIX troff files (needed to # 'make ag' and for the covers of the guides). Use 'groff' if you have # GNU groff (the preferred formatter). TROFF = groff # Use 'ptroff' if you have Adobe TranScript software. # TROFF = ptroff # Consult your system administrator if you have neither 'groff' nor 'ptroff'. # Other (untested) possibilities are 'psroff', 'ditroff', 'nroff', and 'troff'. # TMAN is the TROFF option needed to load the 'man' macro package. This should # not need to be changed unless your system is non-standard; see the file # 'tmac.dif' for comments on a page-numbering bug in some versions of the 'man' # package. # TMAN = -man # Use the alternate definition below to get consecutively numbered pages using # GNU groff. Omit -rD1 if the final document will be printed on only one side # of each page. TMAN = -rC1 -rD1 -man # PDFPS converts a PDF file to a PostScript file. Use either of these: # PDFPS = pdf2ps PDFPS = pdftops # PSPDF converts a PostScript file to a PDF file. PSPDF = ps2pdf # It should not be necessary to modify anything below this line. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- all: wag.html wag.pdf cp -p wag.pdf ../wag install: wag.man collect: $(MAKE) MANDIR=/tmp/wfdb/$(MANDIR) install uninstall: ../../uninstall.sh $(MAN1) *.1 ad2m.1 ahaconvert.1 ahaecg2mit.1 \ ann2rr.1 m2a.1 md2a.1 hrlomb.1 hrmem.1 hrplot.1 plot3d.1 cshsetwfdb.1 \ rr2ann.1 gqpost.1 mit2edf.1 mit2wav.1 pNNx.1 ../../uninstall.sh $(MAN3) *.3 ../../uninstall.sh $(MAN5) *.5 ../../uninstall.sh $(MAN7) *.7 rm -f ../wag/* # 'make wag-book': print a copy of the WFDB Applications Guide wag-book: wag.ps cp wag.cover wagcover echo $(SHORTDATE) >>wagcover echo .bp >>wagcover $(TROFF) wagcover >wagcover.ps $(PSPRINT) wagcover.ps $(PSPRINT) wag.ps # 'make wag.html': format the WFDB Applications Guide as HTML wag.html: cp -p ../misc/icons/* fixag.sh fixag.sed ../wag ./manhtml.sh ../wag *.1 *.3 *.5 *.7 cp -p install0.tex install.tex cp -p eval0.tex eval.tex latex2html -init_file ./.latex2html-init \ -dir ../wag -local_icons -prefix in \ -up_url="wag.htm" -up_title="WFDB Applications Guide" install latex2html -init_file ./.latex2html-init \ -dir ../wag -local_icons -prefix ev \ -up_url="wag.htm" -up_title="WFDB Applications Guide" eval rm -f install.tex eval.tex cd ../wag; rm -f index.html WARNINGS *.aux *.log *.tex sed "s/LONGDATE/$(LONGDATE)/" ../wag/intro.htm sed "s/LONGDATE/$(LONGDATE)/" ../wag/faq.htm cd ../wag; ./fixag.sh "$(LONGDATE)" *.html; rm -f fixag.sh images.* cd ../wag; rm -f .I* .ORIG_MAP *.html *.pl fixag.sed ./maketoc-html.sh | \ sed "s/LONGDATE/$(LONGDATE)/" | \ sed "s/VERSION/$(VERSION)/" >../wag/wag.htm cd ../wag; ln -s wag.htm index.html # 'make wag.man': install the man pages from the WFDB Applications Guide wag.man: test -d $(MAN1) || ( mkdir -p $(MAN1); $(SETDPERMISSIONS) $(MAN1) ) test -d $(MAN3) || ( mkdir -p $(MAN3); $(SETDPERMISSIONS) $(MAN3) ) test -d $(MAN5) || ( mkdir -p $(MAN5); $(SETDPERMISSIONS) $(MAN5) ) test -d $(MAN7) || ( mkdir -p $(MAN7); $(SETDPERMISSIONS) $(MAN7) ) ./maninst.sh $(MAN1) $(MAN3) $(MAN5) $(MAN7) "$(SETPERMISSIONS)" cd $(MAN1); $(LN) a2m.1 ad2m.1 cd $(MAN1); $(LN) a2m.1 ahaconvert.1 cd $(MAN1); $(LN) a2m.1 ahaecg2mit.1 cd $(MAN1); $(LN) a2m.1 m2a.1 cd $(MAN1); $(LN) a2m.1 md2a.1 cd $(MAN1); $(LN) ann2rr.1 rr2ann.1 cd $(MAN1); $(LN) edf2mit.1 mit2edf.1 cd $(MAN1); $(LN) gqrs.1 gqpost.1 cd $(MAN1); $(LN) hrfft.1 hrlomb.1 cd $(MAN1); $(LN) hrfft.1 hrmem.1 cd $(MAN1); $(LN) hrfft.1 hrplot.1 cd $(MAN1); $(LN) plot2d.1 plot3d.1 cd $(MAN1); $(LN) pnnlist.1 pNNx.1 cd $(MAN1); $(LN) setwfdb.1 cshsetwfdb.1 cd $(MAN1); $(LN) wav2mit.1 mit2wav.1 # 'make wag.ps': format the WFDB Applications Guide as PostScript wag.ps: wag.pdf $(PDFPS) wag.pdf # 'make wag.pdf': format the WFDB Applications Guide as PDF wag.pdf: wag.tex $(MAKE) wag1.pdf # also makes wag2.pdf, wag3.pdf, wag4.pdf pdftk wag[1234].pdf cat output wag.pdf # concatenate sections $(SETPERMISSIONS) wag.pdf wag1.pdf: wag2.pdf $(MAKE) getpagenos maketoclines ./maketoc-tex.sh >wag1.toc # TOC, wag3.pdf, wag4.pdf sed 's/VERSION/$(VERSION)/' wag1.tex pdflatex '\nonstopmode\input{wag1}' # front matter wag2.pdf: tbl *.1 *.3 *.5 | $(TROFF) $(TMAN) >wag2.ps # man pages $(PSPDF) wag2.ps wag2.pdf wag3.pdf: install.tex sed "s/LONGDATE/$(LONGDATE)/" wag3.tex pdflatex '\nonstopmode\input{wag3}' wag4.pdf: eval.tex sed "s/LONGDATE/$(LONGDATE)/" wag4.tex pdflatex '\nonstopmode\input{wag4}' getpagenos: getpagenos.c $(BUILD_CC) -o getpagenos -O getpagenos.c maketoclines: maketoclines.c $(BUILD_CC) -o maketoclines -O maketoclines.c # 'make clean': remove intermediate and backup files clean: rm -f *.aux *.dvi *.log *.ps *.toc intro.htm faq.htm wag*pdf wagcover \ eval.tex install.tex wag[1234].tex *~