Multiscale Entropy Analysis 1.0

File: <base>/Makefile (987 bytes)
# file: Makefile	G. Moody	4 August 2004

# make description file for managing the mse package

all:	tutorial.pdf html mse-1.htm
	cp -p tutorial.pdf tutorial/

# compile the mse application
mse:	mse.c
	gcc -o mse -O mse.c -lm

# make an HTML version of the tutorial
html:		tutorial.aux
	rm -f tutorial/*
	latex2html -dir tutorial -local_icons -up_url="../" -up_title="MSE Home" tutorial
	./fixhtml tutorial/*.html

# make a PDF version of the tutorial
tutorial.aux tutorial.pdf:	tutorial.tex
	pdflatex tutorial.tex
	pdflatex tutorial.tex

# make an HTML version of the mse man page
mse-1.htm:	mse.1
	rman -fHTML -l "%s(%s)" -r "/physiotools/wag/%6s-%s.htm" mse.1 | sed s/efefef/ffffff/ >mse-1.htm

# make a tarball of everything in this directory
	make all
	make clean
	rm -f tutorial.pdf
	cd ..; tar cfvz mse.tar.gz mse

# remove temporary and backup files
	rm -f *~ .*~ *.aux *.log *.out tutorial/images.* tutorial/ tutorial/ tutorial/WARNINGS mse