[OK]: Library version matches [OK]: WFDB does not support NETFILES [OK]: WFDB_MAXANN = 2 [OK]: WFDB_MAXSIG = 32 [OK]: WFDB_MAXSPF = 4 [OK]: WFDB_MAXRNL = 50 [OK]: WFDB_MAXUSL = 50 [OK]: WFDB_MAXDSL = 100 [OK]: Signal formats = {0, 8, 16, 61, 80, 160, 212, 310, 311, 24, 32, 508, 516, 524} [OK]: WFDB_DEFFREQ = 250 [OK]: WFDB_DEFGAIN = 200 [OK]: WFDB_DEFRES = 12 [OK]: Default WFDB path = . /usr/database http://physionet.org/physiobank/database [OK]: WFDB path modified successfully [OK]: WFDB calibration list opened successfully [OK]: getcal was successful [OK]: putcal returned 0 [OK]: putcal was successful [OK]: newcal was successful [OK]: sampfreq(NULL) returned 0 [OK]: setsampfreq changed sampling frequency successfully [OK]: sampfreq(100s) returned 360 [OK]: annopen of 1 file succeeded [OK]: annopen of 2 files succeeded [OK]: strecg returned 1 [OK]: ecgstr returned 'N' [OK]: strann returned 1 [OK]: annstr returned 'N' [OK]: anndesc returned 'Normal beat' [OK]: setecgstr succeeded [OK]: setannstr succeeded [OK]: setanndesc succeeded [OK]: strtim returned 1800 [OK]: timstr returned ' 0:05' [OK]: strdat returned 2451544 [OK]: datstr returned ' 31/12/1999' [OK]: iannsettime skipping forward to 0:05 [OK]: getann read: {Y 0 0 0} at 0:05.025 (1809) [OK]: getann read: {A 0 0 0} at 0:05.678 (2044) [OK]: getann read: {Y 0 0 0} at 0:06.672 (2402) [OK]: getann read: {Y 0 0 0} at 0:07.517 (2706) [OK]: getann read: {Y 0 0 0} at 0:08.328 (2998) [OK]: iannsettime skipping backward to 0:00 [OK]: 75 annotations read, 75 written [OK]: isigopen(100s, NULL, 0) succeeded [OK]: (at 0:00.000) getframe returned { 995, 1011} [OK]: (at 0:00.003) getframe returned { 995, 1011} [OK]: (at 0:00.006) getframe returned { 995, 1011} [OK]: (at 0:00.008) getframe returned { 995, 1011} [OK]: (at 0:00.011) getframe returned { 995, 1011} [OK]: aduphys returned -0.12 [OK]: physadu returned 1000 [OK]: adumuv returned 5000 [OK]: muvadu returned 1000 [OK]: sampfreq returned 360 [OK]: strtim returned 7200 [OK]: timstr returned ' 0:20' [OK]: isigsettime skipping forward to 0:20 [OK]: (at 0:20.000) getvec returned { 943, 946} [-0.405, -0.390] [OK]: (at 0:20.003) getvec returned { 942, 945} [-0.410, -0.395] [OK]: (at 0:20.006) getvec returned { 942, 946} [-0.410, -0.390] [OK]: (at 0:20.008) getvec returned { 942, 945} [-0.410, -0.395] [OK]: (at 0:20.011) getvec returned { 942, 949} [-0.410, -0.375] [OK]: isigsettime skipping backward to 0:19.997 [OK]: (at 0:19.997) getframe returned { 940, 944} [OK]: (at 0:20.000) getframe returned { 943, 946} [OK]: (at 0:20.003) getframe returned { 942, 945} [OK]: (at 0:20.006) getframe returned { 942, 946} [OK]: (at 0:20.008) getframe returned { 942, 945} [OK]: (at 0:20.011) getframe returned { 942, 949} [OK]: isigsettime skipping backward to 0:00.000 [OK]: osigfopen returned 2 [OK]: getframe read 21600 samples [OK]: putvec wrote 21600 samples [OK]: newheader created header for output record 100y [OK]: setinfo created info for output record 100y [OK]: 3 info strings copied to record 100y header [OK]: isigopen(100y, NULL, 0) succeeded [OK]: (at 0:00.000) getframe returned { 995, 1011} [OK]: (at 0:00.003) getframe returned { 995, 1011} [OK]: (at 0:00.006) getframe returned { 995, 1011} [OK]: (at 0:00.008) getframe returned { 995, 1011} [OK]: (at 0:00.011) getframe returned { 995, 1011} [OK]: aduphys returned -0.12 [OK]: physadu returned 1000 [OK]: adumuv returned 5000 [OK]: muvadu returned 1000 [OK]: sampfreq returned 360 [OK]: strtim returned 7200 [OK]: timstr returned ' 0:20' [OK]: isigsettime skipping forward to 0:20 [OK]: (at 0:20.000) getvec returned { 943, 946} [-0.405, -0.390] [OK]: (at 0:20.003) getvec returned { 942, 945} [-0.410, -0.395] [OK]: (at 0:20.006) getvec returned { 942, 946} [-0.410, -0.390] [OK]: (at 0:20.008) getvec returned { 942, 945} [-0.410, -0.395] [OK]: (at 0:20.011) getvec returned { 942, 949} [-0.410, -0.375] [OK]: isigsettime skipping backward to 0:19.997 [OK]: (at 0:19.997) getframe returned { 940, 944} [OK]: (at 0:20.000) getframe returned { 943, 946} [OK]: (at 0:20.003) getframe returned { 942, 945} [OK]: (at 0:20.006) getframe returned { 942, 946} [OK]: (at 0:20.008) getframe returned { 942, 945} [OK]: (at 0:20.011) getframe returned { 942, 949} [OK]: isigsettime skipping backward to 0:00.000 [OK]: osigfopen returned 2 [OK]: getframe read 21600 samples [OK]: putvec wrote 21600 samples [OK]: newheader created header for output record 100z [OK]: 3 info strings copied to record 100z header [OK]: no WFDB library errors [OK]: flushcal was successful no errors: test succeeded